
Monday 6 September 2021

Cheryl's Challenge card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

We had a lovely sunny weekend which we weren't really expecting after a couple of days of rain and storms.  Saturday we spent the day by the pool and Sunday we spent on the beach until about 4pm and then we laid out by the pool until 7pm, the sun was still so warm, we wanted to make the most of it. In fact as i am writing this I am really hot, we are sat outside and its still 26 degrees! Thank heavens for air conditioning  otherwise we would have some very uncomfortable nights.  

Today's card is Cheryl's Challenge card, I received it after I had finished yesterday's post, however it was so Special with it's matching box that I thought it deserved a day to itself ! 

Cheryl used pale lemon flowers that matched the brides wedding flowers, they work perfectly with the beautiful background Cheryl,  such a stunning card with luxury lace trimming. that beautiful lattice effect die cut trimmed with pearls also adds a special touch. I love how you have echoed that same design on the box. Its absolutely stunning Cheryl.  

Thank you so much for taking part and sharing your beautiful card with us.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card and box Cheryl. A lovely keepsake for someone 😊
    Hope the weather stays nice for you this week and you can spend more time relaxing by the pool and on the beach. It finally looks like we’re going to have a few days of summer here too.
    Off to work today for two training courses - First Aid and Fire Safety. The first aid one is online, for 4 hours!
    Hope you all have a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Beautiful card CHERYL Such a thoughtful idea being able to personalise it with the bride’s colours
    Like SONIA has said we should be in for a few days of warm weather Enjoy your time relaxing by the beach and pool
    Well the tag design has been approved! I have made 4 just another 20 to go! As I have had to design them quickly I decided to use a SueW tag I am going to keep the design and play about with it for future use on ScanNCut But you can’t beat the beautiful bevelled edge a die cut gives can you
    I will send SANDRA a photo
    Take care all I hope you’re enjoying Harrogate and York MARIA Have you been to Betty’s yet

    1. We found 3 if not 4 Betty's here in Harrogate. We went to the RHC one which was very nice. I probably put on 5lbs over the last mini breaks which is not good 🤭🙄 back to healthier eating today but going now for breakfast so ☺️ xx

  3. Morning everyone.
    Wonderful card and box Cheryl. Beautiful keepsake. Hope your leg getting better.
    Going to the beach and to the pool sounds so nice Sandra, hope you both have another lovely day.
    We are going back home sometime this morning. It has been raining during the night so back to a grey day but think the next few days will be alright.
    Four hours on line work sound very long Sonia, plenty of coffee might be needed 🙃
    Brenda, your visit to see your sister must been lovely and nice to hear she was in good spirit. Did John manage well on his own?.
    Karen, we walked past some people playing bowls in a beautiful park here in town yesterday. They were all dressed in white and looked very smart. Do you wear that too ?
    Sue, how's it going? Nice to hear Margaret is home with Pop again. Sending you all many hugs.
    Janet, everything alright your end ? Have you started to look for the possibility of going to Marigny later this year ? You must miss it so much.
    Pat, hope you are alright ?
    There is a house and a castle ruins on the way back that I saw on some brown signs going up so will try to persuade OH if we can have a look 🤭😉 he probably will say no but I will try 😊
    Have a nice day everyone and hugs are sent to you all 🤗 xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I’ve caught up with all of the lovely cards you have all shared over the weekend. It’s always so interesting to see your different styles and colours used. I hope the weather continues to be nice for you and doesn’t wash any more of the beach away xx
    Karen, I love the pen nib butterfly body, what a great idea. It was so good to chat the other evening. Xx
    Lynda, it was lovely to speak to you too. It’s been far too long hasn’t it. Xx
    Maria, I hope R does let you have a look at the house and castle. Fingers crossed for you xx
    Brenda, it’s so good to hear that you had a lovely time with your sister. I bet she loved seeing you too xx
    Lilian, will you take chairs and sit and watch the cycle racers go by your house? Do they bring a lot of spectators with them? Xx
    Janet, how are you and Jim. Is his eye healing well and is nit as painful as it was originally. Xx
    Sonia, I don’t envy you 4 hours online first aid training! Or any other training in fact. Do you find you start to go a bit word blind after a while? It’s just not the same as in person. It will cover you for another 2-3 years though if I remember correctly.
    Cheryl, your card and box are beautiful. Pastel Lemon is such a pretty colour against the white xx
    Pat, I hope you have the same lovely weather as we do here today xx
    It is very warm/hot here already and is set to be the same mid to high 20’s until the end of the week. It seems to go from one extreme to the other doesn’t it! I would always go for warmth rather than cold. Especially as Mum and Pop have really good air conditioning 😀
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hello, it’s really hot here today, only going to last a couple of days.

    Cheryl, your card is very beautiful, and the box to with it is the perfect finishing touch.

    Been to Drs this morning for a fasting blood test as apparently I’m boarding type 2 diabetic. Should have the results by the end of the week.

    Hope you are all having a good day. Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies

    Cheryl your card and box are so beautiful, it will definitely be in the memory box to be treasured forever.

    Lillian I hope you get your blood test results soon, the waiting is worse than anything, hopefully if it is type 2 diabetes it can be controlled.

    Janet how is Jim? Hope you are both alright and coping with ‘life’ xx

    Sending hugs to Margaret, Lynda and anyone else not feeling at there best. xx

    Night night everyone, love Brenda xxx
