
Monday 29 November 2021

Hello Monday


Good Monday Morning, 

I hope today finds you well rested after the weekend.  To be honest Paul and I are both mentally a physically exhausted.  I think that when you are used to seeing a parent super fit and healthy it comes as a huge shock the first time you see them really suffering. When we arrived on Saturday, I could see Paul was shocked, in fact he really didn't say too much the hour we were there, quite understandably FIL was very negative too, he  wasn't open to any suggestions of things we suggested to do,  we thought (for instance) that we could get him a Tablet that had the Kindle App so that he could read books,  which he has always enjoyed,  we could get a stand to set it on so that all he had to do was swipe the screen to turn the page, luckily he is left handed, (the tumour has affected the right side ), so he can't hold a book, he always read the Guardian too but can no longer do that either, we suggested that we got him one with internet access so that so that he could read the Newspaper online, but he seemed to think that the home wouldn't like him to have Internet access ( I can't think why). I think i might call and ask as I think if he could Zoom, Facetime or Skype his family and friends it would do him good.  He was a bit brighter on Sunday afternoon,  a bit more chatty, he was saying that he would like to know his prognosis, they haven't given him a time (life expectancy) or how bad he will get, he said that he insisted on a DNR. His care and treatment do seem to have been poorly managed, he doesn't even know the name of the Cancer he has, how advanced it is,  there seems to be a habit of their generation that they don't like asking, for help or information.   We could see he was really uncomfortable yesterday, partly from his pressure sores but he said his neck was hurting from the angle he was sat at, Paul said do you want another pillow, he said it would be helpful so Paul went and asked the carers and got one, then readjusted him and he was much more comfortable,  I wonder why he hadn't asked?!.

Anyway let's move on to today's card, The sparkle is on the Dragonfly Wings, although proved impossible to show!  The stamp set is a SU set called Dragonfly Garden,  I stamped the background Script from Very Versaille stamp set in yellow and then added the floral stamp in Night of Navy over the top, I stamped the Dragonfly in Navy too and used the matching punch to cut it out  I added wink of stella sparkle pen to his wings and attached him with foam pads. I matted the piece onto Navy card and onto a white card base. 

That's all for today my dear friends,  

I hope that you all manage a good day,

Love and warm hugs to you all,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A beautiful card, I love the flowers/grasses stamp and how you have used it over the background script. I’m not good at layering but you always inspire me with the great way you do it my lovely. You know you have been in my thoughts all weekend as I know how hard it has been for you all. Maybe ask the home to talk to Paul’s Dad about it being ok to use the internet so he can continue to enjoy reading newspapers and books held by stands or clamps or whatever is best so he doesn’t have to hold them? Coming from the home might help him realise it is ok. And maybe ask him and Paul’s Mum if they will give permission so you and Paul can talk to the doctors to get some answers and also to help him get the DNR form completed so his wishes are official which is important. It is all a lot all to process so you are both probably going to feel be very tired for a while so please be gentle with yourselves. Big gentle hugs are on their way to you both xx
    We had all of the grands here yesterday for our traditional Christmas pudding making and gingerbread house decorating day. Mum was definitely with us in spirit and I know she loved watching all of the children having a great time doing it all 🥰🥰🥰🥰
    Have a good day everyone. I hope snow doesn’t cause you any problems. We only gave a light covering that came down last night. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  2. Hello All, quiet here today, hoping to get some washing out to dry or at least a nice freshen up.

    Sandra, love your card today, the little grasses stamp is very useful I would think.

    Feel for you when you saw your in-laws at the weekend, it makes you feel so helpless. Hope the home can let him have access to Wi-Fi, would make such a difference to him, also for you to see him via face time.

    Have a good day , I am going to did out my glitter and mirror card, to try and make this weeks card. Hope Sandra that you have found my last weeks card. Let me know if you want me to resend. Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra,love the deep blue card.
    Rest up today after a tough weekend seeing Paul's parents.
    Sounding so nice Sue to have everyone around for your traditional makes for x-mas. Sure mamma was with you all x
    Hope you all have a good day as possible and if going out do put the big coat on. Going to meet friends at Dobbies for a coffee and a little look around but I'm not walking over, OH drives me over.
    Take care and keep safe,hugs to all Maria xx

  4. Beautiful card The background really makes those flowers pop
    I can’t imagine how tough the weekend was for both you and Paul Sue’s right you need to seek permission from his dad/mum to discuss his diagnosis etc The other stuff is about his general care I hope you can get the Internet business sorted He might be saying “no” to it because he doesn’t want to be a bother Unless it would make him angry/upset/stressed I would go ahead with setting it up etc (mark everything just in case it “walks”) and see
    Take care all xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card today, love everything about it 😊
    Sorry to hear about the weekend, so hard seeing a loved one so vulnerable. I agree that perhaps Paul and yourself could find out about his diagnosis, and also set him up with a tablet and the internet at the home. I’m pretty sure the home wouldn’t have a problem with it. I think it is that generation who don’t want to be seen as being a bother to anyone, so they don’t ask. It’s very sad 😔
    It’s another cold day here today, the snow has gone and fortunately didn’t come to much.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card today, love the colour combo also the way you have used the scrip stamp to add interest, very clever xx

    I’m sure you are both shattered after your weekend in Devon. Try to be easy on yourself and rest when you can, I hope Paul will do likewise, I also hope he will talk about his dad and not bottle up his thoughts, It’s so hard seeing how a loved one has changed due to deteriorating health, I not sure it’s an age thing asking for anything when we are in care, I experienced both my MIL and later my mother in care homes, both would not let me ask or question things, they worried about being a problem ( I did ask, even questioned there care at times ) So please be a voice either yourself or Paul, if it’s going to make his life a little more interesting and bearable it’s got to be worthwhile.

    Better get a wiggle on dinner awaits.
    Have a good evening everyone. Hugs Brenda xxx
