
Monday 30 August 2021

My first Favourite Colour Challenge card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

After receiving the most devastating news about my dearest friend Danielle on Saturday I had the longest night, every time I closed my eyes different memories flooded my mind, I ended up just watching her YouTube videos so that I could hear her voice, more importantly hear her voice without pain.  So yesterday we just spent the day taking it easy, I was physically and mentally exhausted.  My only comfort comes from knowing that she is no longer suffering.  Heaven has welcomed the most beautiful Angel 😇.  

Janet,  is it Jim's second op tomorrow? If so I pray all goes smoothly,  Paul sends his thoughts too, he says J will be delighted with the results xxx

Todays card is most simple design but I love it, it really shows that lovely embossing folder off beautifully,  it gives the paper a really expensive look.

Now I can't remember which green card I used but I am pretty sure it was 'Just Jade', firstly I die cut one of the leaf sprigs from 'Forever Flourishing' die set' from the centre of the piece of card,  I  then ran it through the machine with the 'Tasteful Textures' embossing folder, I think this folder is one of my favourites, I love the texture it gives. I trimmed it to 4 inch by 5 3/8 inch and adhered it to a white card base measure 4 1/8  X  5  1/2 inch. I die cut the same lead sprig out of white card and pieced it back into the Green aperture, then added a different sprig that I also cut in Just Jade over the top, adding a tiny white seam binding ribbon bow. To finish the card I added a simple sentiment that I trimmed using a banner punch. 

I hope you like it my lovelies. 

Not much planned today,  I think we are going shopping at some point, to top up on essentials, we are hoping to find a better selection of ice creams at one of the bigger supermarkets,  we need loo rolls, Paul needs some trail mix to add to his greek yoghurt and honey ( he has this every morning after his cereal). I also wanted some more nuts and dried fruit to add to our muesli (don't we lead an exciting life)!!?!! Apart from going out for dinner on Saturday night we haven't left the site since we arrived so it will be nice to get outvand about. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,




  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-I really love that beautiful shade of green. The theme of your card is so simple which really makes the most of the colour.

    Yes SANDRA we are on our last day of isolation and Jim has his last cateract op tomorrow. We had a slight blip in the middle of last week when he had to go and have a Corvid test but thankfully all came back clear so it's all systems go for tomorrow. He really cannot wait to have clearer vision at last and fingers crossed all goes well that in four week's time he can have a new prescription. It's a big week for him as a week today he will be celebrating his 80th birthday too.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual for all who wish to pop in for a look or a chat.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras today for everyone.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. We knew the news about DANIELLE would be coming it it doesn’t make it any less painful to those left behind RIP young lady I’m glad you can take comfort by watching her YouTube videos They will possibly be a great comfort to her family too
    Good luck tomorrow Jim
    This is what holidays are all about - just going with the flow I hope you are busy doing nothing! Great combination ice cream and loo rolls!
    Today’s card is lovely I’m not a lover of green but I really like this shade
    Nothing planned today The 2 girls from next door have invited me around as we started crocheting last week AND they’re expecting a delivery of French Knitters! The youngest is really motoring along with the very old one I already had If I go I might get them to design a monster each from the Imaginarium book We’ll see The weather doesn’t look great either
    Take care all I hope you are more relaxed and enjoying being at home MARGARET xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A lovely card today. I love the pretty shade of green 😊
    I was so sad to hear about Danielle. Although I didn’t know her personally, I felt I knew her through you. Thinking of you and her family xx
    Enjoy your trip to the shops, I hope you find what you need. I actually don’t mind doing the odd food shopping trip when on holiday, always come back with a nice treat 😊
    I’m struggling to find something new to wear to the wedding reception, I ended up ordering a couple of dresses which are due today, so fingers crossed.
    Janet, will be thinking of you and Jim tomorrow, hope all goes well xx
    Sue, hope Mum has settled in back home and doing well xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello All, sunny but cooler here today.

    Such sad news about Danielle’s passing, such a young lovely lady.

    Sorry I missed yesterday, simply forgot, the cards were all lovely, and once again so different.

    Love your card today, although I’m not a lover of green ( unlucky) this shade is very pretty.

    Going to do a load of ironing this afternoon, if my back is ok.

    Hope you all have a good day, Lilian

  5. Afternoon ladies.
    Very pretty card in a nice green. Hope the shopping went well and you got something sweet back and not just nuts 😊
    Thinking of Jim tomorrow Janet, good luck and speedy recovery.
    Love to see your dresses Sonia. I bought some summer ones but only used one as the weather have not been very summery at all. I'm cold today so I wish I was with you in Spain Sandra. It looks so nice and quiet 😄 well empty beaches anyway.
    Take care Lilian, hope your back feel better soon.
    Hope Margaret is back home and Pop and her are fine. Big hugs for them and you all and take care Maria xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I watched you make this card and love it just as much now. It may be clean and simple but lovely too. Great for anyone. I hope you are having a restful day apart from shopping. I hope you got a few little treats too. It’s good to try different countries foods isn’t it. Xx
    We had a busy weekend so I’m having a restful day!
    Thank you for all Mum and Pops hugs. Sadly due to paper pushers in authority not doing their jobs properly and not answering their phones on Friday Mum was not able to come home, bless her.
    Brenda, thank you so much for the hugs, your thoughts snd prayers and to answer your question we have district nurses in each morning, Mums lovely GP calls in weekly and that will change as needed otherwise Pop looks after Mum. Pop still does a majority of Mums physical care as well as the cooking, which he enjoys. I do what I can and am allowed to do. Ironing is definitely my job though. It’s the one thing Pop can’t get to grips with. He finds it so annoying as he can turn his hands and brains to do just about anything as he was/is a technical engineering but he struggles not to iron more creases into his trousers than were there in the first place, not that I tease him about that at all 🤣🤣🤣 xx
    Lynda, it’s good to hear you have been sat out in the sunshine 😀xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I’m loosing it (no surprise there OH says) Really though I had left a comment earlier - but we all know what thought did!

    Sandra I really love today’s card, the EF is perfect, I love that shade of Green. That’s two items on my next order!!

    JANET wishing Jim all the best for tomorrow. Sending him my very best wishes for his 80th birthday.

    SUE So pleased Margaret has daily visits from the district nurse and weekly one from her GP she needs all the support she can get. Pop sounds great being able to cope with all of the chores, he can be forgiven for not doing the ironing. Pleased you are allowed to help where you can.

    I’m going to Loughborough tomorrow for a couple of days to see my sister, it’s about 18 months since I last saw her, although we talk almost everyday. I will have to make sure I don’t make her to tired.

    Take care everyone and try to sleep well. xxx
