
Friday 29 October 2021

Your Next Challenge


Happy Birthday To Our Very Special Friend 

Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

You know this time last week we were just getting back from London, in fact I wrote last Friday's blog post on the bus on the way home, but it seems like it was weeks ago!  This week has certainly flown by, the days will seem to be over even faster after the clocks go back tomorrow night/Sunday Morning.    I had to phone a freephone number about a parcel that hadnt arrived,   the chap I was talking too was in South Africa (don't ask) he was quite chatty and he asked me what the time was here, I told him and he was talking about the time difference between us and them,(they are 1 hour ahead) he went on to ask why we change the clocks back and forward,  he said it's really confusing,  I explained that it was started to make the most of the Daylight, I still don't think he understood though. 

Janet enjoy your first trip to the cafe (don't forget your covid passport)! I am looking forward to reading what you chose. 

Your Next Challenge 

For our next Challenge I would like you to include either "Square or Circles" on your card, the card itself doesn't have to be round or circle, there just needs to be either a Square or a Circle featured on your card, it could be a circular wreath or a square tag with your sentiment on, it's up to you.  Or this could be a chance to get your SW New York square out, blow the dust off and have a play!  

Whatever you choose to go for I can't wait to see it 🤩😍

I hope that you all have a lovely day  especially you Karen !!

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Good morning everyone and thank you for all of your lovely birthday cards
    We are going to our daughter’s for lunch and I am so looking forward to that - have cuddles with the grandsons Can’t wait to see family
    This evening we are going to a Salsa event where it’s Halloween and daughter is teaching SANDRA has guessed who I am going as and photos will follow…
    OH has bought tickets for Get Up Stand Up - the show about Bob Marley I really wasn’t expecting anything as I have spent so much on various things recently Just love him to bits
    Take care everyone xxx

    1. Have a wonderful dear Karen, now I love Bob Marley and we looked at that show but couldn't get seats, so I look forward to hearing your feedback xxxx

  2. Hello Sandra and ladies

    Firstly have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KAREN, it sounds like you have a very busy day, what a lovely treat to be having lunch with your daughter and grandsons that really does well. Enjoy your special day thinking of you love and hugs. xx

    Sandra some lovely examples to prepare for the next challenge it will be lovely to see everyone cards, I’m looking forward to it. This weeks challenge is still a work in progress, might just change my mind about the die I’ve chosen - because I’ve got others that have never seen the light of day!!! Ha ha

    What are you doing ladies lovely day, sending special hugs to our ladies who feeling under the weather. xx

    Hugs Brenda xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Have a fabulous day and night Karen, Happy Birthday!!

    I hope you all have a good day and manage to do what you love most, crafting in anyway and form.
    I have been laid up since yesterday afternoon so not much is done here but hoping to finish a cc later.
    Big hug to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Karen, I hope you’re enjoying your day 😊 xx
    Great challenge for next week, and some lovely inspirational cards 😊
    Another busy day at work, hopefully the weekend will be a little quieter.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi everyone, it’s very wet and cold here. Heating on full now.

    Karen, Many Happy Returns of the Day, hope it the best ever.

    I have spent the whole day trying to do my this weeks challenge card, it finished now, mind you took quite a while to find the stamps, still I’ve quite a few new stamps to use.

    Going to make a mushroom omelette for dinner, seemed to have ordered double lots of mushrooms this week, I love them so it’s no problem.

    I’ll wish you all a lovely evening, hugs Lilian.
