
Saturday 22 January 2022

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I thought that I would share a quote that kind of explains how lucky I feel to have you amazing ladies in my life, you can enlarge it to read it. ❤

What are you all up to today?  We are having quite a relaxing day, Paul is packing the car with all the cardboard he can find to take to the tip,  I think Mr Amazon delivered most of our Christmas gifts so you can imagine boxes that contained gifts for a good 15 people !  My utility room will feel quite spacious after today. 

Janet your day sounded very eventful, I hope it all went smoothly.  We had same instructions when the Sky man came, we weren't allowed to go on the room with him, keep it ventilated etc, when he came he wasn't bothered, he had a cuppa and didn't stop chatting!  I guess the company has to tick all the boxes.  How is your new bed?  We are shopping for one, we have been for a while, it's so hard when you have had a good bed to part with it, although I am embarrassed to say that when we worked it out we had had our bed for 21 years !! I ordered it when Paul was in Iraq when the girls were about 6 months old!!  We have had 2 different memory foam mattress toppers in the past few years, which makes the world of difference.  The only problem we had was getting extra deep sheets.  Our bed is also quite high, which makes it easier for me to get up from.  We will keep looking.   


Janet's Description:

"I recently finished this front of a cushion. It has the title 'PAM'S SAMPLER TREE EMBROIDERY PANEL. It is made by 'Quilters Trading Post.
All I need to do now to finish is iron the front and add a back to make a cushion."

So lovely Janet, I love the colours, also the flowers/leaves from all seasons.  It will look so lovely when sewn onto a cushion, you are  such an accomplished seamstress.  
Thank you for sharing it with us XXX

Sonia's Shopping  & Amazing Card

Sonia has treated herself to a couple of stamps from Chloe’s Creative Cards,  they are called Snowfall Background  & Stardrop Background, both are incredibly detailed but not too overwhelming,  leaving you so many choices when it comes to finishing off the card, the stardrop one xould be used for anything from Christmas to Congratulations!!  
Sonia wasted no time in having a play with them and made this amazing card for Dad.....

Sonia's Description:

I’ve used the star one, and to be honest, the image hasn’t been stamping properly. Not sure if it’s just my inks or not enough pressure. I managed to use it for my Dads Birthday card, using distress oxide and embossing glaze. 

Sonia's Description:

"So, after searching YouTube I decided to make a ‘chuckie’. I’ve not used it yet, but will let you know 
how it goes 😊"

Sonia I would love to hear how you get on with it, I have my jar ready and my MDF circles, I dug some felt out too.  
In case some of you don't know about these,  they are to help you add pressure when stamping with a platform,  I have some stamps that I have to add all my weight to to get a good impression so using one of these might be really helpful.  I know Our Karen made one too a few months back, do you use yours 
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping and your Card and 'Chuckie'  (I wonder why its called a chuckie) Sonia XXX 

That's all for today my lovelies, I hope you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Everyone
    I love the quotation SANDRA and it's so true.

    SONIA-your card is beautiful and I'm sure it will be well received.
    I for one haven't seen or know what 'a chuckle' is but it certainly looks interesting.

    The day went quite well. Non of the deliveries happened at the same time thank goodness though we still have a bean bag waiting to be collected as it has a hole in the bottom. We bought it for Kaleb -our youngest Great Grandson - for Christmas who is five. It was his request to Santa.

    The new bad is just wonderful. I went for another 'Silent night' Ortho and one which doesn't need turning over just sliding round. This means that I will be able to manage without help if needed.
    The only thing is - I could do with a small step ladder to get into Despite the instructions on the email the two men didn't ask about the instructions given for masks etc. they just got on with the delivery and were in and out within ten mins.

    Thank you for showing my latest sewing project SANDRA. I really did enjoy this one. Such a variety of stitches and I could sew a small amount at a time.

    I have sent Jim off shopping this morning as yesterday is catching up on me. It will be interesting to see what arrives in the shopping bags extra to the


  2. Great saying SANDRA
    I love you embroidery JANET I think I need to have a break from crochet and maybe pick up one of my cross stitch kits (Ahem!)
    Your purchases look great Stamping with DO can be hit and Miss Funnily enough Phill Martin said that that’s the benefit of a stamping platform because you can go in a second time especially when using DO
    I’d forgotten I’d made a chuckie! Might be because I tend to use AALL AND CREATE blocks now BUT if I use my stamping platform I would definitely use it I am a bit heavy handed so I had to put quite a few layers of felt on to cushion mine if that makes sense
    (Sshh! Don’t tell anyone but AALL AND CREATE have a one day special on The Craft Store tonight I don’t buy anything but do like to see the demos)
    Take care everyone xxx

  3. Hi from a winter wonderland that we woke up to this morning so have spent a lot of the time outside today.Had liked to make a snow angel but don't think I would get up again so just throw some snowballs at my OH and Step-son, good fun.

    Great saying, you know who are you true friends.
    Love the card Sonia, nice stamps to have.
    Janet, glad you happy with your new bed. Yes ,much easier with a mattress just to move around then have to flip over which used to be backbreaking. Love your needle work, so pretty to make into a cushion.
    Thinking of you Brenda and Lynda, sending you both some special hugs x
    Lilian, hoping you can get some help for your back etc. do take care.
    Have a nice Saturday. Big hug Maria xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love the ‘friendship’ quote ❤️
    Janet, your embroidery is beautiful and will be lovely on the cushion 😍 Glad to hear everything went smoothly yesterday and you had a good nights sleep on the new mattress. Hope there aren’t too many surprises in your shopping when Jim returns.
    Thank you for sharing my card, stamps and chuckie, and your lovely comments 😊 I’m yet to use my chuckie, but will be sure to let you know how I get on with it. I want to use the star background stamp on Marks birthday card which I’m hoping to start tomorrow after work. Mark has a last minute gig in Leicester tomorrow so I’ll be able to make a start on his card without the worry of him seeing it.
    Maria, it sounds absolutely wonderful waking up to a winter wonderland - enjoy 😊❄️
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a lovely quote Sandra I think we all appreciate it, we are so blessed on this blog everyone supporting each other it really is a special place to be.

    Janet your embroidery is beautiful and will look very special when you make it into a cushion, is it for your home here or is it going to go to France?

    Sonia lovely shopping and card . Those background stamps are going to be so very useful, I’m so tempted when I see items I haven’t got on the blog, but I’ve got stamps, dies and EFs I’ve never used, I’m trying to be good ….. though I do spend a lot of time sitting on my hands!!!

    Hope everyone has had a good day, I seem to have been on the phone most of the day, I had Three back to back phone calls this afternoon, thankfully the other ones were spaced out. It’s lovely to hear from family and friends but because of work commitments only have weekend to catch up on everyone.

    Enjoy your evening, Hugs Bremda xxx

  6. Hello all. Sorry to be late again.

    Sandra the saying is so true of all of us on this wonderful blog.
    Janet, your sewing is exquisite, it’s years since I’ve done some like this. Used to be a Sunday occupation , no television or games on Sundays when I was a girl. Seeing your lovely work brought back lovely memories of sitting with my Mum and sisters sewing.

    Sonia great buys, love the card you have made, you are very talented.

    I have been working all day on a photo album and matching box to keep them in, all covered in lovely Klimt papers from Stamperia, if they turn out good enough they will be for my daughter’s birthday.
    Hope you all had a good day, hugs to all Lilian
