
Friday 9 July 2021

Lilian & Maria's Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

How are we all this Friday morning, I know it's the dreaded 'swear word' day today, I wonder why so many people choose Friday for housework, I do prefer to see the house lovely and fresh looking for the weekend, however I always want to do the same on Monday so that it's fresh for the week ahead, it's not as bad these days as there is just the 4 of us, the girls can leave a trail of destruction behind them, I am tired of saying ''can you put your trainers/flipflops etc on shoe rack'' there other habit is coming in from work and leaving whatever they have in their hands on the hall table!!  If you say anything though they say 'stop nagging' !! You can't win, they aren't that bad though really, if they see that I need something doing they will do it without being asked.  They just don't do the same as we did when we were children but that's as much our fault as theirs, I would never have sent them to do shopping in town on a Saturday morning, it didn't do us any harm but we live in a different world these days, I think that we worry too much, if my lot had gone off to play after breakfast and weren't back until 5pm without checking in I would be worried sick but we did that all the time, going to play in the local woods/forest.  I do think that children today miss out on that independence though.

Your Next Challenge

I asked for suggestions for our next challenge as I want you all to choose something that you want to see, so for this weeks Challenge I have combined two choices, One from our Lilian and one from our Maria, so our next challenge is......
To make a Christmas card (Lilian) using the colours Red & White.  I don't mind if there is a small amount of an 'accent' colour like the leaves on the first card above or you could use a different colour for the sentiment.  
I just couldn't manage to 'sit' yesterday afternoon so I dug out a couple of older Christmas cards made using Red and White to give you a little inspiration, as always though ladies if you get stuck for ideas just have a look on Pinterest or give me a shout and I will find you some more inspiration.  I NEED to start my Christmas cards so I am looking forward to this challenge.
Thank you Lilian and Maria for your suggestions. XXX

Ladies I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great idea for the next challenge and I’m looking forward to seeing more cards as inspiration.

    I’m very glad it’s Friday as it’s been a busy week , definitely no housework here on Fridays as I’m too tired by the time I get home.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A Good Challenge for this week.

    Yes it's that 'swear' word day again!!!
    I suppose it's a habit from Mum as Friday was always Cleaning Day just like Monday was always Wash day.
    I know exactly what you mean about children going 'out to play' and not coming in until they were hungry or were shouted in. A totally different world today.

    So you all know what my diary is for today and of course Mr Tesco will be deliverying and that's another left over from Mum - weekly shop was always Friday.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are ontheir way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.

  3. Beautiful cards for this week’s inspiration Red is a colour I shy away from So this will prove interesting
    I used to do housework on a Friday purely because I used to work Monday to Thursday It was the only day when I had the house to myself
    I remember making dens etc in the local field and being out all day long By the time the summer school holidays were over we’d as brown as berries- where does that saying come from! When we went back to school all the boys had a little white line around their hairline from the back to school hair cut
    OH working again today So I hope to craft depending on the weather
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning ladies
    I love Christmas cards today for inspiration. Had a lovely lunch out yesterday. Then we decided to Carterton to the Factory shop for a mooch round, I got home just after 7.00 as I had a chiropodist appointment at 6.30. It was really muggy in the afternoon.
    Australia is in full lockdown now. But each state has different rules though. Essential workers must carry a letter to that effect from their employers. Gill said it’s worse that the first time. As Australia shut the borders. This shutdown is because someone on a cargo plane from the US didn’t follow the Covid rules.
    Not a bad day today weather wise. I’m off in a minute to have 2 tyres peplaced. They’re going to check my oil etc while their at it.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi everyone
    Fabulous challenge for next week, thank you Lilian and Maria 😊 Definitely need to add to my Christmas card stash.
    Lovely morning weather wise, but clouding over now. Fingers crossed it doesn’t rain as we have a dog trainer coming round for a walk - Barney is still pulling and taking me for a walk 😂🙄 we’ve been putting into practice some tips she gave us so he’s not as bad, but still room for improvement.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello everyone, it’s cloudy and Misty here today, what’s happened to summer.

    Hope everyone likes the challenge for next week, I certainly could do with getting a few cards done.

    Been ironing all afternoon, also watching tennis at the same time.
    Not much else doing. Lilian

  7. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous cards to give us inspiration Sandra.
    OH needed to go to town this morning so I went with for needed some shoes. With the mask on and started to feel a bit dizzy it was no chance I would try on in the shop so bought 2 pairs to try on at home, hate buying shoes, 1 pair have to go back even if they are the same size...
    Tired after so no crafting yet but after a drink I will have a go for a cc, fingers crossed :)
    Hope you all have a nice day and I'm sending hugs to each and one of you ,Maria xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely inspirational cards for next weeks challenge. Thank you Maria and Lillian for coming up with this suggestion. Red is not my go to colour so I think it’s going to be interesting!!! Have looked on Pinterest all I can say is WOW.

    We had a wonderful childhood, playing in the garden was not allowed yet we had a really big garden. Opposite or house was waste land with a brook behind it then farmers fields, at the end of our road we had woodlands. Beyond that there was an area where we (in the summer) would pick bilberries. It was so free, our cousins would ask if they could come and stay over the summer as they lived in a built up area. Unfortunately our girls had to make do with the garden Or I would take them to the park, they did get go iceskating, dancing classes and swimming and lots of activities that were just not around where we lived as children. They never complained.

    Right sorry ladies must get a wiggle on and get the dinner going.
    Take care enjoy your evening love Brenda XXX

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wow beautiful challenge card's
    My hands & wrists are giving me lot's of pain today .I have asked oh to look into the chemist for me one of the carasas had one on and i ask her.Been watching Tenis.
    Enjoy the rest of your day ladie.and next week
    Sending lot's of HUGS 🤗 xxxx
    Lynda xxx
