
Monday 9 August 2021

My First Man card for this weeks Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Well our Sunday was a real mix of sunshine & showers, we had really strong winds too.  We are in and out getting jobs done in the Garden, Paul vacuumed the car and put the new mats in, which weren't woven in pure gold as the price suggested 🤣! The do look smart though!!  We picked some blackberries from the garden, we have loads and they are huge! I like them in my porridge and smoothies,  I Don't mind them in apple pies but wouldn't eat them cooked on their own.  I might try making some jam with them.  We have 4 cob nut/hazelnut trees absolutely full of nuts, I wish there was a way we could prevent the squirrels taking the lot!! We never see 1 of them, its like there is an undercover squirrel checking each day for ripeness and the moment they are ready he calls in his troops to clear the trees before we get even a sniff of a ripe hazelnut!! 🐿🐿🥜

Today's card is one I made for Paul's younger brother, who had his birthday yesterday, he's not into beer and football so we went for a plain kind of card.   I used my new SU Biggest Wish stamp set to stamp the 'Happy' onto the wood effect paper from the 'In Good Taste' dsp, it was easy to repeat the stamping as I just move the plate down through notches  on the stamping platform and it lines up perfectly. I used different greys for the happy and black for the Birthday, I also embossed the birthday for to add a different texture and a bit of shine.        I layered the card up with Grey Granite card and an Old Espresso card base. To embellish I used some tim Holtz 'Hardware Heads' and black twine. Those tiny screw heads were the only thing that made the card a large letter! Grrr! The inside was another piece of Dsp with a sentiment from SU 'Happiest of Birthdays. 

Paul is on earlies this week, which I prefer, I am going to experiment with 'Leave in ' hair rollers and a head scarf, just like my mother 🤣😂, I will let you know the progress, if these don't work its heated rollers!  Oh and I bought some setting lotion too, not the blue stuff 'Amami' that my Mum used  though! 

Did any of you use this one too?  

I hope that you all have a good day, 

Sending Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. This is a great man card SANDRA I love it A change of colour and it’d make a lovely female card too
    Yesterday was very mixed here too We did go to Dunelms to return some curtains and buy some pillowcases OH bought a new cake tin too 🤣
    I started a cc it I’m having doubts about it Will see what it’s dried like
    I don’t remember the name of the setting lotion my mum used But I do remember something like Twinkle or was that a perm solution
    I will try and finish cc today and start another
    Take care everyone x

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I’m not what happened to the weekend. It flew by as we were busy so I forgot to comment but loved all of your challenge cards. Thank you for supporting my challenge idea xx
    Sandra, I love today’s card, just perfect for the men. Yum, how lovely to have fresh picked vegetables and also blackberries. I could eat blackberries any way at all as I love them. Maybe the girls could try and beat the squirrels to the nuts whilst you are away this year? Good luck with your hair curlers. There was a pink setting lotion too wasn’t there? My Gran and Grandma both used them.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  3. Hi ladies
    Great photos for the challenge yesterday. It was raining but now it’s stopped.not to sure if I can manage a walk today.
    Take care & stay safe.

  4. Hi everyone
    Great card, love the simplicity of it, and the colour combo 😊
    Not much achieved over the weekend, not that I expected to be doing anything but it still went quickly. Back to work tomorrow for 4 days and then I’m off for another week - part of it annual leave.
    Enjoy your blackberries. I love a blackberry and apple crumble, one of my favourites.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi Everyone
    Perfect man card Sandra, like the colour used.
    Sound nice to have so many nuts and fruits in the garden. Squirrels are a pest tho to stop taking what you grow. I guess not even a net over would stop them.
    Didn't do much over the weekend and why do I still feel like a bus have run me over this morning... must shake myself up for later meeting up with a couple of neighbour ladies for coffee.
    Lilian- take care. I'm thinking of you and sending you some extra hugs x
    Cheryl- hope your leg is improving, take care x
    Wishing you all a nice day. Take care and hugs are being sent for anyone visiting the cafe' today.

  6. Morning ladies,

    Back home now after a fortnight away visiting my sister and BIL for her 70th birthday, her eldest son Daryl put on a lovely BBQ on the Saturday which was very well enjoyed by all who attended. Her birthday was on the 3rd but we had a nephew's funeral to attend the next day so it didn't seem to right to be celebrating her birthday one day then attending the funeral the next.

    Henry had such a wonderful send off arriving in a motorcycle side car hearse with a 30 bike escort leading the way. The service was full of laughter and tears with the eulogy being the best. he had a very irreverent sense of humour and this showed throughout the service. Very sad to lose him.

    My foot has still quite a lump on it, had it X-rayed and the worst bruising is underneath the instep bone so will take a while longer to recede, at least I can now bend the foot and continue with the strengthening exercises.

    I'm now going to play catch up with posts missed, no internet connections whilst away so I bid you a Good Afternoon.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hello, very wet here.

    Sandra love your card, the simplicity is what makes it so great.

    Did a bit of baking this morning, but my back was so bad couldn’t wait to sit down.

    Hope you are all well and have a good day. Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Both of your cards today are lovely. I love how you have given the word HAPPY an ombré effect, it works so well.

    Had a lazy day today, I was shattered after the weekend we have had, also I drove both ways, Something I’m not usually allowed to do. The M25 was crazy on both journeys. But I did it. 😇

    I will wish you all a very good night.
    Love Brenda xxx
