
Sunday 2 January 2022

A beautiful Art Journal


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

As you are reading this we will be on our way to Devon, to visit Paul's parent's.  We aren't staying over this time so it will be a very long day.  Paul is looking forward to giving his dad the Tablet he bought him for Christmas,  so that he can read books with just the swipe of a finger.  I hope it works ok for him. 

Today I am sharing the beautiful Art Journal that Lilian made for a friend, such a beautiful piece of artwork on the cover!  That texture brickwork looks so realistic, the flowers are beautiful too, I am a little biased but the cats are my favourite.  Such a beautiful gift Lilian . 

How did you all spend your New Year's Day? We had a relaxing day, finishing our Jigsaw Puzzle while watching Pride & Prejudice,  followed by delicious Roast beef and yorkshire puddings! It was lovely.  

I hope that you all have a restful Sunday ,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    OH LILIAN what a gorgeous 'ART JOURNAL'. Your cover is just breathtaking. Of course blue is top of my favourite colour list but it is just a work of Art.

    Hoping you have a problem free journey both ways SANDRA and a good visit with Paul's Parents.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE GREAT CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love the journal Lilian, the cover is beautiful and your friend will treasure it 😊
    After a bit of housework, I’m hoping to do some crafting today. I’m going to prepare my art journal and I have a few birthday cards to make for January.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Your journal is beautiful LILIAN I keep looking at which brand to buy So any tips would be very welcome But I am starting with just pages that I can have a go at doing a simple binding technique I also have a mini album somewhere that I got at a Stamperama show where I played with Powertex Ooh that’s got me thinking
    If you are on your way to Devon take care It’s a long journey at the best of times
    I had a thoroughly enjoyable time doing a Tracy Evans workshop I am still nowhere finished and don’t like the colours I have chosen for the monochromatic piece But that’s the whole point of journaling- to experiment and see what works and what doesn’t
    MARIA if you don’t fancy doing a journal I’m sure the challenges will suit your card making and there will be a theme each time
    Hoping to finish the workshop today I enjoy doing them vis FB or YouTube because there’s no rush and you can pause it etc
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hello All, wet here again.

    Sandra hope the trip is going well, not too much traffic, and your not in too much pain.

    Glad you liked my journal, it took several days to finish, not sure the friend appreciated it. I don’t think it matters what book you use, some people use old books, you can stick two pages together, then just gesso the page before starting.
    Hope you all have a good, Lilian

  5. Hi ladies
    I love the Journal page Lilian with its wall, flowers and cats. I'm sure your friend loved it too.
    I will have a look what I got and see if I could make something similar if that's ok.
    Sandra ,hoping the journey down to see Paul's parents be fine and you are not in too much pain after yesterday.
    I'm seeing a neighbour for a coffee later, other then that I will not do too much for had another night with hardly any sleep so am a bit zombie like today.
    Have a nice day and hugs for you all.Special ones for our Lilian,Brenda, Sue, Lynda and anyone else who want some. Maria xx
