
Wednesday 8 September 2021

Another Sparkle & Shine Challenge card

 Good Morning Ladies, 

We were actually blessed with a beautiful day yesterday,  so sight seeing was postponed! We had a lovely day on the beach from 10am to 7.30pm. There were a few light clouds but it was pretty much sunny all day, the best part?...I actually got to spend time in the sea, which was a real added bonus.  


I was pleased to here that Jim is on  the mend, I actually had a huge smile on my face when I read that you were hoping to get to Marigny soon. From what we found France were super careful  we found that we had to wear masks in all shops and restaurants *even McDonald's ) had huge queues! They are really careful  in all areas, you will have to  show your Covid passport! 

Todays card is  gorgeous, its one of Christine Emberson' Cbarity kit,  its beatiful I used some of my own gold mirror card to enhace the look, i added flowers using my FLower press thing and adhered them to the card. 

I hope that you are all well.

Love and hugs 




  1. Lovely card SANDRA and tweaking it makes it extra special
    I’m pleased JIM got in OK and is healing nicely Fingers crossed you’re able to get to Marigney soon
    Does floating in water help the pain SANDRA Or does it have to be sea water I’m just thinking if it’s helping whether or not a bit of hydrotherapy once you’re back would help
    Wednesday means an early start for me So I must get cracking
    This afternoon I am meeting my crafting friend Kat We haven’t seen each other in nearly 2 years what with change of jobs and covid A lot of chatting up and a little bit of crafting I cannot wait She’s a huge Tracy Evans fan so I will have a look through her vast collection
    Take care all xxx

    1. Karen , you and husband look absolutely fabulous at the Salsa dancing'back to school' Love it x

  2. Oh Karen 100%, it's the best feeling, the sea more so than the pool. Because i was weightless i was able to propel myself up and over the bigger waves which was quite fun! The only downside is that as you start to get out it feels like someone puts a sack of potatoes on each shoulder.! Worth it though xxxx

  3. Hello, raining here today, still very humid though.

    Sorry I missed yesterday, thought I had commented early, seems not.

    Sandra, so glad you are enjoying the sun, sea and sand. Today’s card is very elegant, the gold just sets it off. Think I may have bought this one , I’ll have to try and find it.

    Janet lovely that you are hoping to go to your lovely holiday hideaway. Pleased Jim’s eyes are healing well.

    Hope you all have a good day. Lilian

  4. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra. Lovely to hear you been bobbing around in the sea a bit. Loved to have a pool the last day and today (+29c) again.
    Bed sheets are on the line and then I did a little bit of tiding up around the patio before it got too hot.
    OH watching football tonight so it will give me a chance to hopefully make a cc.
    Janet, glad to see you soon be back to your little heaven. If everything goes well for Jim ,you are soon on your way.
    Lillian, you take care. Hope your back feel a bit better.
    Lynda, shame I didn't had the chance to see/speak to you the other day. I was busy with something else.Perhaps if you give a time and day for another time I might be able to join you ?
    Pat, hope you alright. Are you still doing any crafting ? Love to see something you made lately.
    Going for a long cold drink now before filling in some forms for sorting out my new passport next Friday. So important to fill it in properly or it be delayed.
    Sending hugs to you all and extras for anyone who need some. Have a nice day, Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a beautiful card, lovely colours too, your flowers and the added gold certainly make it look very special.
    Great you managed to get into the sea yesterday, the feeling of weightlessness must be so calming, hope you have a more sunny days and you can do it all over again.

    Not a lot happening here today, have been making note cards for my sister to add to her collection and pottering around in my craft room. Must get my head around this weeks challenge card.

    Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. Love and hugs. xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card today 😊
    Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday, relaxing in the sea. Sounds wonderful.
    Another hot day here today, but rain forecast tonight I think… was nice while it lasted.
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx
