
Monday 6 December 2021

December TicTacToe Card 1


Good Morning Ladies,

Well that weekend just flew by, we didn't really get much in the way of Christmas shopping done, we did get a few bits in Tesco (Gift sets etc) for stocking fillers, I was amazed at the till when it said that we had saved £30 using our Clubcard, don't you just love that feeling when you have bagged a bargain. The shops we visited were really busy, although we didn't venture into town centre, Swindon town centre is so depressing ...

The main street is mostly empty shops, there used to be a BHS, Woolworths etc but they all closed and the shops that they occupied are either charity shops or Pound stores, Debenhams had a huge department store and it's own multi story car park but that all closed last year, it's just so depressing to look at, even worse to shop in, we have a medium size M&S, but that is one of the few decent quality stores.  The is a shopping centre called the Brunel....

But like the High Street a lot of shops inside have closed down, the Big Argos stores have all closed too, a big HMV and Virgin store but all now gone because I guess most people shop online, I prefer to see the things I buy though and for me things like Bra's I have to try on as I have found that the same make of Bra in different colours can fit differently, which is why I miss Debenhams so much, they had a great range of Christmas gifts too.  There is a big Outlet centre that has all the Designer Brands but to be honest even at the 'Outlet prices' they are still ridiculously expensive and that doesn't necessarily reflect the quality either. Paul and I had a browse around a couple of weeks back when we bought our coats, at the moment it is super busy and as it's all enclosed I would prefer not to go even though we do wear our masks. Even the retail parks are looking like Ghost towns, we have a big one called Greenbridge, has a cinema, restaurants, Argos, Mothercare is now closed, there was a big shoe shop that closed, a DIY store that closed and Carpet/Bed shop that also closed, round the other side Maplin electronic, Staples are gone, Gala bingo is now called something else (not that we have ever been). 
But you get the picture, I'm not sure whether your Town centres or retail parks are the same, Janet you are lucky as you have Meadowhall which is a lovely shopping centre, although I imagine it's too busy to bother with this time of year.  I always wonder what would happen to people's lives if anything happened to the Worldwide Web, I know we would be in a pickle, but had I had said that to my Mum she would have said different, not once did she browse or even look online for anything, she thought that Facebook was the Devil, the cause of nothing but problems in her eyes, I think both my Mum and Dad thought that the internet was like the government controlling you, you were always spied on etc.  Sometimes I think they may have had a point!  
Well that was a bit of rant, in a nutshell, don't bother trying to shop in your local Town Centre, lord only knows where I will get Paul some nice work shirts and a good range of Bra's ??!!!  
I would love to know your thoughts.....

Today's card is one that I actually made on Thursday (because I thought that it was Wednesday and I needed my last challenge card for the Thursday), as I was writing the post I realised that I needed to be writing the Next Challenge post !!! 
It is a very simple card, I used a beautiful piece of Decorative Paper that features gorgeous foiling, the Collection is called 'Brightly Gleaming', which is the perfect description as it really does gleam, so pretty when the light catches it. I cut a piece of the paper to fit that standard 4 1/4  X 5 1/2 card base that I created with Mossy Meadow card that matches the paper, I picked out the copper foiling and used some matching mirror/foiled card which I cut with my Detail Bands dies, the Greeting doesn't really show in the photo as the paper is stealing the show, I stamped and heat embossed in Copper to match the rest of the card, I fitted the stamped piece into the die cut Band and then finished the card with some Red Rhinestone Jewels, only a few though, as less is definitely more (unless we are talking about chocolate)😜

TicTacToe Categories :  Sparkle or Shine/Die cut/Patterned/Paper

I hope that you all have a good day, fingers crossed that you all see some 🌞 sunshine,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    Love your card today it’s beautiful and the patterned paper is stunning 😊
    It’s sad to see all the high street shops closing down isn’t it? We have a choice of Camberley or Bracknell close by. They both have your usual shops, Boots, Superdrug. Body shop, Primark etc and Camberley still have House of Fraser, but I’m sure that’s been meaning to close down for years. I use to love Woolworths, C&A and BHS, sadly all a thing of the past! We’re quite lucky though as we have The Meadows - M&S and Tesco and a big Next just down the road from us, and a big Sainsburys a little further up.
    I’ve cancelled my hair appointment today, I was thinking about it anyway and then the hairdresser texted yesterday to say her husband tested positive for covid. She was awaiting results herself, but I decided as I’m not 100% I’d cancel and have rebooked for the new year.
    Lynda, lovely to hear from you yesterday, take it easy and look after your hands xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. It is such a shame that town centres are becoming like this Our Debenhams shut last year We do have a small fairly decent shopping centre with a small M&S Ordered some trousers fro Next but had to take a pair back and went to the shop The girl was telling that they’re shutting in January and that their redundancy package is c**p We have lost shops like Wallis Freeman Hardy Willis and some nice individual small shops It’s mainly charity shops restaurants now Thankfully John Lewis is still here
    Still no shopping done I can see OH flying around on Christmas Eve
    Yesterday was a real bag of emotions for me Seeing the boys cheered me up Oh to be that innocent again
    OH has an appointment with a skin nurse today for some growths on his face I am so scared for him as he is a sun worshiper and then he’s off to a funeral of a young lady - only 54
    Anyway worse things happen at sea as my mum would say
    Take care all xx

    1. I meant to say how lovely your card is I think it’s gorgeous and very opulent

  3. Hi ladies
    Beautiful card Sandra, it's a stunning paper and don't need much else. Love it.
    Never thought that Swindon Centre look like it does, sad. You have to come to MK for shopping one day. Sadly many stores are gone that I also loved like Woolworth, C&A and BHS and the last few years there are many empty ones but still a nice outing with some breaks for coffee /cake or maybe some lunch. It's really busy now tho so I only will pop in on Thursday as I'm in town anyway that day but otherwise we staying away.
    Sonia- wish you better. Healing hugs are on their way.
    Lynda- so good to see you in. Have you ever tried Wax bath for your hands ? if not, do ask if you can get some sessions by the doctor. It's wonderful feeling for your hands and the pain feel less. You can have these thing at home but would get a bit messy .
    Karen- hoping everything goes alright for Alan and it's nothing serious, everything crossed for a good outcome. Not a good day for him. Sending you both hugs.
    Nearly finished the x-mas cards only got the neighbours one to do. Popping out in the morning to the post office, glad it's only once a year, I can feel the eyes in my backside when I come with the pile of cards in all shape and sizes and the queue gets longer behind me hihihi
    Have a good evening everyone. Many warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra todays card is singing to me, you know I love green and the rich gold/copper adds a lovely classy finish. It’s beautiful.

    Your description of Swindon sounds rather like Croydon, we used to have a Hugh Woolworths, Littlewoods, BHS, Alldres, Kennards which later became Debenhams and a very upmarket store called Grants alstroemerias John Lewis, it really was a lovely place to shop, we still have Boots and M&S and the House of Fraser. We also had several small haberdashery shops, but sadly we haven’t got any now. Parts of the town look so rundown it’s really depressing, I just can’t see Can’t see any improvement happening soon. Such a shame

    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Don’t know where alstroemerias came from. Should read Also had a small John Lewis.

  5. Hello All, sorry to be late, thought I’d done it earlier.

    Sandra love your card, it’s what my mum would have called real classy.
    Started first c card today, gone better than I’d hoped, wish the sparkle would show up more on camera.

    Hope you all have peaceful night , Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I have to say sorry for not commenting for a few days but wow what a gorgeous card you have shared today. The pattern and the colours are stunning I love every bit of it.
    I agree100% with you about Swindon and it is the same wherever you go isn’t it. It is hard to know where to go for bras. I always found Debenhams was the best for me, and for jeans too as well. I hope you manage to find Paul his work shirts and your bras. I always have to try them on too. In fact it usually takes ages so I hate having to buy new ones! Have you tried Sainsbury’s for Paul's shirts. They often have some really nice clothing and the quality and prices are very good and their stuff washed up well. The big Sainsbury’s at Hayford Hill ( the one near the Kasam stadium near Cowley, Oxford) has the biggest range of clothes and is definitely worth a visit. Good luck with the bras my lovely xx
    Karen, gentle hugs for you xx
    Lynda, it’s good to hear from you. Hugs to you and Terry xx
    I have been busy at Pops helping clear the big spare room wardrobe top boxes that were full of all sorts of linen, blankets etc. and then sorting all of his Christmas stuff that he doesn’t want any more. Mum and I were as bad as each other for buying a few new decorations etc. each year so there was a lot to sort and share with RJ, Tim, the grandchildren and Gem xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
