
Saturday 9 October 2021

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Magazine Review


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

What are you all up to this weekend?  We have booked a tip run this morning (I know exciting right)! We will then do our shopping and I want to find a pot for my Anniversary Rose, we found nothing last weekend, so I think we will go to a Garden centre this weekend, fingers crossed.  Ooh I must tell you that Paul and I both found coats we like in Mountain warehouse in the Outlet centre last Sunday, they didn't have our size in stock so we ordered them and paid for them, we were told that they would arrive in 5 working days, well to our astonishment they turned up next day!  That's incredible service, we were really happy with them too, great quality.

Only 3 more sleeps until our meet up, I am determined to organise something so that more of us could meet up and have an overnight stay, maybe mix in some crafting with our chatting!!

Janet, I would definitely call about your passport, it does sound like you should have had it by now, I don't think we have ever waited that long, there is always the worry that it was gotten lost on route to you, mind you ours came by a courier, I hope and pray you receive in time for your trip to Marigny xxx

Karen's Trip to 

Country view Crafts

Karen & Kat at Country View crafts

Karen's Shopping

Karen has shared a few photos of her trip to Country View Crafts last weekend with her friend Kat. It is an amazing shop and it looks as though it has a bit of everything, it looks like a mini craft show, you bought some lovely things Karen, I'm not sure how you didn't end up with a trolley, I think I could spend hours in there, it looks like its work the 100 + miles journey!  Thank you so much for sharing photos of your lovely day out Karen, I really want to go now too !! XXX

Meet 'King Julian'

Karen shared her latest Amigurami Toft Animal with me yesterday, as I was admiring it Sophie came in and said ''Oh wow thats so cool it's King Julian from Madagascar (the movie). He is adorable and as always Karen manages to capture a funny expression on the faces of her creations!  Thank you so much for sharing him with us Karen, you have a major fan in our house (other than me of course) XXX

Die Cutting Essentials (issue 81)

This issue of Die cutting Essentials features a lot of Autumn Projects, there are some awesome samples and inspiration in this issue too.  The free gift is a really useful die collection, featuring two lovely Autumnal corners, a pumpkin, acorn and some foliage. there are some bonus words included too.

In this first feature Nicky Gilbert has designed some lovely projects using the free dies, showing different ways of using the stamps including creating stamps with them! 

I love the Hexagonal Wreath that she has created, I think it is my favourite card in this collection.

Lisa Horton is showcasing her latest dies in this feature, she has made some incredible designs, I really like the lattice die for DL cards.

This 'Skill Booster' feature has Kim Dellow explaining how to create 'Partial Die cuts', basically you leave an uncut edge to your die cuts giving you a 'hinge'.  You achieve this by leaving the side you want uncut hanging our of your machine.  It does give a fun look to the cards as the letter stand proud and having a different colour card underneath really highlights the letters. I guess its another way to get use our of our dies.

Gorgeous Seasonal Sparkle from Glynis in this feature on Chloe's Creative Cards products, these cards all have that 'Chloe WOW factor', they will certainly twinkle on your Mantlepiece!

Versatile Vellum is the title of this feature, I have to say that the cards are all really lovely, there is something luxurious about having Vellum or parchment on your cards, (i swear there was a feature on it in last weeks review too)!

Ingrid has used the Free die set with her Distress Oxides to create some lovely Autumnal cards, I don't think I have used my 'Crackling Campfire' DO yet, so I may have a go at one of these cards. She has created some lovely simple designs.

I have loved Julie Hickey's work from way back when she was with Craftwork Cards, I think that after being 'Let go' from Craftwork Cards in 2018 Julie has gone from strength to strength, I really love her own brand products and I own a quite a few, The 'Julie Hickey Design Glossies' are my go to for little finishing touch dots to finish a project, the really shine but are flat enough to allow your project to go through standard postage.  You will always find a good stock of her products at Dragons Paper Crafts, Hazel has made some incredible projects with Julie's stamps and dies. As this feature shows Julies cards are always really bright and cheerful.

This feature how to change up your boring basic card blanks using dies that you already own! A brilliant idea!!  Some of the folds are super simple...the 'Twisted Easel' for instance, is just a case of adding a diagonal score line across your card front, but by adding a couple of fun circle dies you have given a boring square card a luxury upgrade!  Oh I love those papers too!

I am really loving the 'Faux Embossed' technique, these cards are all lovely, I think that some would work great for our 'Shades of one colour' challenge this week too. This is something I will definitely will be having a go at. 

This feature basically shows you how to get different looks from one embossing folder, again there are some lovely examples of what you can achieve using an embossing folder from your stash.

Lastly some great ideas for cards for those 'Masculine Makes' that we all dread thinking up ideas for!  The products used in this feature are all Kaisercraft but I am pretty sure that you could substitute them with items in your stash.  I wanted to include this feature as I think that there are some lovely design ideas.  I do love that Texture Netting die they have used in the backgrounds of the cards. 

Thats all from this issue ladies, I hope that you have picked up some inspiration if nothing else from this review. 


That's all for this week's 'Mixed Up' blog post, I hope that you have enjoyed looking through Karen's Craft shopping photos, I could certainly do with a trip to that shop!   I wanted to continue the Magazine reviews that our Michele used to do for us because I fine them a great source of inspiration if nothing else, we don't all necessarily want to go out and buy every issue but there are some great ideas in some of the features. 
One thing I love is the encouragement to get the most out of all of the craft stuff that we all have an abundance of, like the different ways to use an embossing folder or simple ways to transform a card blank using dies that we have our stash.  

Whatever you have planned for the weekend I hope that you have an enjoyable one,

Love and the biggest hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Your outing looks fantastic KAREN. Definitely looks like ashop I would be spending hours
    Love Love your latest creation. He is definitely the 'King' of all he surveys.

    Well I finally got through to the passport office and quite quickly too. The lady was very helpful and understanding but at the end of the conversation I am no further forward other than I know my Application hasn't got lost. There is nothing amiss with the information I supplied and it's just waiting to be processed. The only thing I could do would be to ask for my old passport to be returned/make an appointment to go to my nearest Office and apply again/pay again and then I would receive my passport within five working days. She couldn't understand why Jim had received his so quickly. It's a wait and see.

    Off on our normal Saturday morning visit to M&S foodhall and calling at the Opticians to see if Jim's glasses have arrived. and then home.
    How many times do we have to take one step forward and many backwards.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN to all.HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. I love that saying! How many times have we said to each other “you deserve a treat”
    Great magazine review and thank you for sharing I don’t live near any shops so to see a magazine with the wrapper off really helps to decide
    The lemur has been named! I might try and make him a headdress He is staying with me as he makes me smile I’m not sure the ears are quite right and therefore to me it’s not looking quite right But I love him and as my son was the lemur keeper it is a little bit special. I saw the book advertised for the first time on his birthday so I just had to buy it!
    The shopping! It was brilliant Susan, who owns CVC couldn’t have been more welcoming I think we had to do it by appointment because she runs workshops too Itvwas so relaxed Much much better than a show We drank coffee and chatted The place is literally stuffed to the rafters We are definitely going back Maybe we could organise a retreat close by and go by mini bus …
    I started a couple of same shade cards yesterday I hope to finish them Other than than We don’t have any plans
    I hope your passport gets sorted wuickly JANET
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love the quote, its so true 😉
    Oh Karen, that shop looks like heaven! So lovely to be able to go to a well stocked shop and browse through everything. Love the look of your buys, looking forward to seeing what you create 😊
    Fantastic magazine review Sandra. Great freebie dies and some lovely articles 😊
    Janet, sorry you’re no further forward with your passport. Hope Jim’s glasses are ready 😊
    Sandra, that’s great service with your coats arriving so quickly. Just in time looking at the weather this morning. Hope you manage to get a pot for your anniversary rose 😊
    I’m off to a gig with mark today. It’s the first I’ve been to in a long while. I’m hoping the sun breaks through the mist and it warms up a bit as it’s outside. I’ll definitely be taking a blanket and extra layers to keep in the car!
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Love King Julian Karen. I have seen Madagascar but the name didn’t ring a bell. A great shop to get lost in Karen. You are so clever making your animals. Hope you get your passport Janet.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  5. Hello, Karen CVC looks amazing, I’ve ordered from them and always pleased with the prompt service. The shop looks a real Aladdins cave, would so love to go there.
    Love your lemur, you so talented.

    Sandra great Mag review, looks a useful edition. Glad your coats arrived so quickly, although it has warmed up down here.

    Have a lovely evening, or what’s left of it. Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Loved the poster Sandra, it really made me smile.

    The magazine review is brilliant, When I receive my copy I was so impressed with the faux embossing technique cards, I had to start my version of one of the cards, I am quite pleased with the results. In fact it is spot on for next weeks challenge, I will send ia photo to Sandra.

    Karen pleased you and Kat enjoyed your visit to CVC it really looks like Aladdin’s cave. I don’t think I would ever want to leave. LOVE your Lemur he is going to be a special friend in your house.

    Janet hope your passport arrives soon 🤞xx

    Sonia enjoy Marks gig, wrap up well. xx

    Hope you are all enjoying your evening, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Looking forward to see your card. Hope you and John had a nice day x

  7. Evening all
    Love the saying, at least once a month I have to get something through the post hihi
    Would love to go for a retreat and also be able to go to the craft fair of the one you went to Karen, so book me in!
    Understand you keep the Lemur, he is so cute.
    Thanks for the magazine review Sandra, always interesting to see before you buy.
    Sonia- have a great time at the gig , hope you not too cold.
    Janet- how frustrating for you reg the passport. Hopefully it is on it's way and you won't have to wait much longer.
    Lilian- hoping your back is holding and you can get around better, take care
    Pat- hope you are doing alright. Any walks lately ? I haven't been on any for a long time around here but did clock up over 8 miles when we went to London last week.
    Cheryl- how are you doing ?
    Sue- sending you all hugs x
    Lynda- hope to see you around soon. Hoping you got some help for the pain in your hands.
    Have slept most of the day away, so typical when I been busy for some days but it was also nice to see more of OH family.
    Hope you all have had a good day and manage to have a good night. Big hugs for you all xxx
