
Wednesday 13 October 2021

3rd Challenge card (emboss/resist)

 Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well today, what are you all up to today?  I am having a lazy day today, I haven't had a decent night sleep in over a week, it's really caught up with me today,  I didn't even get 5 minutes sleep Monday night with the excitement of us all meeting up yesterday 😴.  Fingers crossed  the excitement of our lovely day was enough to knock me out!  

We had such a lovely day, finally getting to meet Our Sonia was the highlight of the day, she is even more lovely than you imagine, she fitted right in like she has been coming to every meet up.  We had a lovely time chatting and we did some crafting too, I will share everyone's cards later in the week,  thanks to Karen for tutoring,  everyone's cards were amazing! I'm sure teacher was very impressed. 🤣😂

Today's card is a quick and easy card, I taped off a section of card and stamped the wildflower in Versamark ink and added white embossing powder and heat set. I then took three shades of Green ink and blended them around the stamped flowers,  when I was happy with the blend I added some randon dots in the darker green ink. I stamped the sentiment in mat and ink and blended some green ink around it, then placed it at the bottom of the card.  

I honestly think my creativity is suffering with my lack of sleep, my cards are just not to a standard I like.  Fingers crossed that sleep will improve things.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Live and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Yesterday was brilliant I really enjoyed it You can’t beat meeting up with friends that share the same interests I am so pleased that SONIA could make it and that you managed that journey You should feel so very proud of yourself
    I loved watching you all make the cards I sort of became mesmerised watching you and didn’t make one myself!
    We will get to you one day LILIAN We may be able to tie a quick hello when you’re next in London
    I hope you managed to get some sleep SANDRA and I love you CAS card There’s nothing wrong with your standard and it never does you any harm to not do an all singing all dancing card
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card today, quick and easy yet still stunning 😊
    I had the best day yesterday meeting up with you all. You all made me feel so welcome and loved 🥰 I really enjoyed chatting with you all and crafting together, thank you Karen for your tutoring skills.It’s given me back the inspiration I was missing with my crafting 😊 I really can’t thank you all enough. I’ll be finishing off my card today and sending a picture to you and then I shall be starting on this weeks challenge card 😊 Hopefully one day we’ll be able to meet up with you Lilian and our missing friends xx
    I hope you managed to sleep last night Sandra, and hope you have a relaxing day today xx
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Morning everyone
    I love your card Sandra, it's beautiful.
    Yesterday was a fab day with meeting up with some of you ladies and meeting Sonia for the first time. You be very proud of yourself driving there and back, next time it be easy. Hopefully more of you can come along next time.
    Thank you Karen for showing us how to make our cards, it was lovely to craft together.
    Not doing much today for even if the day was perfect yesterday my body felt it so hoping by this afternoon I can make a cc at least.
    I hope you are all alright and that you will have a nice day. Take care and hugs for you all, Maria xx

  4. Hello All, so glad you all enjoyed your day yesterday, you all looked very busy in the pic you sent.

    Sandra your card is perfect, you are much to hard on yourself, I would be delighted if my cards looked half as good as yours.

    Spent the morning making a huge bowl of soup in my ninja cooker, found two left over chicken carcasses in the freezer, so made some lovely stock first. It takes ages doing all the chopping but ut now I have enough for several days and I always think it tastes nicer the second day.

    Have a good evening , hugs to all Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Thank you all for making yesterday such a lovely day, it was great meeting Sonia at last, Ladies who were not able to make it we missed you but you were all affectionately in our thoughts. XX

    Not been doing much today every time I sit down I seem to nod off. I blame my age

    Another inspiring card today Sandra, I love love the green. After a sleepless night on Monday and all the excitement yesterday you must have been exhausted when you arrived back home. I really hope you had a good nights sleep and have rested today. XX

    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. JANET any luck with your passport? 🤞🤞🤞
