
Friday 17 December 2021

A Special very detailed Tracy Evans inspired card


The inside

Press to see a short clip showing 

The Sparkle

Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

A week today it will be Christmas Eve, πŸŽ„, we haven't even got all our decorations up yet!! Paul and Lucy put the outside lights up yesterday and I placed the new Wreath on the front door, I have almost finished the tree just need a couple more baubles, I decided to just use the glass ones and a few green ones this year. Paul is having his Booster today at the Steam Museum in Swindon so we will pop into The Range on the way home. Then we will have to get the boxes put away before my Sister Emily arrives on Saturday.  She is coming for the day with her partner Mat, we are going to The Italian restaurant that Becca is now manager of in Burford, it's lovely that I don't have to cook πŸ˜€ which is a relief with my knee being so painful.

Paul is working from home from today, which is a huge relief, I was concerned everyday he was going into the office, there are a large number of single men that live in houses with others that work for Airbus around the base, because a high percentage are Spanish over here working temporarily, all living in rented accommodation,  a good few of them have had Covid last year after a big BBQ earlier this year, a huge number of the team tested positive!  They had stopped the regular cleaning in office and shifts to minimise contact, so it seems only a matter of time before they get an outbreak!  

The girls have their Boosters booked for next Wednesday which is a relief, they only had their second vaccination on 31st August!!

Today's card is one of my Tracy Evans Workshops cards, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed making it,  there is so much detail and so many layers, so much to look at, Tracy puts so much work into her workshops, they are well worth the money. I used my Aall&Create Blackbird Stamp for this card, two colours of Distress Oxide Salty Ocean and Blueprint Sketch,  the finishing touches are what makes the difference, lots of dots with a Quickie Glue pen and some Anne Marie Crushed Ice for the sparkle. I have added a a little video that shows the sparkle in all its glory.  This card will be Paul's Christmas card,  ge was sat at his desk and heard Tracy say a few times "This card has a lot of elements so it's a very special card for a special person,  so when he opens it, he will know 😍

Janet : I was so frustrated for you yesterday to read that Macron has decided to close the borders to us, you must be so annoyed, I swear its more about Politics than disease prevention, they are way behind us as far as vaccination goes and Europe had this variant before we did. Becca was cross as she was going Skiing after Christmas! Hopefully he will see sense soon and you can return to your Happy Place XXX

I hope you Ladies have a lovely weekend,  

My love and hugs go out to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    Oh SANDRA what a spectacular card.So many parts but worth all the effort.

    Well it's that day again but my 'swearing' will be limited today as my hairdresser is due 11.30 and I also have a Tesco delivery booked. Heaven only knows why Ibooked to have my hair done today on a 'swear' word day!!!

    We had already decided that we would not be travelling to Marigny on Boxing Day as I'm still not 100% and due another blood test on the 29th. BUT it doesn't stop us from being sad that we wouldn't be able to go.
    We have everything crossed that by Springtime we shall be there.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN to ALL.Mince pies and hot drinks are waiting.
    HUGS on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Hi ladies
    A very beautiful and special card, he will love it.
    Have a nice weekend with your sister coming over. Nice you don't have to do the journey.
    Brenda, take it easy. Gentle hugs.
    Janet, thank you for your card. Do not overdo the swearwords. Sorry you not be going to France but hopefully it be better in spring. We still hoping to get away in January but everything can change.
    For anyone in pain today I wish you be alright. Managed to run the hover over downstairs and done Two washing machines so now sitting down with a coffee before looking at the mess at the crafting area as thought nothing happened yet πŸ€­πŸ€—
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  3. Hello all, another gloomy day here.

    Great card Sandra, love Tracy’s workshops, although I only done two workshops.

    Finished all the ironing, so should have time to clear away most of the stuff ,
    Only some tags left to make, Jo Rice has a video on Utube so going to have a look At that for inspiration.
    Hope you all have a good rest of the day m'

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your fabulous card today, and Paul will love it too 😊
    Happy to hear Paul is working from home now, such a relief for you. Hope his booster went ok xx
    Have a nice time with your sister and her husband, and enjoy the meal.
    Janet, fingers crossed you’ll be back in Marigny soon xx
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Sorry I didn’t pop in yesterday The day just ran away with itself Paul’s card is lovely Like you I really enjoy Tracy’s workshops I have 2 booked to do Maybe next week
    I’m glad the girls are booked for theirs Our daughter could book one for 26th! Over 5 miles away and so is the walk-in
    Take care everyone x

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a special card you have made for Paul, it’s beautiful. I know he will love it. xx
    Enjoy your day with your sister tomorrow, having a meal out is a great idea, even better as it will be a Becca’s restaurant, plus you are not standing cooking so are able to enjoy that precious time

    Hope you have all had a good day, sleep well. Hugs Brenda xxx
