
Thursday 4 November 2021

Circles / Squares Challenge card 4

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and managing to stay warm, I read an article about the weather this is just the beginning of a really cold spell that we are forecast, the big drop in temperature is supposed to be tonight into tomorrow.  So Sonia  remember pack those thermal drawers!!! There is nothing worse than being cold, especially at night. I hope that you have a lovely time in Norfolk, are you able to capture a little video of Mark in action so that we can appreciate his talent?? (privately of course).
It will be lovely to be away from home, no cooking or cleaning, so enjoy every moment my lovely.

I managed to get a whole night sleep (tuesday into Wednesday), I think that I was so incredibly exhausted, my whole body hurt, so I went to bed early, Paul made me a hot water bottle and I must have fallen asleep straight away, I woke as Paul was getting ready for work but OMG was I in a world of pain, I had fallen asleep without taking my bedtime medication, now usually within about 40 mins of the time I am due to take it I start getting what I can only describe as painful pins and needles accompanied by aches and pains and incredible shivers, it's n opaite you see, so after being on them for around 14 years my body is dependant on them, I guess like a drug addiction.  I think the hot water bottle eased the shivers and pins and needles and the exhaustion meant I was in such a deep sleep I just didn't wake up, so I got the much needed sleep, but boy did I pay for it, I was just about able to get up and move about without being in unbearable pain by lunchtime.  So I have set an alarm on my phone to go off at midnight, just in case I am lucky enough to fall asleep again tonight. (fingers crossed).

Today's card (Circles) I made following Tracy, this card is one she made when she launched her stamps on The Craft Store, I really like the simplicity of the design, I just stamped a combination of her new stamps and coloured the butterflies and three of the circles using my Zig Clean Colour pens, I used Pink Frog card and had no problem blending the two shades of blue with a waterbrush, I added a Tim Holtz pen nib to the Butterfly's body, I think they work really well for that. I also glittered the wings, which I have tried to capture in the second photo.  I hope you like my card. 

That's all for today, I hope that you all have a lovely Thursday,  especially Our Janet, In France and Our Michele in Scotland and Our Sonia of course in Norfolk.

Love and Hugs on route to all of you,



  1. I love this card I’ve been good and not ordered this set (yet!)
    I hope you were able to sleep better last night and are not into much pain today
    Enjoy your trips SONIA MICHELE JANET
    Because of the debacle on Monday we went dancing last night
    My friend Kat is coming over to craft this afternoon and we’re out for a meal tonight which O’m really looking forward to
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Your card is stunning, I love everything about it 😍
    Glad to hear you had a better nights sleep the other night, but sorry it left you in so much pain. I hope last night was better xx
    Michele, enjoy your time in Scotland. It’s on my bucket list to go one day xx
    Janet, hope you’re having a lovely time, despite the weather xx
    Karen, have a lovely time crafting and enjoy your meal tonight xx
    We’ll be leaving in a couple of hours, and I still haven’t packed! It’s turned milder here this morning, but the forecast is it’s going to turn cold. Think I’ll be packing for more like a 2 week stay rather than just 3 nights, lol 😂
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Keep wrapped up and enjoy the bracing sea breeze! Have a lovely time XXX

  3. Hi ladies
    Hoping you all are snug and warm ! I can't seem to stop shivering and my fingers are like ice but can't have the gloves on when writing so will have to put them around a hot mug of tea in a minute.
    Love the card Sandra, the butterflies are so beautiful and what a clever idea to put a pen nib as it's body,very good.
    Sitting with the phone in the other hand trying to get through to the doctors, still nr:6 in the queue after 18 minutes.
    Anyone who are away just now, I wish you a lovely time!
    Karen- have fun crafting with Kat and enjoy going out for a meal.
    I'm home alone today so hoping to get the cc together and send it later today, well it's what I like to do anyway.
    Have a nice day everyone. Warm hugs are plenty in the basket just inside the door so please take as many you need 😃 xxx

  4. I hope you got an appointment XX

    1. 43 minutes it took and no ,no appointment. They are not seeing you in person at the moment unless it is for blood test or you need to be seen. Everything else is only over the phone x

  5. Hello all, it’s very cold here and big heavy showers, managed to get the towels dry between the showers.

    Sandra wonderful card today, your colouring is lovely. Not bought any of Tracey’s new stamp sets, could be tempted after seeing your card today.

    Not much happening here, car is in for repairs for 3 days, so is house bound.

    Salmon fillets wrapped in steaky bacon for dinner with mash and peas. Nice easy meal. Hope you all have a good evening, Lilian

    1. Yummy dinner Lilian, sure it tasted it good. Home alone so only made some macaroni with some cheese and ketchup. Not much of a dinner but was ok 😊 x

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love your card today Sandra, you have highlighted the circles and butterfly so tastefully, the colours seem glow.

    Have been in the craft room today but not really achieved very much, bless him OH kept popping in or asking my opinion on things. You know what it’s like when you just want get on and concentrate! Well that was never going to happen, ended up shutting the door and coming back down stairs. Wish I could find him a winter hobby.

    Have a lovely evening everyone.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Luckily my OH went to football from lunch time and is not home before 11pm and Son was at work so I managed to get something made today. Not last this time 😀 xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love today’s card. The shades of blue are beautiful and the pen nib and glittery wings all add up to a lovely card. I’m glad that you managed to get a nights sleep but you have my sympathy re the missed meds as I am on them too and know just how terrible you feel if you are late with a dose!!! Actually last night I half saw a tv advert for a film all about how addictive Oxicodone turned out to be. I must try and find the details of when it is on as it will be interesting to hear what they have to say. I will let you know too my lovely xx
    Maria, I hope you are feeling better today xx
    Sonia, I hope you have s great time with Mark in Norfolk and that you are not feeling as rough as you have been xx
    Mum has had quite a sleepy day today. Sending love snd hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
