
Thursday 27 January 2022

A Pixie Powder Background Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you managed to stay warm and cosy yesterday, I was tucked up in many layers and virtually sitting on my oil radiator in my craft room.  I have started putting my clothes on the Aga at night so that they are super warm and cosy when it comes to putting them on. 
Did any of you watch the BBC 'Around the World in 80 days' featuring David Tennant over Christmas, we recorded it and finished watching it last night, it was a really good version of the story, David Tennant played Phileas Fogg, it was a real mix of thriller, feel good factor and a little bit of Romance, by the last episode we were really on the edge of the sofa willing him on!! It is so rare to find something decent to watch these days. I would love to know if any of you watched and what you thought.

Todays card is the result of an experiment, I used a piece of 'Mixed Media' card and stamp a flower from SU Flower Shop stamp set down one side of the card and across the bottom and a little across the top, I stamped in Versamark and added white embossing powder and heat set, I was going to do the Emboss resist technique using Pixie Powders. 
I placed the stamped piece of card on my messy mat and sprinkled a little Golden Mint and Peacock Green Pixie Powders over the embossed areas, I spritzed it with water and watched the magic happen, I was surprised as both Sue and I have always had such rubbish results before.  I popped it onto the Aga to dry and when I looked at it I just wasn't sure about it but I thought if I punched a flower the same as the one I used on the background in matching coloured card and added a tiny dusting of the Golden Mint Pixie Powder to tie it into the background, I spritzed it with water and dried it and then did the same with the leaves.  I arranged them onto the background and stamped a sentiment on the top left corner in Black ink. 
I looked at it after I had matted it onto matching Green matt and then onto a white base card and all of a sudden it just looked OK, I really love the amount of shimmer and the colour mix, so I went from being 'hhhmmm I think I will just bin it' to 'Ooh I love it' in the space of 45 mins.  So before you bin a background just give it a second chance. lol 😂😁

I am hoping to see Sue today, which is lovely because Paul has to go into the office, I am looking forward to some crafting with a friend, which is a perfect combination.

I hope that you all have a lovely day too,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Your card is lovely and I agree It is definitely worth keeping backgrounds you’re not sure of and give it a second chance
    We didn’t watch Around the world Maybe I can watch it on iplayer or something
    I thoroughly enjoyed The Drifters Girl yesterday afternoon but then that’s my kinda music! It was a coach trip which was great The coach picked us up at our local town centre - dropped us right outside the Garrick theatre and then picked us up to come home right outside the theatre We were back home by 6.30pm So we investigated the new Giggling Squid that has just opened Gorgeous food with great service
    All in all a really hassle free trip No messing about on the underground etc panicking that we won’t miss trains etc
    Enjoy your crafting OH is working so I will be too! Thinking of you BRENDA and LYNDA Take care everyone I hope you feel a little better today LILIAN too xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love that colour of green SANDRA.
    I've never had any success with water etc.It doesn't matter how I try everything always finds a home in the bin.
    I just cannot get to grips with 'wet' backgrounds etc.
    Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I'm a 'tidy' crafter-my table certainly is evidence but at least it's 'dry' untidy.

    K&N went OK. It still isn't comfortable having to shout across the room to talk to someone. The toom is so high too that it sounds hollow. I cannot wait to be able to talk to crafty friends either side or just across one table.

    It's a busy day for me. My hairdresser is coming late morning and my 'feet' lady this afternoon. I also want to photo my CCs. We'll see how it goes.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN and the biscuit tin is full along with coffee/tea pots.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.
    Extras for LILIAN today.Hope all goes well for you.

  3. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card today, the background is beautiful and in a lovely colour combo too 😊
    We didn’t watch Around the world in 80 days, maybe we’ll try to watch it on catch up too.
    Enjoy your day crafting and catching up with Sue 😊
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely card, the background is perfect, it all coordinates so beautifully.. Hope you have had a good day and Sue managed to come over, it must be lovely to sit and craft bouncing ideas off one another.
    Karen pleased you enjoyed your trip to the theatre, getting home at a reasonable hour and enjoying your evening meal out, that’s what I call a good day. xx
    Janet I hope life will soon be back to normal and you no longer have to talk across the room to your knit n’ natter friends.xx
    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Take care and stay safe. Big Hugs, Brenda xxx

  5. Hello All, another damp day, but not quite so cold.

    Sandra love your card, the background is a wonderful explosion of colour.
    I haven’t done a thing today, feeling absolutely wiped from yesterday.

    Hope to start this weeks effort tomorrow. Have found an a example of a card I’m hoping to have a go at. We shall see.
    I’ll see you in the morning, Lilian

  6. Hello
    A gorgeous card Sandra, lovely colours.
    I did see Around the world in 80 days and thought it was good,it was nice to have something different to watch over the holidays but OH did not like it so I guess it is for us ladies. Hope you and Sue had a great crafting time together.
    Janet, hope you enjoyed having both hair and feet done today. It's sound nice to be pampered a bit.Hopefully going to K&N will get better in time so you don't have to shout to each other .
    Karen, glad you had a good time. Was it a musical or by a special artist ? sorry, don't think I heard of it before.
    Sonia, hoping your day was ok. Cuddles for Barney.
    Lilian, sending you gentle hugs also for our Brenda and our Lynda, you are all in my thoughts.
    Sending hugs to you all, try to have a good night ladies xxx
