
Tuesday 11 January 2022

Lilian's Amazing Journal page


Good Morning My Lovelies, 

Ooh I hope you ladies don't get this bug that hit me on Sunday,  I felt really rough on Sunday but oh boy was I worse yesterday,  I felt rotten, in fact I struggled to stay 'with it', I was so incredibly tired and my whole body ached, I didn't manage to get up and dressed until mid afternoon,  I really wanted to create something, I got to my desk bit my brain would not compute, I so wanted to create a journal page but after about 1/2 hour Paul told me to get back to bed !! 

The up side of me not creating anything is that you all get to see this Very Inspirational Journal page

Look at the amazing texture that Lilian had achieved!!  I really love the colours too.

Lilian's Description:

Here is my journal page for this week, saw something similar on Pinterest. I used crackle paint through a Tim Holtz stencil, I’ve had the pot for ages but never used it, then used distress glaze and embossing powders. Some of the embossing powders were from the “stamp man” it was years ago. Included a close up so you can see the crackle. It flattened a bit when I straightened out the paper.

Lilian thank you so much for inspiring us all, I have some Crackle Paint or Glaze that I have had for years and never used, so hopefully it will still be ok, I am itching to play!! 

Ladies I will leave it there for today, I'm not even any of this makes sense!! 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    OH LILIAN what a superby Journal Page. Your background is amazing too.
    I just love it.
    Well Dear Friends I'm off on my first adventure into 2022 this afternoon.
    I had a call to say that the local library has opened it's room for outside use and so K & N is starting up.
    I must say that I'm somewhat nervous but rules have been put in place and I have to make a start doing 'normal' activities. I'll let you know how I get on tomorrow.

    The CAFE is OPEN though looking rather bare with no decorations around. I know it will be full of craftiness soon.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. I hope you enjoy K&N It won’t be as bad as you’re anticipating It will be lovely to see everyone and hopefully bring back a little normality

  2. Your page is glorious LILIAN I think this is what’s good about doing a journal page it’s making us use products we have had for years and/or try something new
    I hope you feel better today SANDRA I know you are itching to craft but you need to rest So don’t push yourself
    OH is still testing positive and luckily I am still testing negative I hope today or tomorrow is the start of OH testing negative again
    Take care everyone xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Oh Lilian, I absolutely love your page, it’s stunning 😍 I love your colour combo and the beautiful texture. You’ve certainly inspired me 😊
    I hope you’re feeling a bit better today Sandra and manage to do some crafting xx
    Janet, enjoy K&N. I’m sure once you get there and all start catching up with each other, it’ll be like it never stopped 😊
    Karen, fingers crossed OH starts testing negative. I hope you’re enjoying your week off 😊
    Crafting is on the cards for me today. I’m also hoping some stamps arrive so I can finish my Dads birthday card - it’s his birthday today!
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello All, yay sunshine today, still cold though.

    Glad you liked my page, pure trial and error, more of the latter . I have set myself a goal to use some of the products that I’ve had for years and not used. Saw them being demo thought I can do that, then when they came I just put them to one side.

    Sandra do hope you are feeling a bit better today. Sounds like a nasty bout of flu you have.

    Janet hope you enjoyed getting out and about again.
    Keep safe everyone, Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous page by our Lilian, love it all.

    Wish all with the flu symptoms to soon get better, hoping that all it is.
    Karen,hope your OH feels okay. Have a good week off work.
    Janet, hope you time back at K&N went well and you had a fun time and a good catch up with friends. Looking forward to see what you make.
    Have stayed under the covers today for our boiler stopped working last night. Might be fixed tomorrow fingers crossed.
    See you again tomorrow, have a good night and warm hugs are sent to you all xx
