
Saturday 11 September 2021

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

What are you all up to today? We are spending our last full day here is Spain, it barely seems possible that we were just settling out on our journey 3 weeks ago today, the time has flown by, we have enjoyed every minute, after the most horrendous year, I don't think either of us realised how much we needed some time to ourselves.  Tomorrow we leave and spend 2 days travelling home, I really enjoy the journey too, I wasn't really excited about spending our 30th Wedding Anniversary in the car but thinking about it realistically we get to spend the whole day together and I couldn't wish for anything better.

Today I am sharing the absolutely incredible  'card'  that our Sophie designed for my birthday, she has a theme of creating our birthday cards around films that we enjoy, I absolutely love the film 'Hidden Figures' so thats what my card is designed around,  
Sophie has hand drawn us all aa different characters from the film. If you look closely you see Becca's face in the moon, I was absolutely blown away by the level of detail in the background, right down to the equations!  I have no idea where she gets her ideas from, she has no idea how incredibly talented she is.  When we get home I am going to get this printed and framed. 

Thats all I have for you today, 

I hope that you all have an enjoyable weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 



  1. Hi everyone
    Wow, Sophie has such a talent for drawing and designing. Your card is fantastic, definitely one to treasure 😊
    Enjoy your last day in Spain. It’s gone so quickly, it only seems like yesterday you were sharing your journey there with us.
    Off to work this morning, and then at our ex work colleagues wedding reception this evening.
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. SOPHIE’s card is stunning She really is so talented If she enjoys doing theses could she make a business out of it
    I made a start on the next cc and hope to finish them this morning when OH goes for a run
    This afternoon we’re off to pub in the park organised by Tom Kerridge zThere will be cookery demonstrations by some of the top chefs Great food Lots of different cooking/baking themed stalls and live music
    This is our third year of going So I hope it lives up to our expectations!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Great card Sandra. It actually doesn’t look hand drawn. But so talented.
    A lovely day here today.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  4. Hi everyone
    That is an amazing drawing ! She is a real artist and will go far if she continue with her work. Well done Sophie x
    Have a fab day before you getting on your journey back. Can we get to see more photos ?
    Karen- have a wonderful day in the park. the weather here is lovely so I hope you have the same.
    Sonia, hope the day at work goes quickly and you get to see the sunshine too.
    Janet-hope you have good weather too up North and Lilian down South. Have the tourists starting to get less now the children back in school ?
    I have spent the morning to get a cc together. I had one I liked so so and then made a big bobo so that went in the bin. Got a couple anyway so will send them asap.
    Sue- my biggest hug for your mum and Pop. Many other sizes of hugs in the basket so help yourself.
    Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sophie birthday card is stunning, what an amazing talented young lady she is. With such a gift the world is her oyster. Wishing her every success. xx

    Karen hope you enjoyed the Pub in the Park, it sounds a great event. xx

    Sonia hope you had a lovely time at your friends wedding. Your dress looked beautiful, I’m Sue you felt great wearing it. xx

    Wishing everyone a good night, catch up with you all tomorrow.
    Sleep well xxx
