
Monday 13 December 2021

Tracy Evan's Inspired Christmas card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that today finds you all relaxed after the weekend.  We had another relaxed day, I wanted to get all of my Christmas cards finished, inserts done and postage printed off, which I finished at around 6pm. I like having the facility to be able to print postage tickets off as we don't have a local post office,  but having to weigh every card got a bit tedious, if course every card I made except 2 were 'large' letters! Seeing them all sat ready to post gave me a real sense of achievement!  

Our tree is up but we haven't gotten round to decorating it yet, we always have the tinsel/no tinsel debate, I prefer it without but Paul would throw everything on it.  

I think we should leave it  'au naturel'  🤣😂 

Today's card is the card I made on Saturday following Tracy Evans Workshop, I thoroughly enjoyed making it,  especially as I had someone special in mind.  I think they are fun because there is no decision making involved, I did  change a couple of details though. It involved inking, blending, stencilling,  stamping, fussy cutting and layering! I took my time, after spending time creating a multi layered background you don't want to mess up the stamping!  I would thoroughly recommend Tracy Evans Workshops,  she puts so much thought into every element. 

I think we are all heading into the week concerned what effect Covid is going to have on the coming weeks.  There are cases in Paul's Dad's Care home, I don't understand how because their safe entry system was tight, you had to have a negative test that day, covid passport and have temperature check  so how it has gotten in is a mystery!  The concern is that Paul's Dad is still awaiting his booster, at 80 it is ridiculous!  We have all mentioned it to staff.  Especially as there are now cases of Omicron needing hospitalisation. I can't see a way out of this without some kind of lock down.  

Please stay safe my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,  

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    It's still pitch black here at the moment.
    Roll on the 21st when it's the shortest day and the days can begin to lengthen once again.

    Today's card is beautiful SANDRA.

    Well my first job today is to ring the surgery at 08.00 and wait in the que to hopefully get an appointment to see the Dr I saw three weeks ago. Wish me luck.

    The CAFE is OPEN to all who wish to pop in.
    Warming drinks are always available.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.

  2. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful card today, I do love Tracey Evans’ style and your card showcases it perfectly 😊
    I’m with you on the tinsel/no tinsel debate, I’d happily have it without and with just loads of white lights, but Mark on the other hand……😂 However our tree is quite small (4ft) and a pre lit one we bought last year. It was always a faff trying to put the lights on!
    It’s really quite worrying with the Omicron cases going up. Hopefully Pauls Dad will be made a priority for getting his booster.
    Janet, hope you get your doctors appointment.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. I love your card SANDRA I have a couple of Tracy’s workshops booked At the moment I have no idea when I’ll do them I was hoping to at least watch one on Saturday That didn’t happen
    I’m with you re tinsel Both if our trees are artificial and already have lights The only extra decorations are on the silver one and they are glass hearts for those close family members that are no longer with us
    I hope you manage to get an appointment JANET
    As a reminder everyone I don’t send Christmas cards to the blog family but I donate the cost and postage to Gary’s page at
    I hope you don’t mind
    Take care everyone xxx

  4. Morning all, Misty and grey here today.

    Sandra ,love your card, agree Tracy’s workshops are the best I’ve tried, did it take long ? It looks as though it took hours.

    Re tinsel, yes we have a very traditional tree , lights, tinsel, baubles I have one little bell that I bought when we were first married, so it must be 56yrs old, they were glass in those days, each as I unwrap them they are shattered, not sure why. Bought a new one for many years, no money to buy more. I am a traditionalist, don’t like the tree or decks up before one week to Christmas, had to change when the children were young. Sorry rambling again.

    Cards to write today, mostly bought ones. Hope you all keep safe ,Lilian.

  5. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Sandra, so many different layers. She doing a style that's not me but I like the cards you have made and the butterfly we did together.
    Janet- hopefully you got through to the doctors and managed to get an appointment.
    My tree have all the trimmings in both old and new decorations plus the tinsel but not overbearing I don't think. I feel good laying on the sofa and seeing the tree and the lights. Tried to write the last cards but not good the last few days so hoping tomorrow is a better day. Only wished I hadn't agreed to see the physio 8.30 am tomorrow morning and a coffee out with a friend after....
    Hope your day was good and Lilian, I hope your back feels better, many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Live your card Sandra , Tracy’s workshops sound brilliant.

    Janet hope you managed to get through to your GP and book an appointment, it seems to be a bit hit and miss when we would like to see the same GP as on a previous appointment, fingers crossed you are fortunate xx

    For the first time ever we have not put tinsel on our Christmas tree, it actually looks fine, AND it was Johns suggestion. BUT the tinsel hasn’t been put back in the loft, he has draped on every picture frame, mirror he could see!!!!

    Hope you have all had a good day, take care, love Brenda xxx
