
Saturday 25 September 2021

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

What do you all have planned for the weekend?  We are having a relaxing day today and then hoping to do a National Trust house tomorrow, we will take a picnic lunch, the food was terrible at Dyrham park, I have never eaten such a stale Coffee & Walnut cake, it wasn't cheap either!  So the flask will be dug out of the cupboard, I love a Picnic if I'm honest. 

I have some amazing creativity to share with you all today 


Janet has made these three beautiful little Christmas cottages,  They are so lovely, you have added some pretty embellishments that make them even more beautiful.  Thank you so much for sharing xxx

Janet's Description:

I have included a set of three Houses for Mixed Up Saturday which follow the Challenge theme for this week.
They are LABLANCHE and come flat packed (set of five in a pack).I covered each one with STAMPERIA papers and decorated with bits and pieces from my stash..


Karen made these amazing Bottle Tags  for her Daughters Friend, they are to go on top of a mini Bottle of Prosecco, so everyone can pop the cork when the baby arrives, what a lovely idea Karen.   I love your lovely design and the mixed font sentiment 😍 XXX 

Karen used her new 'Miss P Loves' (by Paula Pascual) Boundless Album die set to create this lovely mini album of her trip to Waddesdon Manor,  such a brilliant idea Karen,  we joined the National Trust before we went away so i could do one of these for each house we visit .  
Karen's Description:

At long last I have finished my mini Miss P Loves boundless journal 
It is very basic and made it before I bought the accessories.
I hope to do some with grandchildren days out.

They are the perfect size for photos of a day out.  Thanks d
So nuch for sharing Karen XXX 


Michele & Phil went for a walk into Ainsdale the other day and Michele took these photographs of an omd derilct building that has been given a HUGE facelift by a local artist.  Michele says that this is the second largest Mural in the UK.  You have to enlarge them to see the incredible detail that the artist has included.  

Michele's Description:

The painting on the derelict building is really starting to look amazing-the 2 sand lizards are called Ainsley & Dale = Ainsdale! The artist was still working on it just now.

Thanks for sharing this amazing piece of artwork Michele XXX

That's all for today my lovelies, 

I hope you have a lovely weekend, 

Love and huge hugs to all of you  



  1. Hi everyone
    Janet, I love the pretty houses, they’re so sweet 😊
    Karen, the bottle tags are lovely, what a fantastic idea. I love your album too. It’s a great memento of a day out. I keep meaning to do albums for special occasions, trips away etc but never seem to get around to it. It’s so much nicer than just having photos left on our phones 😊
    Michele, that artwork is amazing with so much detail, lovely to see 😊
    The quote is so true……speaking of which, has anyone seen Chloe’s Creative Cards Christmas release? It looks beautiful, so I might just have to add something to my basket 😂😉
    Well, we had an absolutely amazing time away! It was lovely just being the two of us and we had such a relaxing time. We were so lucky with the weather too, only a little bit of rain a couple of mornings but it soon cleared up. Barney was super excited to see us when we got home, and the boys surprised us with a meal out last night at Miller and Carter. Luke’s girlfriend came too and she drove us all there. It was the perfect end to our anniversary celebrations ❤️
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    What lovely projects everyone has been working on-great photos..

    The painting is now complete-only seen the photos not the actual building now OTS finished. It’s also the largest painting in the U.K. by a single artist .
    No other photos to
    Share as I’m still not crafting.


  3. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for showing my little houses SANDRA.
    I thought they were something a little different and of course being made out of strong card so can be handled by little hands without them falling apart at first handling. The come cut out in their shape and so just need slotting together and then decorating.

    KAREN-what a really lovely idea and a beautiful keep sake.
    Love the little message.

    MICHELE-Lovely to see you. What amazing wall art. So much better than just knocking the houses down.

    We're off on our usual shopping visit to M&S foodhall first thing and then I have my Flu injection at lunch time and tofinish the day off a lady is coming around tea time to sort out my feet. I've been trying for ages to find someone who pays house calls and at long last. I hope she is OK and I'm satisfied.


  4. I love that saying! I’m visiting Countryview Crafts next Saturday!
    Those little houses are adorable JANET I bet you really enjoyed putting them together and that house MICHELE! How beautiful So much nicer that a derelict bare brick building
    I was pleased with the tags I was inspired by some photos my daughter sent which was a template you had to buy to then print and cut out yourself Why do that when mum has tag dies The template wasn’t cheap either
    The journal is very basic It was easy to put together and I could have done less or more pages as it’s boundless
    My friend Kat is coming over to “play” if any of you want to join us on FaceTime and craft along with us
    Take care all xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wow some very talented ladies some lovely makes Janet your houses was lovely them.
    Michele the wall Artist 🎨was
    Brining something so beautiful
    To your village.
    Karen your extra special paint
    Ing Thanking you for HELP WITH YOU FOR injuries.
    Thank you I must go as my hands are hurting a lot😍😍😱

  6. Hi everyone
    I'm in love with the mini houses Janet, they are wonderful. I bought the set by Christina.
    Fabulous book Karen, wonderful memories. Like the tags too.
    Michele, I love the walls. Wish we had it like that everywhere and not the sad awful graffiti in many places.
    Have a nice weekend everyone. Lots of hugs Maria xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    JANET love your little houses, you could build your own little village. xx
    KAREN the tags are a brilliant idea and the journal is a lovely reminder of a special occasion. The boys would love you to make a memory album of special days you share.
    MICHELE thank you for sharing the photos of the derelict building, they are absolutely amazing. The artist deserves recognition.

    Have a good weekend everyone.
    Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi, sorry forgot to come in again, rainy and cold all day.

    Love all the crafty pieces today, you all so creative.

    Michele lovely to see you pop back.

    Good night all, Lilian
