
Friday 30 July 2021

Your Next Challenge- Sue's Choice


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and ready for the weekend,  sadly ours isn't going to be as fun as we were hoping as Danielle felt to poorly to travel, which is totally understandable, we all want to be close to where we know we can get help when we need it most.  Obviously we are all devastated as we wanted to make their weekend as special as possible, fingers crossed we can reorganise it.  

Your Next challenge - Sue's Choice

I asked Sue to choose this weeks Challenge and she decided on Aperture card.

I have shared some Aperture cards above and I am planning to share some of your Aperture cards from ptevious challenges on Saturday. 

You can make them into 'Shaker' cards like my second example above, you can even do a 'Faux' aperture card like card one, I have another Faux aperture to share with you too, so watch this space.

Thanks Sue, this will be a fun Challenge XXX

As always I can't wait to see what you all design for this challenge my lovelies xxx

I hope that you can all have a relaxed weekend, whatever the weather, 

Love and buge hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                              xxxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Great choice fir the e next challenge Sue, looking forward to seeing your cards as inspiration. Lovely selection today Sandra.

    We have heavy rain here this morning which is great fir the garden. Once I’m in work (early again) I don’t see daylight until my lunch break so it could be doing anything outside!

    We’ve just been told to plan for setting up booster dose vaccine clinics which will be done at the same time as your Flu vaccine. Starting the end of September.


  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I hope you have a nice weekend even though Danielle sadly isn’t up to visiting.
    I love your inspirational aperture cards. They can be as easy as a simple shape cut in the front of your card with the inside verse or sentiment showing through the hole.
    Two tips that I remember are
    1. If you don’t feel confident at getting the hole in the exact middle of your card then deliberately cut it off to one side.
    2. A circle or star are the easiest shapes to use as you don’t have to worry about lining them up to be straight as you would with a square or rectangle.
    I hope to make some on Sunday all being well. I hope you all enjoy the challenge. Have a good day everyone.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    It's an extremely wet morning here and it's still raining.
    As MICHELE says it's OK while indoors and the garden but not so good if you have to venture out.

    Good to know that booster jabs will be given same time as the Flu jabs.

    A really good Challenge SUE. Thinking cap on.

    I cannot believe we are at the end of July.Where has this year gone! We particularly noticed last night how the nights are beginning to draw in.
    You all know that I shall be spending my day 'swearing' so I'd better get on with

    HUGS are on their way to you all.STAY DRAY.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.

  4. Great idea for the challenge SUE and love the inspiration I hope to make a couple of Christmas cards using an aperture
    I do feel so sorry for both you and Danielle It’s disappointing when something you’re looking forward to something and it gets cancelled let alone in Danielle’s circumstances I hope you can reorganise something
    I am on annual leave at the moment So out of the loop re what’s happening in my area re booster jabs I will find out on Monday
    I’m on Wreck it Ralph duty this morning whilst Oscar has a swimming lesson That will be fun
    Take care all x

    1. I just love that saying Karen. I thought I’d seen a cartoon video called Wreck it Ralph somewhere at sometime.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Great idea for our next challenge Sue, thank you for the tips and your inspiration Sandra, I can never have to much of that. xx

    So sorry for both you and Danielles that your weekend plans have changed. I know both of you will be feeling bitterly disappointed, but in your heart you will feel it’s a wise decision. Danielle must be feeling very poorly to have cancelled what would have been a lovely weekend. xx

    Karen hope your little man is not wrecking your house. I’m sure he will be on his best behaviour for you. xx

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Fabulous challenge for next week, thanks Sue. Love your inspirational cards Sandra.
    Sorry to hear Danielle is unable to visit at the weekend now. Fingers crossed you’ll be able to see her soon xx
    We’ve heard at work that our residents will be getting booster vaccines in the autumn, and us workers will be too. So that’s good to know.
    Very changeable weather here today, wet, windy and sunny! I think the wind has got quite a chill to it too.
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    Nice challenge Sue and nice inspirational cards to help us get going.
    Hope you and Paul can find something to do together so the sadness that Danielle had to cancel this time but we all hoping she will feel better soon and you can meet another weekend.
    I was meant to gone for a haircut yesterday but still short staffed so I went back to town this morning with OH. It's defiantly colder after all the rain and now we have very strong winds so even the cover on the BBQ have flown off.
    I hope work and looking after grandchildren and doing the swearword today have been alright. Lynda, hope you taken it easy today after the long journey you did yesterday.Take care.
    Many hugs for you all xx
