
Thursday 25 November 2021

A Throwback Clean & Simple card


 Good Morning Ladies, 

How are we all this chilly Thursday morning?  We had a bright sunny day yesterday,  it was chilly though,  I saw a forecast that mentioned snow by the weekend,  if we do get any I hope its only light as we are driving down to Devon for the weekend to visit Paul's parents, Paul's Dad has not had the best treatment in his Nursing home,  he hasn't had an air mattress so has developed pressure sores, Paul's Mum has insisted on a meeting with his Consultant to lay out exactly what care he needs, on Sunday for tea he was given a bowl of Mashed Potato, nothing with it or on it, just dry mashed potato,  which he quite rightly complained about,  they said that he was down as only having 'soft diet' and that's all they had that was 'soft', he listed all the other things he had eaten in the few weeks he's been in there that wasn't 'soft'. Hopefully the zoom meeting with Consultant will sort everything out. So frustrating for everyone. 

Today's card is a 'Throwback' card that is definitely a 'Clean & Simple ' card. Here is a description of how it was made......

Today's card is quite a simple design, I die cut a large snowflake ❄ out of a 5 inch square piece of card, I then die cut the same snowflake in Mint Macaron glitter card. The next step was to cut my mats and layers, I used Mint Macaron as the first layer cut to 5 1/4 X  5 1/4, then my card base was 5 1/2 X 5 1/2. I adhered the layers together and then sat and started the painstakingly long task of placing all of the tiny little elements of the glittered snowflake pieces back into the little apertures. I did consider just adding a piece of the glitter card behind the front piece but I don't think it would have looked as 'finished'.  To finish he look of the Snowflake I added a clear diamante to the centre of the Snowflake.  The sentiment I have used is from the Snowflake Wishes stamp set, I think it worked quite well with the sparkly Snowflake.

I hope that you all have a lovely day, I have my Booster jab today, fingers crossed I don't get any side effects as we are going away on Saturday. 

Sending love and huge hugs to all of you, 



  1. I love your classic card
    I hope the confusion about the nursing home gets sorted
    The dentist was OK A new temporary crown an a purse that’s £200 lighter!
    Not a lot planned for today apart from trying to finish a crochet dog for tomorrow Tomorrow is going to be busy
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I didn’t comment yesterday but the card was as beautiful as today’s. I love both of them. That poinsettia looks stunning done in vellum.
    I’m sad tohearthat Pauls dad isn’t being cared for. What absolute rubbish that the only soft food available was mashed potato!! You must get Paul’s mum to to ask for a TOTO air mattress as it tilts the mattress to one side then tilts to the other side then it lays flat all for set amounts of time. As it’s all done automatically the nursing staff doesn’t have to do anything. It worked really well for Mum once we got one that worked properly. It is supplied free of charge through the NHS. I will be thinking of you all and hope it all gets sorted for Paul’s dad. Xx
    I’m with Pop today as he needs to go shopping and his car failed it’s MOT. It wasn’t unexpected as it’s quite old but he can get what he paid for it as the spares are in demand. I’m nit sure if he will get another one but he’s in no rush at the moment. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  3. Hi everyone
    I love your card today, the snowflake is gorgeous 😊
    Sorry to hear about the treatment Paul’s dad is receiving in the nursing home, that’s absolutely disgusting! Hope it all gets sorted.
    Hope your booster went ok, fingers crossed for no awful side effects xx
    It’s very cold here today, although the sun is out but the wind is bitter. Not looking good for the weekend, hope the snow doesn’t come down this far.
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Lovely card with the pretty snowflake,Sandra.
    Dreadful to hear how Paul's dad is being treated, hopefully after speaking to the consultant something go right.
    Very cold day but had to pop out this morning into centre. Was back around 12pm and we both said that it was not very nice walking around the shopping mall because it was way too many people not taking care or wearing masks so if nothing important we wont be going in too often.
    Hoping you all had a nice day and I'm sending you all some warm hugs, until tomorrow. Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love today’s clean and simple card, its really is lovely.

    Sorry to hear about Paul’s dad’s care, so many soft food spring to mind, Eggs, soup, soft fruit, anything can be made into a purée, even potato can be creamed and cheese added - where’s the imagination of these people.
    I hope his mum gets all her concerns across to the constant when they have there zoom meeting. I hope the weather is kind to you on your drive to Devon. 🤞the last thing you need is snow. Be sure to wrap up warm. xx

    Take care everyone, stay safe and warm. Hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hello All, very cold here as well.

    Another lovely card today, it’s so perfect.
    Sorry to hear your father in law is having such poor treatment, as Brenda said there are loads of soft food they could use.

    Hope your booster went ok and you are not having any side effects.

    Well I think R has the dinner ready so I’ll wish you all a good evening, Lilian
