
Tuesday 18 January 2022

A Simple Floral card


Good Morning Ladies, 

It was a gloriously sunny day here yesterday, very cold though, Sophie left at around 7am to drive to Coventry and she said it took her a good 20 minutes to scrape her car, she made it in good time though, in fact she arrived at 8.30am and didn't need to be in her first lecture until 10am, I asked her why she has left so early and her reply was ''so I can take my time Mum and to guarantee one of the free Car Parking spaces when I get there, I smiled to myself, she is more like her father than she realises. 

Janet I do hope that you got through and managed to arrange an appointment, we have the same stupid system, Our Surgery are still only offering phone consultations, you are basically triaged by the GP (after being triaged by the flipping Receptionist, if he thinks you need a face to face appointment he will arrange one).  I wonder if they will ever go back to the old way of visiting a GP where a face to face appointment was the only way.  I think of my Mum, she would never have coped with phone consultations!  Fingers crossed that your results are all OK my lovely XXX

Sonia it sounds like you have had a real good sort out, I think it really does make a difference having more space and less clutter laying around, it clears your mind almost, although if you are anything like me it won't take long to refill!  I can't want to see your Journal cover and page, isn't it addictive?!! XXX

Karen I was so pleased to read that Alan has got the 'All Clear' so life can get back to normal for you both.  Your week off from work certainly flew by, it's a shame that Alan was locked away for all of it but hopefully you had some crafty fun !  I love the idea of adding a pocket to the journal pages with little extra bits in, maybe it could be made into a feature of the page itself?! XXX

Brenda I hope you are starting to feel a bit brighter my lovely.  I had to smile when you mentioned your craft desk needing a tidy yesterday, I could hear John's sarcastic comments as I was thinking about it, Paul just looks at mine and raises his eyebrows! Hopefully you will feel up to going and having a play as you feel well enough, I honestly believe it is like a therapy.  XXX

Lilian I'm afraid I am like you in that I spend more time browsing pinterest for ideas that I do actually making anything, I click on one thing that leads me to something else that I like, before you know it I am about 30 pages away from where I started and still have no idea what I want to make !! I hope you have another sunny day today XXX

Maria I hope that you are fully relaxed and enjoying the people watching, I hope you get to take lots of photos on your walks, have you ever been skiing??, I wouldn't dare even if I was able.  Our Becca was supposed to be going Skiing in France this month but it got cancelled, I have to say I was a little bit relieved as she is a bit accident prone!!  I hope your Irish Coffee went down well and helped you to sleep XXX

Sue I hope that you are feeling better my lovely, fingers crossed we will get to meet up this week, it seems like it was last year that we last saw each other, oh hang on a minute it was !!!! Lol  XXX

Cheryl I hope that you managed to get through to the surgery too, it sounds as though we all have the same problems, you'd think the GP's would realise that people aren't getting the care they need and change the system wouldn't you.  I hope you aren't feeling any worse for having to wait. XXX

Lynda  I hope you aren't in too much pain my lovely.  I hope that you have another go at crafting, my first attempts often end up in the bin.  Maybe you should try one of your famous messy backgrounds and them just add a sentiment.  I am looking forward to sharing your cards once again XXX

Today's card was a bit of a last minute make as I got carried away sorting out my Aall & Create stamps, trying to store them in a way that I will be able to find the ones i need easily, I currently have to search through about 5 or 6 plastic A4 wallets to find the one I need, which is frustrating. 

So I decided I would make a card from the stamps in my 'Not yet used' basket, I saw Amanda from Honeydoo demonstrate the stamps I used on a Facebook live, I just couldn't resist them, they arrived some time in December when I was knee deep in Christmas card making so they got put to one side.  I couldn't think of what to make with them, so I had a quick look on their website and saw the card that I got my inspiration from, loved it and decided that was the one, I made every part of it but the flower, the green foliage stamp is called 'Natures Imagination'  I just love it !! The flower stamp is called 'Floral' Elements'.  I only used one of the flowers for this card and set out to colour it, well I must have coloured 10 different ones before I found a colour that I liked and coloured it well enough to share!  I am not a natural 'Colourist' that's for sure, I certainly need to practice more, maybe I should do a couple of Journal pages that involve colouring!  Anyway I used my Chromatek Pens in the colour 'Fuschia' adding colour to the base of the petal and pulling the colour out with my waterbrush, I did go back after it dried a couple of times to add shading etc,  I used the same colour to run round the edge of a piece of card 1/4 inch bigger to create a 'Mat' it was hard to pick up the colour well by the time I had the card finished it was 9.30pm so I had to rely on my Craft Lamp.  It turned out a bright and cheerful card anyway.  

I hope that you all have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. After all of your procrastinating you have done a beautiful card There’s another journal page for you - colour a page of stamped flowers with your different mediums and even different papers
    Yes! OH has done his 10 days! I am looking forward to not having to talk through a closed bedroom door! I am at the dentist this afternoon
    Take care everyone I echo SANDRA’s words xxx

  2. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card, I love the flower and simplicity of it all 😊
    It feels so good to have sorted out my cupboard, I can find what I’m looking for now! No doubt though it won’t stay tidy for long 😂
    Just back from a lovely bright, crisp walk with Barney. I love mornings like these and it looks to be another sunny day.
    Karen, I hope you get on ok at the dentist this afternoon xx
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello Everyone, another Misty dull day. Tumble dryer in action again.

    Sandra loved you bright pretty card. Love the flower, and the background stamp is very useful.
    I have done very little again today, too many interruptions, firstly it’s cleaner day, the the window cleaner. R decided to change his study around, firstly the printer was working, sorted that, then the keyboard wasn’t working, plus helping to move things. I still need to put new in in his printer.

    So tomorrow I am going to do my journal page. Hope you have all had a reasonable day, Lilian

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely card today, the flower is beautiful. Sandra I love the clean freshness of your design..
    Hope Sophie is coping with the journey to Coventry each day.
    Take care everyone hope everyone has had a good day, stay safe and warm.
    Hugs Brenda xxx
