
Tuesday 4 January 2022

My First Card of 2022


Good Morning Ladies, 

It's Tuesday (I think) ! 😜  Paul has gone back to work today 😪 Lucy took Flynn to the train station last night, so he is on his way back to Naval Training at Plymouth,  so we said we would be sad together today!! 🤣😂, She is also missing Sophie too, so its double loss for her, to be honest Soph is constantly in touch, I get the feeling that she is really homesick this time bless her, I was having problems sleeping on Sunday night/monday morning so I answered one message from her at 1.30am and then had to make my excuses at 3.30am as I felt that the light from my phone was keeping Paul awake.  I felt as though I cheered her up a bit though so I certainly didn't mind.  Yesterday she was driving from Yosemite onto LA, a journey of around 5 hours, so I was expecting a lot of messages.  She didn't disappoint lol. !!

Lucy came to me yesterday morning and asked if I could 'quickly ' make  a card for Flynn to take away with him as it will be his birthday on Friday, so my journal was put to side for another day!  I got out my 'Biggest Wish ' stamp set, I stamped the Birthday stamp in shades of Blue (Flynn's favourite 💙) . I used my SU stamperatus to stamp the Birthday,  you just move the stamp plate down 1 notch and end up with a perfectly aligned column of words, in different shades of blue.  I decided to personalise the card so I used my SU Alphabet dies to die cut the letters of his name in matching colours to the Birthday stamps, I then die cut some 'Happy' die cuts and added those too.  Lucy was really pleased with it, which is the main thing.  So that was my first card of 2022'!! 

I am hoping to get back into my craft room today, I am looking forward to getting started with my journal. 

I hope that you are all having a good day,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. I love Flynn’s card and it’s in my favourite colour In my stamping platform I have to move the card along a certain measurement Your SU apparatus sounds easier
    My eyes are exceptionally blurry at mo So I’ll come back later
    Take care xxx

  2. Hi everyone
    A fantastic card for Flynn. I love the different shades of blue 😊
    Hope you have a good day crafting. I’ve not got much done, just had a little play the other day but I’m hoping to carry on this evening and tomorrow. I really really need to go through my craft cupboard and destash, but it’s one of those jobs I’m dreading because it’ll take me ages!
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Fab Card for Flynn. I like the different shades of blues to having his name on the side.
    Sophie will have so much to tell you later about her travels and thousands of photos to share. She's a lucky girl. I was about her age when I flow to Albuquerque on my own to see a friend who lived there and it was one of my best holidays.
    I'm doing some more de-cluttering today but as Sonia saying it does take hours. One of my kitchen cupboards are filled to the rafters,it's that the saying ?
    Have a good day everyone and I'm thinking of you Sonia and sending extra hugs to anyone who need some. Maria xx

  4. Hello, very cold here today.

    Sandra, love your card for Flynn, as the others have said the different blues really make the card, lm sure he’ll love it.

    My “baby” son is 50 this year so I’m looking for ideas for his card.

    Have a little ironing to finish before I start crafting, but am thinking of starting my new art journal. A bit daunting starting on a brand new white book.

    Brenda do hope you are feeling a bit better now, thinking of you and sending my best wishes.

    Have a good day all. Lilian
