
Monday 8 November 2021

A pretty card for a Special Friend


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Please join me in wishing our lovely Brenda a very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉. 

I hope that you were all lucky enough to enjoy the sunshine yesterday,  it was lovely here, chilly but the Sun shining makes everything look better.  Apart from the Tip or 'Household Recycling ♻️ Centre' as the call it these days, for some bizarre reason ours has to have Security Guards. You also have to prove that you live in Swindon, at the moment you still have to book online, I did laugh though as they send a QR code for you to  self check in at the barrier,  Paul refuses to pay extra to have Internet access on his mobile phone, so he would have an issue there, I did say to him that he needs to drag himself into 21st century but he refuses, he's making a stand for people that don't want an all singing and dancing phone!! 

Today's card is a Special card for a Special Friend,  the recipient will know how much I love them purely by the paper I have used for their card, I went large with it too !😉🤣

I used SU Expressions In Ink Paper with matching card 'Magenta Madness, I picked the hint of gold in the pretty paper and used Gold Mirror card with a scalloped die to create a narrow border either side of my Magenta Madness ribbon, that's one of the  best things with StampinUp,  you can have everything  perfectly matched in colour.  I stamped the Sentiment in Magenta Madness ink too! I was contemplating adding a die cut flower to the top section but decided let that stunning paper take  the glory!  

I hope that you all have a great day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA. I hope you have the best of days with loved ones around .
    The weather here is still more Winter than Autumn. rain and fog and so it's very damp. In fact everything that makes you stay indoors around the log burner.

    I cannot believe we are in our last week here.The last two weeks have just flown and we haven't managed to get anywhere near doing everything which needs.
    We are hoping that we can get back here on Boxing Day (in other words 'back to normal')starting the new year as we used to.

    I loved all the Challenge cards yesterday.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx


    Lovely challenge cards yesterday. I’ve decided that I’m not sending Christmas Cards this year. I’ll be donating the postage to Cancer Research as it’s a cause close to my heart.

  3. Happy Birthday Brenda, have a beautiful day as you are!

    Hoping you all have a good day whatever you are up to.
    I am sorting out the bits I bought yesterday and my wish is to play this afternoon but waiting for OH to stir, he might have some other ideas.
    Sending you all warm hugs (hope the weather be nicer for you Janet) have a nice day, Maria xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Brenda, have a lovely day 😘 xx
    Love your beautiful card today, the backing paper is stunning. The lucky recipient will love it 😊
    Off work until Thursday - I need it after the busy weekend 😉 After being unsure about originally going, I’m so glad I did. We had a fabulous time and it went too quickly. Marks gone back to work today, although he said he wished he’d booked it off. I’ve got some recorded programmes to catch up on and will be doing some crafting too - after I’ve got through the pile of laundry!
    Hope you all had a lovely weekend. Have a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA I hope you have a lovely day
    Sounds like you had a great weekend SONIA
    Yesterday was a lovely day for me (the last of my birthday celebrations) We went into London and saw Get Up Stand Up which even if you’re not a Bob Marley fan you’ll know the music It was brilliant Earlier in the day 90+% were wearing masks on the underground Sadly on the way hone not so many I was angry because it was mainly young women-not wanting to spoil their lipstick/makeup I assume Bo hum!
    Dentist this afternoon and dancing this evening
    Take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes and all the lovely cards I have received, They are all displayed together in a special group, Because they are from such special ladies. Thank you again. XX
    Sandra I love today’s card (but you wouldn’t be surprised about that would you!) I have to say it looks lovely on your blog but it looks even better in the flesh the colours are just so beautiful, thank you XX

    We had a lovely day yesterday with all the family and grandson Dominic and I enjoyed birthday cakes together, his younger brother that had come home from university as a special surprise.

    Sonia so pleased you had a lovely weekend, especially as you were unsure about going, i’m sure Mark loved you being there supporting him.
    Janet where is the time gone? I can’t believe it’s flown by so quickly and you will be home in a weeks time.
    Sending hugs to Margaret and Lynda. Hope you’re both keeping as well as can be expected. XX

    Take care everyone, big hugs Brenda XXX
