
Friday 1 October 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Woohoo its the weekend!!!!  It's also October, I just can't believe how fast this year is whizzing by!

I had the loveliest afternoon yesterday, Karen called me on Messenger and we both followed a Jo Rice tutorial together,  there is nothing better than Crafting with amazing friends. Thank you so much Karen,  you have no idea how much of a difference you made to my week xxx😍😘

We haven't made any plans for this weekend, the fuel situation is still a little uncertain, plus the weather isn't going to be great, so a relaxing weekend at home is on the cards I think ! 

So, how many of you have switched your heating on, it is officially October now so it doesn't seem as bad. I think we might have it on for an hour or so to take the 'chill out of the air'. Wednesday evening I was almost shivering,  so I went and got my dressing gown on, luckily I ordered myself some Fur lined Crocs to wear as slippers, I like the shock absorption in crocs, the do feel a bit big on my feet though after wearing nothing but flip flops for the last 5 months !  The other thing I need to do us order us a new Quilt/Duvet,  ours is a 2 part duvet but we seem to have misplaced the think winter part! We have had it for years so we are due an upgrade,  there are SO Many to choose from though, any Recommendations??? 

Janet, where you tempted by the new Stamperia papers that were featured on Craft Channel ?  

Your Next Challenge 

I thought that we might do a 'No Die' Challenge this week , so its time to get your stamps out!! You can fussy cut of course, you could also use any other Card Making technique....scoring,  embossing etc, you could make  Groovi card,  you can use Digital images, absolutely anything except using a Die. 

Now I remember a couple of years back this wouldn't have been something to get excited about, back when we due cut every part of the card including the sentiment,  its amazing how much we have all progressed.  I can't wait to see what you all create!  

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,




  1. I had a smashing afternoon too SANDRA Can we do it again please - next week?
    Great idea for next week Like you’ve said, a couple of years ago I did not do stamping but now it’s one of my favourite mediums
    The weather has turned very cold and wet here but I’ve resisted putting the heating on I’m wearing 2 cardigans and thick socks at the moment
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi we have a bit of sun at the moment but a short time ago the heavens opened.
    I have sheets waiting to go out, going to be the tumble dryer I think. The plus side there was a beautiful rainbow over the pyramids ( clay tips).

    Sandra great idea for next week, just up my street, although if yesterday is anything to go buy they will end up in the bin.

    Hope you all have a good day, how’s the cold Maria? Getting better I hope.
    We have booked in for our flu jab , next Wednesday.
    Hugs to all Lilian.

    Ps love all the card samples today.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What beautiful cards to inspire the no die cutting challenge for next week. As you have already said what sort of reaction a few years ago would there have been to not using dies 😀😀 I hope you have a nice weekend no matter what you end up doing my lovely xx
    How lovely be able to craft together Sandra and Karen. Please can we see the results? Xx
    Maria, I hope you are feeling a bit better by now. Make sure you have the heating on and keep up the hot drinks xx
    Mum is coughing a lot which is very tiring for her and it means that she isn’t sleeping very well bless her.
    The weather has certainly changed hasn’t it!!! I woke up to warm radiators this morning which was a lovely surprise as Chris had put the heating on without telling me as he knows how much I hate chilly mornings. Sending love snd hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Afternoon ladies
    Good idea for next weeks challenge Sandra. Thinking back to when you did all that scissors cutting,oh how the fingers was hurting at times.
    Great to hear that you and Karen managed to craft together via computer, love to see what you made.
    Sonia- hope being back to work is alright. Cuddles for Barney, hope he is getting better.
    Sue- sorry to hear Margaret have a cough. Hope that's goes soon and it's not a chest infection.
    I'm about 80% better, thanks for asking. I got this crackling cough that's seem to hang on and today I have slept all morning away. Just had something to eat and going to have another cuppa before doing something,well something that doesn't make my head to spin hihi.
    Son has gone back to work and told me the sun is out but it's very windy and big black clouds are creeping in so think by this evening it will be raining again.
    Hope you all have a good day. Many hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Fabulous challenge for next week, and lovely inspiring cards 😊
    How wonderful you and Karen were able to craft together, we would love to see the results 😊
    Sue, sorry to hear mum has a cough, nothing worse when you’re trying to sleep and just want to rest.
    Maria, glad you’re on the mend, apart from the cough. They hang about don’t they, I still have the odd coughing fit after my cold a few weeks ago.
    It has turned chilly hasn’t it, but I’m happy to wear extra layers to keep warm at the moment. Up until a couple nights ago we were still having the fan on in our bedroom at night, but it’s off now as the mornings are getting colder. Still like to have the windows open on the latch to allow a bit of air in though.
    I’m working at the weekend and Marks got a gig tomorrow so that’s our weekend sorted. Off Monday though and booked to have my hair coloured 😊
    Enjoy the evening. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Great choice for next weeks challenge, it was finding out about die cutting machines that made me want to take my card making to another level and I’ve never looked back. But it will be good to go back to basics.

    Sue sorry to hear Margaret has has such a bad cough it’s the last thing she needs. Give her my love and tell her I hope she will feel better soon. xx

    Maria pleased to hear you are on the mend, hope you will soon feel 100% . xx
    Sonia hope your weekend will not be to hectic.

    Enoy the rest of the evening, I hope you will sleep well .
    Love Brenda xxx
