
Tuesday 13 July 2021

Red & White Christmas Challenge 2


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope you are all well, I would like to thank all of you for your love and support, life is tough at the minute but we will get through it, I can do anything with you lovely ladies behind me. 😍🥰  I have GP appointment today, so please cross your fingers for me. 

Today's card is one I made yesterday, I used the Honeydoo Christmas tree stamp and a magazine sentiment, I stamped both in Versamark and added white embossing powder and heat set.  I inked lightly around the edges and mounted the topper on a Cherry Cobbler card base, the sentiment I die cut the sentiment and placed in under the tree.  To finish the card I added some diamante stones to a few places on the tree for a little sparkle. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Good luck for today Fingers well and truly crossed xx
    Your card is lovely I love the white on red as opposed to the other way around
    Well new glasses with a new prescription at no extra cost thank goodness The guy was exceptionally helpful and thorough (I don’t mind saying that being diabetic I thought I was going blind) He was surprised how much my prescription had changed in a month I have really gone off these new frames as they don’t fit well A lovely lady helped me choose a pair I haven’t had that kind of service at an opticians in donkey’s years I don’t expect perfect sight but it should be better than it is at mo
    I am meeting a girlfriend for coffee this afternoon We haven’t seen each other in a few months We went for a socially distanced walk! It’ll be nice to sit at a cafe and relax
    I hope you get in OK too LILIAN xx
    Take care all xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    from an extremely wet and cold morning here.

    LOve today's card SANDRA. Simple/Eyecatching and so elegant.

    It's a very busy day here today. Jim has his first Cateract op this afternoon.He's feeling OK about it but I'm the one on edge. No-one can go into the building with him -take him to the door and wait for the phone call to go and collect him. Everything is arranged -his transport etc etc but I shall be pleased when today is over.

    The CAFE is OPEN and once again the 'brollie bucket' is bythe door.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Today’s card is lovely, it is beautiful, elegant and timeless, think you can guess I love it!!

    Hope today’s appointment with your GP goes well. Be sure to tell him/her just how difficult life has become and be sure to make it clear how much pain you are in. Will be thinking of you LOL xx

    JANET hope Jim’s Cateract op goes well, it must be disappointing for you not being able to go with him, just to give him moral support. Thinking of you both xx

    Granddaughter Ciara is going into hospital on Thursday to have a back tooth removed, it has grown horizontally towards her tongue. She will be having a general anaesthetic. Both she and mum had to go for screening on Sunday and have to isolate until the op. (because of her age mum will be going as far as the operating theatre door, that’s why she also had to be screened) Ciara isn’t to pleased about the timing as it’s the last week of term. The alternative would be the end of August which could have other problems because September is the start of her GCSE year. Having it removed now will at least give her the summer to recuperate.

    Better get a wiggle on, sending special caring hugs to Margaret, Lynda and anyone else who needs one, take care.
    Love Brenda xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sandra love your card its so elegant love that die.

    Hope you get on this afternoon at the doctors.please say how much pain your in
    I have a hospital appointment on Friday wish Terry could come in with me he asks the right questions as I'm not as forceful.I know what I want too say but never comes out right.😷
    Anyway good luck ladies

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Another gorgeous card. I love the tree stamp and adding a few gems gives a lovely finishing sparkle.
    I will be thinking of you this afternoon. Please don’t hold back about just how bad the pain is my lovely xx
    Karen, glad to hear that you got really good service at the optician’s and I hope your new glasses are what you need. How nice to get to see your friend for a catch up xx
    Brenda, I hope all goes well for Ciara on Thursday. You will all be so glad once it is done won’t you. Gem has a similar problem but her appointment has been postponed twice xx
    Janet, I hope Jim’s op goes well today. We all worry about our loved ones dont we. Hopefully you will be able to relax this evening once he is home xx
    Lynda, please write down all of the things that you want to ask about so you can look at it when you are in with the doctor. And please don’t leave the room until you are happy with what has been discussed. It’s your right so don’t let them rush you. I know I always forget things unless I take my list with me! Xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi everyone
    A lovely card again today, love the tree stamp 😊
    Fingers crossed for your appointment this afternoon, hope all goes well xx
    Janet, I hope Jim’s cataract op goes well xx
    Brenda, hope Ciara gets on ok on Thursday xx
    Lynda, hope your appointment goes well on Friday xx
    Have a good rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hello, from a very hot Cornwall, wasn’t feeling great this morning, never get on well with antibiotics, but it’s for my own good so must persevere.

    Sandra love your card, that’s a really useful stamp. I cannot find my Christmas stuff, I know I packed them all in one bag last year, but that seems to have gone walk about. Have a new stencil so I’ll try that.

    Janet hope Jim’s cataract op went well, will he need the other eye done as well.

    Poor Ciara, having to have her tooth out in hospital, hope it goes well.

    Lynda you sound like me, trying to remember all you need to say, writing it all down is a good idea.

    Sandra hope your visit to the Dr went well, and you get some help.

    Hugs to all Lilian

  8. Evening ladies.
    I hope everything gone and is going well for you all with doctors and Ciara's tooth and Jim is alright after his op. It's a lot going on at the moment but sending hugs for you all and for plenty of help and speedy recoveries.
    Beautiful card Sandra, love the white on the red card.
    Lynda, how lovely it must have been to see your grandson again after so long time. Do write down questions etc for the doctor, something I need to do or I forgotten by the time I come out. Brain as a sieve me.
    Had another good walk this morning but think tomorrow will have to be at home for the knees and hips are not too happy.
    Did I say Son's girlfriends flight got cancelled again 😄 what is it you say, third time lucky. She has now gone with another airline 🙈
    Hope you all have a alright night, take care 👏 xx
