
Tuesday 23 November 2021

CAS Challenge card 2


Good Morning Ladies, 

It was so lovely to read that so many of you also had a lovely relaxing weekend.   This whole year feels like it has been busy and rushed, I hate to say it but I actually enjoyed the forced restrictions of Lockdown when we were very limited to where we could go etc, meaning that we all had a lot more relaxation time, the only thing I missed was seeing our Matt & Becca.  Last year we couldn't go out to busy, crowded shops to do Christmas shopping and this year I really don't want to, I don't feel like we went without anything last year to be honest, so I think we are going to keep it simple this year too, it looks like it will be just the 4 of us again this Christmas which is perfectly ok with me, I think Matt felt bad when we were discussing Christmas this weekend but I said to him that he and Alex only have Christmas Day off together,  I know that he loves cooking too so it would be lovely for him to just the spend with Alex especially as she is back in work on Boxing day, Becca and Adam weren't sure if they are working or not, if they aren't they are going to Adam's parents, if Adam works and Becca doesn't she will come over for a few hours I think.  Have you all made your plans already??

Today's cards were inspired by Pinterest,  I made the large (6x6) first, used Anna Marie card for star behind deer, Deer is a SU die cut, I embossed the background of that card with the 'Timber' SU embossing folder,  I added a little vintage photo around the edges of the card and around the Deer 🦌.  I wasn't sure if I liked the larger version so I decided to make a 4x4 inch version, I used the 'Subtle ' embossing folder this time, (it gives card the look of linen). The wood effect paper is an old SU paper, the Reindeer is a Spellbinders die this time. I finished him off with a little red nose and a matching red dot on the embossed flourish on hos bottom! 

Two very simple cards, perfect for the Men in our lives, I would send this to my Brother for instance. 

I hope that you all have a good day, we are at Hairdressers this morning and have the Sky Engineer out this afternoon,  exciting day eh?! 

Sending love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx                                                                              


  1. Morning Everyone
    Love today's clean and simple cards SANDRA. Monochrome is one of my favourites.

    Well we have been back a week now and I still haven't been near my craft room. I really have to make the effort as I'm more than behind with Christmas cards and birthday cards for December.
    I really cannot remember when I have been so unorganised.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN to ALL who wish to pop in even if it's only for a minute or two.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Beautiful cards SANDRA
    We are so unorganised this year I haven’t bought a single present yet We are all going to our daughter’s this year It’s just easier with the boys They can go and have a nap etc and their new toys to play with I used to hate having to choose one Christmas new toy to take with me to my Nan’s or aunt’s
    Work is very much full on at the moment So afterwards I need that nap to recharge the batteries
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Fabulous cards today, I love both the reindeer. I agree these are great cards for the men in our lives 😊
    I’m nowhere near ready for Christmas, it’s frightening how quickly it’s creeping up on us! We are spending Christmas at home, and Hayley will be staying. I’ve booked it off work, all through to the new year, so I’m looking forward to it. Mark has a gig on New Years Eve and we’re staying in a hotel overnight so that’ll finish off the festivities nicely 😊
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Morning
    Two fabulous CAS cards. Like the EF you have used.
    I wish you all a good day whatever you are up to, take care. Warm hugs to you all. I'm going back to bed xxx

  5. Hello All, well winter is here, really very cold wind, can almost think it’s freeze drying when you go out, not that I’ve been out, only to the garage.

    Sandra two fantastic cards again this year, I started a card today but it only got as far as the bin.

    Hope you all have a good evening, pork chops here for dinner later, not had them for ages. Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I love your design for today’s cards. The paper you have chosen for the star adds a perfect masculine touch. Thank you for your brilliant inspiration.
    Hope you have all had a good day, We had to go out, t it was so cold I was pleased to get back indoors again.
    Sleep well, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love today’s cards, and so great for the men. Just having that tiny pop of red is a perfect finish xx
    We haven’t started shopping for Christmas yet and it’s going to be different but this year we are all going to Gems for Christmas Day then we will see Tim, Roz and the girls on Boxing Day as usual.
    It’s been a quite day here slowly sorting my desk and doing the laundry.
    Karen, I have had power naps ever since I was expecting RJ. Twenty minutes after lunch always set me up for the rest of the day. Christmas will be lovely for you all this year with Charlie being that much older, and able to reach higher. Will the Christmas tree have to go inside the playpen to keep it safe? The family I nannied for in London did just that when their son Sam was 11months old on his first Christmas as obviously he was into everything at that age 🤣🤣 xx
    Maria, I’m sorry that you aren’t feeling so well dear friend. Keep warm and take plenty of your pain meds xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
