
Friday 10 December 2021

Definitely NOT a Clean & Simple card !!


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

How has your week been?  Ours has whizzed by as usual,  Paul has been going into the office every day lately and has been gradually working later and later, you can visibly see how tired he is, I am glad that this 'Plan B' has been bought in, mostly because it will encourage more people to wear masks 😷, mostly though it means that Paul can 'legitimately ' Work from home, apart from the fact that he gets more work done here anyway, because he works undisturbed and our Internet combined with his new work laptop are so much faster than his set up at work!  

Other than those 2 things Plan B will make mo difference to our lives, I think it will affect those that aren't vaccinated and don't have a vaccination passport or those that just blatantly don't respect how their actions effect other people!   (Rant over)πŸ˜‰

Today's card couldn't be any further than the 'Clean & Simple ' style of some of my recent cards, it certainly took a lot longer to make, but I absolutely loved 😍 making it!!  This style of card, like some of the Tracy Evans cards are a bit more involved, a real labour of love.  Every die I used to make this card *apart from Sue Wilson Holly * is from Anna Marie Designs, including the papers. I basically sat and spent about two hours die cutting, Poinsettias,  foliage, circular sentiment,  the Reindeer, I then added a Clear medium to the Poinsettias and covered them with crushed ice and set them on the Aga to try along with some of the white foliage and fronds that I spritzed with Pearlywinks Pearl spray so that they sparkled in the light. I then took different pieces of the paper pad and distressed the edges and tore some into strips and started building the card using one of Anna Maries cards as inspiration, I loved the effect of the pinecone in the centre of the Poinsettia,  different yet fun finishing touch.  I did add some paste to the distressed edges and added some crushed ice there too, just for texture and spatkle.  I know its different but I hope you like it 😘

Love and HUGE hugs to you My very dear friends,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    We have yet again a very windy start to the day here.
    SANDRA-such a beautiful card with so much work put into it.

    Well it's that 'swear' word day again but this week very little 'swearing will be done.

    The CAFE of course is as always OPEN for you all to pop in.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE ANDSTAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Hello all, wet , windy, and cold.

    Sandra, a magnificent card today, well worth the hours you spent, it’s years since I’ve attempted anything like this, not that mine would be anywhere near as good as yours.

    Have you decided no challenge this week, might try some mixed media instead, but I probably won’t get round to doing anything.

    Had my usual hair cut yesterday, she asked what I was putting on my hair, apparently the texture has deteriorated, she puts it down to the large dose of hormones that I now have to take. The sooner I can drop them the better.

    Have a good day all, keep warm, Lilian

  3. Your card is lovely and from your description sounded like you had great fun creating it
    I am glad plan B is in place I already work from home In a way I wish it was going further in things like limiting numbers in shops cinemas etc AND cancelling events with 50+ people (apart from family events and funerals) in enclosed spaces
    Take care everyone x

  4. Hi everyone
    Ooh I absolutely love your card, it’s stunning 😍The hard work was definitely worth it xx
    Plan B won’t make any difference to us either, Mark can’t work from home, so unless his company stops receiving any jobs he will be going in as normal. Let’s hope the scandal of the ‘Christmas party’ doesn’t stop people abiding by the rules and wearing masks!
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi Ladies
    lovely card, so much work, glad you enjoyed making it for it is absolutely beautiful
    Went out a bit this morning to Frost and then had to pop back to Bon Marche for they had left the tag on one of the tops. Wished plan B had been on from the beginning, still saw quite a few people without wearing mask, where they all exempt. I don't know. My OH wont be going to football tho for a while, players and staff have got covid !!
    Hope you all have had a good day as possible. Many warm hugs to you all ,Maria xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Beautiful card Sandra, it’s a real labour of love.
    I have spent quite a bit of the day on the phone, it’s lovely to catch up with family and friends. This afternoon John got the decorations and Xmas tree out of the loft. So my afternoon has been spent decorating the tree and putting up a few decorations, I haven’t gone OTT. It looks fine and what goes up has to come down at some point and packed away again………
    Oh dear that sounds real bar humbug !
    I hope you have had a good day, take care, hugs Brenda xxx
