
Sunday 19 September 2021

Your Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

Here we are at your favourite day of the week, it's mine too, nothing gives me more pleasure than sharing your work. 

We spent yesterday getting the garden tidied up, the grass and brambles were out of control!  It was very satisfying seeing the transformation! 

Now lets look at what you have all been making:


Brenda's Description:  

"I’ve been busy making cards and notelets this week, my first card is 6 x 6 I made it for an elderly friend who had a fall recently, no serious damage but she was very shaken up.  My colour blending needs to be worked on, but as they say in primary school I’m working towards !
The stamp is from Honey Doo and I used my Copics to colour it.

This next set is for my sister she is always looking for low cat items as gifts.
Hope she likes these.  Characters from Lily of the Valley.
The notelets

This next set I gave her the cards and wallet a few weeks ago when I went up to Loughborough, they were for her to use as a gift, but she said she was keeping them for herself.

Brenda what an absolutely gorgeous collection of Cards and Notelets,  you can't go wrong with the beautiful Lilli Of The Valley images, they are so adorable and perfect for many different occasions.  I'm sure Anne was over the moon with them. Thank you so much Brenda for such an incredible collection of challenge cards  XXX 


Janet's Description:

My Challenge Cards for this week are all 6x6 in size.
The main pictures on the cards are from a 'VINTAGE PHOTO SET' from MIXEDMEDIA CRAFT O'CLOCK.
The backing die cut for my first card is a TONIC die.
The second and third backing die cuts are HEARTFELT EXPRESSIONS.

Janet I can totally understand why you love the vintage style so much, it's just timeless,  it's a style that has been around for years and just grown, yoy can keep it simple or add as much ephemera as you want and is perfect for a card no matter the season or gender!  Thank you for 3 amazing vintage challenge Cards. XXX 


Karen's Description:

"Here are 2 cc
The first are 6x6 on Christmas cards - thank goodness for stamping platforms 🤣

Set 2:
The 2nd are 3x3 in pieces of card that I will turn into toppers or tags Tracy Evans Ticketed Snippets and the sentiment from a may

Two lovely Notelet sets Karen,  such an amazing idea to use the Tracy Evans Ticket stamps, they are the perfect size and the images aren't specific to one theme, so perfect for notelets. 
I love the die you have used for the first set too, adding the three little dots makes such a difference to the design too.  Thank you so much for 12 incredible challenge cards. XXX 


Lilian's Description:

"Hi, here are my small cards for this weeks challenge. Had to clear my desk of all the clutter to find room to take pics.
Sorry they are old stamps that I have had for years, flowers coloured with water colour pens, lighthouse cards coloured with intense pencils plus some oxides for the background.

Two beautiful little Notelet sets, the first set with the beautiful floral spray, I love the idea of adding the matching colour ribbon to give the little touch of luxury.
The srcond set is so stunning,  I absolutely love that scene, like a view from a seaside cottage window, all beautifully coloured. Thank you so very much for taking part Lilian XXX


Maria's Description:


Oh wow Maria thank you so much for 4 stunning cards for this weeks challenge,  they are perfect, all so pretty, I love the Wisteria stamp, lovely colours and those little corners are the perfect finishing touch.  The butterfly is so atriking against that lovely coloured background,  such lacy wings too!! Card 1 is brilliant,  I love the modern mixed media style.  Finally that beautiful mixed media background embellished with the tone on tone flowers is amazing.   Thank you so much again my lovely XXX 


Sonia's Description:

"I die cut a Memory Box flower and coloured some of the petals with Distress Oxides and placed them back within. I’ve used Pickled Raspberry, Speckled Egg, Mermaid Lagoon and Seedless Preserves. The sentiment is from The Stamp Market."

Oh Sonia Such a beautiful,  Clean & Simple design that really works, Iove how you have only covered some of the petals , it gives a more striking effect, a stunning card as always, thank you so much XXX


Thank you so much Ladies for such a stunning display of cards, so many lovely ideas, you are all so incredibly creative. 😍

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Ah Sunday morning and my first cup of coffee and looking at a whole bunch of beautiful craftiness.
    Just the thing to start a dull grey start to the day.

    We had a lovely meet up with Jim's Niece at last yesterday morning. I had my damaged new frames changed and then a lovely relaxing afternoon.
    Nothing planned for today.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN usual hours and today's lunch menu is Roast Pork with Apple pie for afters. Place your orders.

    HUGS are on their way to youall.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely cards today. Just thought I’d pop in and say Hi.


  3. Hello MICHELE Lovely to see you pop in
    Great cards ladies I love seeing everyone’s ideas Genius idea to colour the petals SONIA and not waste cutting out each separate colour
    My ‘Merry Xmas” is a two layere stamp it a die SANDRA
    The memorial service was lovely None of us knew that her funeral service took place in USA Now her husband, children and grandchildren have somewhere to visit
    Hope the anniversary celebrations went well SONIA
    I need to just potter about today I have done something to my lower back and hips and it’s mighty painful
    Take care xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Well as always it’s great to look at all of the wonderful challenge cards. And lots of different styles and techniques.
    You have all done yourselves proud ladies.
    Sandra, I couldn’t get my comment to publish on Friday then forgot to try again later on and yesterday just flew by but I wanted to say how lovely it was to see some of the beautiful flowers you have in your garden. And a genius idea to look at them when you are colouring. Thank you for the great magazine review too. I might not be crafting at the moment but I think I will treat myself to it as there is a really good selection of stamps isn’t there. The saying made me giggle as most of us can relate to it can’t we 🤣 Have a good day my lovely xx
    Karen, sorry to hear you are in pain. Sending gentle hugs to you. I hope you start to feel better soon xx
    Janet, glad to hear that you finally managed to meet up with family. And that you now have a good pair of glasses. Roast pork then apple pie sounds delicious please xx
    Sonia, I hope you enjoyed your anniversary party last night xx
    Maria, how are you feeling today? Not as bad as you have been lately I hope xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Morning all
    wonderful cards ladies, I love them all.
    Brenda- the LOTV are stunning. You did an amazing job to make so many. Walk was nice and a clean oven is satisfying while it last but I was pooped so in bed by 10pm 😊
    Lilian- love the cards with the light house , your colouring in is so good. Hope you are ok.
    Karen- great cards. Always thinking why didn't I do that. As usual I was overthinking it and ran out of time 🙈 Glad everything went well yesterday.
    Janet- I like your olden style photos on the cards you make, that is your style. Hope the glasses are fine and so nice to see you managed to meet up with Jim's niece again. Have a relaxing day.
    Sonia- hope you had a great evening and Happy Anniversary for Tuesday! Hope you have a nice time away and the weather is staying ok-ish 😊 as long you got the right clothes you can always do something. Love your CAS card by the way.
    Michele- so nice seeing you pop in. Take care!
    Pat- hope you are alright. Have you had any nice walks lately ? Are you doing any classes at the moment ? love to see some more of your works.
    Sue- I just take one day at the time really. What else can you do 😄 but after yesterday I think it will be a tidy up day around the crafting station and some Tv watching. We getting a new box on Thursday so losing everything I pre-recorded so best see them before they go 😌 Big hugs to you all.
    Lynda- hope you ok and being looked after by our CU 💝
    Sandra, thank you for everything. You know how to make a girl feel better 😃 Have a nice day and the same goes to you all and many hugs are sent to each and one of you. Maria xxx

  6. Hi everyone.
    Oh I love all of today’s card, you have all been so busy 😊
    We had a lovely time last night, and the weather was ok for us to be outside. Thank you for all your Anniversary wishes ❤️
    Lots to do again today, packing for our little holiday and doing the last few bits of washing, so I don’t have too much to come home to! We got no tumble dryer at the moment, so everything is hanging to dry in the bathroom and our bedroom, and of course takes twice as long to do!
    Sandra, glad you got the garden sorted, so lovely when it’s all done. We received a Silver Wedding Anniversary rose from my brother and sister in law. Our first plant to go in our garden 😊
    Michele and Pat, great to see you popping in. Hope you’re both ok xx
    Karen, glad the service went well xx
    Janet, glad you had a nice time with Jim’s niece, and you got your frames changed xx
    Sue, hope you’re ok and mum and pops are doing well xx
    Maria, hope you have a relaxing day xx
    Hope you all have a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love all of today’s challenge cards, Such a lovely selection.

    Nice to see you popping in Michele. Hope you are OK.

    Hope you managed to get out into the garden again today Sandra. The only crop I have grown this year is Tomatoes, we have a glut of Plum tomatoes (fortunately John love them ) they are great fo cooking, so will not go to waste.

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend, wishing you all a good week.
    Love. Brenda xxx
