
Sunday 15 August 2021

Your Challenge Cards for Men


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

How are you all this Sunday Morning,  have you had a good weekend so far?  We had a busy day doing little jobs preparing to go away, Paul is on lates this week so are trying to get as organised as we can.  It does seem odd packing for just the two of us, we won't be taking board games, as you need more than two players for most of them, I said we could still take Scrabble but I think Paul gets frustrated because I always want to help everyone else get a good score, so if they are looking like they are struggling I start suggesting places to go 😔 apparently thats not the point of the game,  I think it comes from years of playing board games with the children and wanting them all to get the best result, surely it would be worse if I was super competitive! 🙄.  We have cards and triominoes which is a game we played as children and remained one if Mum & Dad's favourites too.  We won't take the Paddle Board either, Paul said he wouldn't use it without the girls really and there is no way I could get on it, I struggle getting on a bloomin Lilo, which generally causes much hilarity!  The good thing is we don't need to take 18 towels, 5 lots of bedding etc, so hopefully our load will be lighter.  I have bought Paul and I some Organic Cotton Turkish Hammam towels,  I  gave them a wash last weekend and they are so soft,you mustn't use fabric conditioner with them, I am excited to see what a difference they make.   We are also not taking the large amount of food that we usually take,  as I have read a lot about Meat & Dairy being confiscated by Border control as we are no longer part of EU so not allowed to import it.  Janet did you used to take food with you?  We will still take Tea bags, rice, pasta etc.

Now lets look at your lovely Challenge cards....


Maria's Description:

"The first one I used an embossing folder that has got bottle's and glass for different drinks. I then used this thing that Sue came out 

with for some years ago that changes colour. Had to throw away 3 
of them after they gone rock solid, grrr Happy Birthday from a set
of Stamps and Dies in my stash.
My second card is used with Scrap paper in Black and Grey. I laid 
them in a criss cross pattern I've seen on Pinterest and then Stamped
and cut out Happy Birthday. Hope they are alright for Sunday.

Thank you so much Maria, your cards are both amazing,  I really love the embossing folder you used on your first card, a great one for quick mens cards, I really like the 'Mixed Font' sentiments too.
Your second card is brilliant,  what a great way to use Washi tape, those patterns all work so well together too.  Thank you so much my lovely for supporting the challenge XXX 


Karen's Description:

Two perfect Man cards Karen,  there is a huge difference between the two when it comes to the amount of work you put in, the first card is a fantastic card that would work for both Men and women but I just want to talk about your second card, its so much more than a card Karen,  its a piece of art, it would look amazing in a frame, the amount of detail you have added means that there is something new to see every time you look at it. 
Thank you so very much for two amazing cards XXX


Janet's Description:

"My first card for this week's Challenge is made from 'LABLANCHE' papers and cut outs. This set is called 'TRAVEL'

For my second card this week I went to my wonderful standby STAMPERIA using their CALLIGRAPHY set of papers.

Two amazing cards from our Janet for this weeks 'Cards for Men ' Challenge!  Thie first card features a lovely vintage scene,  you really need just a few pieces to create an amazing scene as the background papers have so much detail in them already. 
I 😍 your second card, that stunning script background really appeals to me, the ink pen looks 100% real too.
Thank you su much Janet for two amazing Challenge cards XXX 


Sonia's Description:

"Birthday card I made for my Nephew. I’ve used one of the Paint Splodges stamps from Honey Doo Crafts and the Happy Birthday die from The Stamp Market. I added a couple of die cut stars."

I really love your card this week Sonia, you can't beat a monochrome card  and it works so well for Masculine cards.  That sentiment really stands out too, thank you so much for taking part XXX


Brenda's Description:

My Challenge card: I’m still dithering should it be brown or beige colour,  but you can see what I have done,  it is very simple card, I used a left over strip of designer paper, Happy Birthday sentiment and a stamped Sneaker roughly cut and coloured with Posca paint markers then mounted on foam pads.

Brenda I love the card exactly how you have put it together,  I think that we are all way too critical of our own work. The converse shoe looks amazing your colouring has given both depth and detail, making it look 3D . Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX 


Lilian's Description:

"My card was made from a sheet of paper from one of my Stamperia pads. Fussy cut the hot air balloons and the rope"

Lili\an has been a little under the weather this week, so I found this card from a 'No Die Challenge' a couple of years ago, it works perfectly for this weeks challenge too.  I love this card, such a breath taking scene!  Thanks for a lovely card Lilian XXX


Sue's Description:

 This card is one that she made for her son 'RJ', I just love the layout of this card, especially the wood effect background. I really love how you have personalised the card for RJ with that cute little tag, I bet her loved this card.

Thanks for a great Man card Sue, I bet RJ loved it. I really like the industrial look of the card, those screw effect brads are the perfect finishing touch for a masculine card XXX


Ladies, I know I say they same thing every week but it's the truth,  I am so incredibly grateful that you make time to take part in the challenges each week,  without you there would be no blog,  for that part alone I will be forever grateful XXX

Sending you the biggest hug and lots of love,



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a fantastic set of Men's Cards this week.
    So much craftiness.So pleased we haven't got to choose a favourite.

    The ink pen on my second card is made using a very thin piece of bamboo -the thickness of a drinking straw- and an old fashioned ink pen knib. It's a box of knibs I found years and years ago in my Dad's drawing/painting bits and pieces. They bring back so many memories of him sat drawing in pen and ink.

    We had a reasonably quiet afternoon yesterday and nothing planned for today.

    The CAFE is OPEN and lunch menu today is Roast Pork with traditional Rice Pud for afters. Place your orders.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.
    LILIAN- I hope you are progressing and not too much pain.

  2. The boys have just left Exhausted or what! Will be off for a sleep in a mo I didn’t get the chance to take photos as we were so busy!
    Lovely cards everyone All so very different AND not one showing a sport
    What a lovely find JANET A lovely memory of your dad and he’d be thrilled that your using them
    I think we’re going to Salsa this afternoon just to say Hello more than anything At the moment I can barely put one foot in front of the other!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Morning everyone
    Great men cards ladies. So clever with the ink pen Janet.
    Am I too quick to say that making cards for men is getting easier. Do need a few more before this year is gone.

    Home alone today so having a nice time watching some films on Netflix while OH has gone to Tottenham to see the first game of the season.

    Hope you all have a good day and Lilian, take care .
    See you later for some roast pork, yummy 😊 Many hugs Maria xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Fabulous cards on display today. I have to admit I do still struggle with making masculine cards, so always happy for some inspiration!
    Nothing planned for today, started watching The Mist on Netflix yesterday, based on a Stephen King novel, so might watch some more of that.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi ladies
    Great cards on show today. Lovely to see men’s cards. Not much on the cards today so if the weather bucks up I’ll pop down to the canal and take a book. It’s a bit windy & dull at the moment.
    Take care & stay safe.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Wow lovely men's carďs love them all.
    Sad 😭 today as I don't feel like I belong in the the blog any more. I'm in alot of pain in my knee.when I stand up all the bones feel like they are all then moving a round.
    Then çañt do writing as hands
    Are also painful.
    This comment has taken a hours
    So I'm signing off for now.

    1. Oh Lynda. Please don’t ever feel like you aren’t part of this lovely blog. You are going through an awful lot but just because you are suffering with your hands so can’t make your gorgeous cards at the moment we all still love to hear from you. Just a quick “Hi from Lynda” is all we need to know you are as ok as possible and looking in so we can send our love to you. I didn’t go near my craft desk for ages but knew the ladies were always there for me so please don’t forget. I do hope you are telling your GP that you are in such pain with your bones/joints, not just your knees. You need to get something to help with your hands in particular. I had to stop working when my hands got so bad as being able safely pick up little ones became too dangerous so I send you all of my sympathy. We don’t realise how much we use our hands do we, until we can’t! Sending loads of gentle hugs dear friend xx

    2. Lynda. Just had an idea. On your phone keypad there is a little old fashioned microphone shape picture. It is on the left hand side beside the space button. If you press it you can talk your words instead of having to type them. Maybe you could give it a try xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. So many great cards. Must say that Maria, I love both of your cards but in particular the second one that uses up scraps. Brilliant idea xx
    Sandra, glad that you are getting ready for your very much needed holiday. It will be good to see how good your new towels. They take up a lot less space than traditional ones don’t they. At least you have been able to enjoy some of your delicious tomatoes and cauliflower. Chris jnr helped us finish the last few beans and he said they were really yummy. Xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Great selection of male cards today, love all of them, i so agree it a good job we don’t have to choose a favourite - each one is a winner in its own right.

    Lynda it sounds as though you are having a bad day, I’m sorry you are in so much pain. As Sue said tell your doctor how you are feeling, you don’t have to suffer in silence. You will always be part of this blog, even if just say your feeling rough or are in pain, just say Hello.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
