
Wednesday 10 November 2021

Another Stencilled background card.


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,

Here we are half way through another week, half way through November at the weekend,  its crazy how fast this year has flown! Janet it barely seems a week since you arrived, I can't believe its time to think about getting ready to come home. Hopefully the weeks will whizz past and you will soon be packing to go back.  Will you get all packed up on Christmas Eve so that you can get away early Boxing Day?  The other thing I wondered was if Brexit had changed 90 days you are allowed to stay? I know some of the regulars in Spain have to time it right so that they can stay until September,  one was talking about going back out in March to reset the 90 days, I have to say I ended up more confused after listening to her explanation! 

Today's card is one I had great fun making yesterday,  it was a proper 'Messy Crafting ' card.

I started by creating a 'Smooshed ' background by adding 'Cracked Pistachio ' & 'Dusty Concord ' Distress Oxide to my mat, spritzing with water and smooshing my piece of Pink Frog card into the ink, I kept re-smooshing until I was happy, now I didn't want to use Heat Tool as everyone says it changes the natural look, so I popped mine on a scrap piece of paper on top of the Aga, by the time I had stamped my Bottles stamp from IndigoBlu Magazine kit onto a piece of Vellum my background was dry.  I added a bit more ink and I did use heat tool for speed, after I was happy with inky background I took out the Stencil that comes with the kit and started adding detail with the same two inks i used for background,  once I was happy with stencilled detail I did spritz with water again and rolled my kitchen towel over to take off some of the ink to make it more of a muted background.  I added some stamped snowflakes and then wrapped my stamped vellum piece around the centre of my background securing vellum behind with tape.  I die cut some snowflakes from the kit in matching card and added lots of Glitter pen to them and placed them randomly on the card, finishing with some sparkly diamantés. I couldn't decide on a sentiment,  I wanted something small that blended with the background so I used one from SU stamp set, stamped in same colour as bottles.

I quite like how it turned out, it's a different look for me but I think I like it !!!

I hope that you all have a blessed day,

Love and huge hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. I love your card SANDRA I have never stamped onto vellum I really must give that a try
    The visit to the dentist and hygienist went OK Back in a fortnight for more treatment
    We went dancing last night - a bit of a spur of the moment thing It was lovely to go to a new venue and there were some old faces there too
    I hope to craft later Take care everyone
    Super big hugs for SUE today xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Lovely card today, with a great colour combo (one of my favourites) 😊
    I phoned our dentist yesterday, got an appointment for end of January - could’ve been worse I suppose. Need to phone back today to try and get Mark booked in, as he’s no longer registered with them the receptionist said to phone back to speak to someone else. Fingers crossed.
    Mild and damp here this morning, perfect day for crafting 😊
    Thinking of you Sue and family xxx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sorry I haven't been in much just full of pain
    All over my body.the carers came early this morning 7.3o so I was washed & dressed at 8 o'clock.
    Sandra I loved your card today the colors were very pretty.iv looked in at all challenge card's all brilliant I'm also reading
    Your comments.
    Thinking of you SUE & the Lynda xxxx
    Ps.Maria I left you a message on yesterday's blog
    GOODIES have fun.

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card Sandra, really inspiring, must practice making backgrounds more often.
    Lynda lovely to see you, sorry to hear you are in so much pain. Sending gentle hugs. Hope Terry is looking after you xx

    Goodnight everyone, sleep well, Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi All, late again, sorry.

    Sandra really love today’s card, as Brenda said I must do more backgrounds.

    As it’s late I’ll just say good night, Lynda hope your pain eases soon. Hugs to all Lilian
