
Monday 24 January 2022

A floral card for this weeks challenge


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope you all had a good weekend and that you are ready for the week ahead.  We had a lovely relaxing day yesterday,  Paul went out and swept the leaves and little branches from the driveway,  which took quite a while, although he was filling bird feeders and tending to his wormeries!  I stayed inside and did a bit of crafting, I have had these Tracy Evans Vases for a while and wanted to have a play with them, so I had a watch of a few Tracy video's on YouTube and sat and made this card.  I did colour three different flower heads for this card....

Watercolour using Chromatek pens

Polychromo Pencils

Alcohol Pens

I enjoyed colouring them, the quickest to colour wss the Watercolour one, I used my new Chromatek Pens for this.

The second one took the longest as I was blending the two colour reds for ages, so much so that the end of my finger felt bruised for a while after,  I did go over each petal many times.

The 3rd one took a bit longer to blend but I think it ended up a little dark. 

I used the Watercolour one on my card in the end. The card has a simple brayered background, I didn't have the stamp Tracy used so I improvised, then it was a case of decoupaging the flower, adding the vase, stamping and fussy cutting the flower, case and bird took time too, but it's all relaxing, calming jobs, I was listening to Meatloaf in the background, I read that he died after being ao poorly with Covid, I'm guessing he would have had a few underlying health conditions though. I watched a programme about his life, it was quite sad really.    Alcoholic father, he doted on his Mum but she died young, you could see how much having an adoring fan base meant to him.  Hopefully he's at peace now.  
(Well that went off on  tangent)  
I enjoyedy little bit of crafting time anyway,  I then went and sat in kitchen to write todays blog while helping Paul with dinner, not that he needs my help, I think the only thing he doesn't do is make Yorkshire puddings and cook the meat (unless its chicken), he makes the best Roast Potatoes and Cauliflower Cheese, something that I will always make sure I have enough calories for (not helped by the fact that we use Beef Dripping for our Roasted veg etc) but my goodness it's worth the extra calories.
I have tried many low calorie Roast potatoe options in the past, using low calorie spray (which ruins your pans), I tiny amount of oil but add marmite for colour (yuck) we only tried that once!  It wasn't until a year or so back that we made the decision to never bother worrying about the calories on the one dinner that we all look forward to as a family.  I will add that I usually have that many calories left over at the end of the week that it wouldn't matter anyway! 

I hope that you all have an enjoyable day,

Sending Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Hi everyone
    Love your card today, it’s beautiful 😍
    Glad you had a relaxing day crafting and a lovely roast dinner 😊
    I’m off work today, so will be crafting too. I’m hoping to have a play with alcohol inks, and tie it in with this weeks challenge.
    Hope you all have a good day whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Pretty card SANDRA Over the weekend I created a card with that vase too - different tutorial though 🤣
    I have just done a LFT as hopefully all being well we’ll go dancing tonight
    Take care everyone x

  3. Hi everyone
    Wonderful card Sandra. Interesting to see your different colour ways.
    Hoping your day have been fine.
    Karen, enjoy going dancing tonight.
    Our day was unpacking and washing and then sit and look through the photos dreaming.
    Lilian, take care and so hoping that you get some answers next week.
    Sonia, how did the play with alcohol inks go ? I got some but have not used them
    Special hugs for Brenda, Lynda and Sue. Warm hugs to you all, Maria xx

  4. Evening All, very quiet here today.
    Sandra another lovely card today, love the style and the colours.

    Knees and back have been really bad today, so haven’t managed to do much, find it difficult to concentrate.

    Maria, glad you safely home and that you enjoyed your holidays.

    Hoping to start this weeks project if I can. Hope you all have a good evening . Lilian.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card today, thank you for showing the different colouring techniques you tried, it’s good to appreciate the difference you get using different colouring tools.

    Lilian sorry you have had such pain today. Hope you have a good nights sleep and tomorrow will be a better day for you. xx

    Maria pleased you have managed to get your washing out of the way and had time to enjoy your holiday photos. xx

    Take care everyone and stay safe. Hugs Brenda xxx
