
Monday 1 November 2021

Circles, Challenge card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Well yesterday started out as a bit of a washout,  I haven't seen or heard rain that heavy for a long time, I bet the river will be high today.  It brightened up here and we did get some washing out on the line.  We didn't venture out though,  we were pottering around doing jobs, Paul fitted a blind to the window next to my craft desk there is too much stuff on the windowsill to close curtains plus closing curtains makes it so dark, with the blinds I can angle them at least, so I get some daylight in without being blinded by the sun! 

We decided to have something different to a roast today, Sophie requested a Salmon Tart, I made one back in the spring.   Its so simple, unroll a pack of Puff Pastry,nlay it on a baking sheet and score around the edge 1cm in, prick centre of pastry and eggwash the border, bake in oven for 15 minutes, take out and press down pastry in the centre, mix 3tbspns with 1 tablspn Grain Mustard and spread over centre of pastry,  add a couple of handfuls of baby spinach and then add some cooked flaked salmon, pop it back in the oven for 5 minutes.  It was so delicious,  the girls loved it too, I served new potatoes and tenderstem Broccoli with it  it was a lovely change to a big roast dinner.    What did you all have.   Janet,  I am sure your Rabbit stew was delicious,  I Don know whether I would be able to try it, bothy Dad and my Nana loved Rabbit stew, I can't get past them being cute little pets! 

Today's card is one I made on Friday while playing with my IndigoBlu box kit.  I layered a piece of the free paper collection onto Navy card and placed them onto a 7 x 7 card blank, I then die cut the wreath die in sparkly card and white funky foam (too give some dimension). I die the same with the sentiment dies.  I then die cut lots of little stars and dots to arrange across the card, I added glitter pen on some and coloured others.  I quite like the simple design.   

I hope that you all have a lovely Monday, 

Love and hugs to all, 




  1. Hello All, dry ar the moment rain forecast.for later.

    Sandra love your card today, very modern just the sort of card I always make for my daughter.

    Not sure what I’m going to do today, after I’ve tidied my desk after last weeks card making which is cluttered, I might start next weeks card.

    Hope you all have a good day, and the sun shines for you, Lilian.

  2. Hi everyone
    Nice card Sandra,lovely circle die.
    Like many of you my work station in the kitchen had a bomb go off last week,sadly no one survived 😉( they went in the bin) and then mojo moved on so hoping after some tiding up today it will be some space for crafting.😀
    Had to get out and pick up meds. so we drove over to a place I need to go to for physio on Friday just to know where it is. They are building so many new homes around here so one don't recognise anything anymore.😯
    Son is going to see his girlfriend in Portugal so OH takes him to the airport after they dropped me off on Friday.
    He doesn't make much noise when he is at home but will be a bit funny for the 10 days he's not here. It will give me a chance tho to defrost one of the freezers at last and we get to have the fridge for our self 😊
    Lovely blue sky and sunshine out but the wind is really cold so need to get the gloves and scarves out.
    Hope you all have a nice day and pain stays away for a little while would be nice, no such luck at the moment but took a pill so managed to sleep ok.
    Sue- it's lovely when you have the chance to pop in. Sending you all extra hugs xx
    Lynda- hope you can get some help for your hands. Have you tried wax bath ?, it was nice after I broke my wrist to have. Hugs for you and CU 😊
    Pat- missing you and Michele, hoping you both are ok ? Come down to the cafe' soon and tell us what you been up to.

    Have a good day everyone, Hugs Maria xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your card today and the wreath die is beautiful 😊
    I had a lovely surprise at work today - I received £25 worth of vouchers for being with the company 5 years, yesterday 😊 Tracey presented me with them when I went in this morning 😊
    It’s a lovely sunny day here today, but feeling colder. I don’t mind it like this as long as it stays dry. Got my fingers crossed for the weekend when we go to Great Yarmouth, it’s going to be chilly so I’ll be taking my thermals! 😉
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love your card today Sandra, the green background is a lovely colour you have created a beautiful circle with the gorgeous wreath. Thank you for the inspiration.xx

    Have been thinking about this weeks challenge card, but first I must attack my craft room, I have so many ideas on the worktops but am not finishing them off, not one of them anything to do with the CC. Can’t see me getting it sorted out tomorrow as we are going to my friends funeral.

    Hope you have all had a good day, take care everyone,Hugs Brenda xxx
