
Thursday 16 September 2021

Throwback Thursday Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies, 

We're home and unpacked and the washing is done, fortunately the weather was perfect for getting washing dry,  it makes a change that it works in our favour!  I think I did 4 loads in all, that included all bedding and towels and some washing that the girls saved for me to do 🙄  I certainly can't complain,  the house was clean and tidy and the vegetables were well watered,  I have no idea what we will do with the HUGE crop of tomatoes,  we have about 10 plants and they are virtually bent over as the tomatoes are so heavy.  I think I will research some Soup and Pasta Sauce recipes. 

I would like to thank you all for your absolutely beautiful birthday cards, I was feeling a little down yesterday, I think its coming home to the reality of losing Danielle,  my craft room has lots of things on display that she has either made me or gifted me, including my craft scissors that has the 'Mum' half of a 'Mum & Daughter '2 part charm.  Si many reminders, it just kind of hit home that she is gone! 

Today's card is a 'Throwback ' card from a few weeks ago, it definitely meets the 'Small Square' Challenge. 

Today's card is my version of one that features in the latest Creative Stamping Magazine,  I used a SU stamp set called Prized Peony and stamped one of the smaller flower heads using Rich Razzleberry ink, I die cut with a circle die, then die cut a piece Rich Razzleberry card. I then took the stamped piece and cut it into 4 pieces, I added foam pads to the back and pieced the image back together onto the coloured card, leaving gaps between each piece.  I adhered the piece onto a little 4 x 4 inch white card base. I added the sentiment which I die cut in gold, to finish the card. 

That's all from me today, 

I hope that you are all well and have a good day,

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                        xxxxxx 



  1. Morning everyone.
    Lovely card Sandra and so was yesterday's.
    Hope you slept well back in your own bed. It's great you managed to hang the washing out for we had rain most of the day on and off. I too also have too much with me when travelling, never know what can happen.
    Going in to town this morning and then hoping to do some crafting. Can I just ask, how many of each card do we make for this week CC ?
    Have a good day and many hugs are being sent for you all xx

  2. A very clever little concept This design would be perfect for those pesky men
    Glad you’re home safe and sound That’s the only drawback of holidays is the washing at the end
    I totally understand how you feel re going into your craft room I worked in the same office as my sister and I couldn’t face it at first I ended up just going in for a cup of tea to build my confidence before I went back to work
    Don’t leave it too long though The longer you leave it the harder it gets
    Spent some of the afternoon with daughter and Oscar who has been off this week with a sickness bug We hope to celebrate properly next week maybe
    Take care all xx

    1. It’s lovely that you were able to spend some time with Charlotte on her birthday & Oscar of course. Wasn’t wreck it Ralph around ( aka Charlie ).

  3. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card today, I love it 😊
    Always a relief to get unpacked and washing done after a holiday. Glad the girls looked after the plants for you too, let us know what you make with all those tomatoes 😊
    Thinking of you, regarding Danielle. You have lots of happy memories so try to focus on those, and as Karen said don’t leave it too long as it’ll only get harder xx
    Well, I’ve just finished Marks anniversary card and tidied all my craft stuff away. Got family round Saturday evening, so now the task of housework awaits 😬
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello All,
    It’s a lovely sunny day here, hope it’s the same with you.
    Sandra very unusual card today, love how the pieces come together.
    Started this weeks little challenge cards, I think you suggested a pack of six.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Great card and very different, it’s lovely when we find different ideas to increase our styles.
    Pleased you got all the washing sorted out, what a bonus getting it out on the washing line - I can’t resist sniffing it when it comes inside.
    Today we got all our washing sorted even the bedding, the weather was perfect, it’s all sorted out now and put away. Such a satisfying feeling.
    Take care everyone, love and hugs. xxx
