
Monday 19 July 2021

Adorable Hedgehogs


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Well all I can sat is....phew, what a scorcher!!  It was so warm yesterday, our car gave the outside temperature of 30 degrees which is crazy hot, we drove Matt down to Bristol to collect his new Truck and our old lady's Air Conditioning has stopped working so we were melting, it only took us about an hour to get there so not too bad, he wanted us to wait though, after an hour and twenty minutes we went to find him to say we were going to drive back as we were just hanging around in that searing heat, he was almost finished with his paperwork so he was happy for us to go.  We got back home, Paul set our chairs out under the shade and a bowl of cool water for my feet, we got some cool drinks and I chopped up some watermelon and we sat and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon, which is all that we can do in this heat.     I left if until early evening to go into my craft room to create a card for today but even with both windows open and a fan on (which is ideal in a messy craft room) but totally essential, it was just too hot, every time I picked a piece of card up my sweaty fingers left a mark, so I have left my idea ready to start today and had to turn to my 'archives' to find a card that featured an animal. once I saw these adorable hedgehogs 🦔 I Just couldn't resist.  So I will add the details below.

I just couldn't resist using these adorable Hedgehogs for my challenge card this week.
I stamped them in 'Soft Suede' ink (SU) and added a little 'Early Espresso' with an water brush to their tummy.  I coloured the flower with my Blender Pen and a little 'Real Red' ink.  I then took a piece of 'Crumb Cake' card and stamped the flower from the 'Hedgehugs'  stamp set, randomly over the bottom section using Soft Suede ink.
I took the Ticket Tear Border Punch' and cut to border strips, I added one to the top and one to the bottom of my Whisper White card, I then coloured some narrow white twine with Crumb Cake ink (by touching ink pad on glass mat, adding a few squirts of water and then squishing twine into ink, I dabbed excess onto kitchen towel and the dried with my heat tool) and wound this around the bottom of my white card.
I added foam tape to the back of this section and stuck the crumb cake card onto a card blank made from Soft Suede card. 
I stamped my sentiment onto Whisper White card and added the flower which I coloured direct onto stamp with Blender Pen using Old Olive and Real Red ink. I then matted this onto a scalloped circle of Soft Suede card. 

I hope that you all manage to find some shade and stay cool as temperatures are going to be high again today my lovelies,

Love and 'cool' hugs to all,



  1. Your card is adorable What a coincidence I am reading a book about a hedgehog sanctuary at the moment
    Yesterday was a real scorcher which I am really not used to! If it’s hot I stay indoors! But bowling yesterday afternoon meant I couldn’t We lost BUT I didn’t embarrass myself I thoroughly enjoyed it
    My sister in law is coming over to help do some planters and have lunch It’ll be good to catch up
    Hopefully my new specs will be ready too
    Take care everyone especially in this heat x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Late start for me as no work for a whole week!!

    Sandra-I absolutely live your card. It reminds me of the lovely creatures that visit my garden.

    Sat in the shade yesterday reading but I’ve still managed to go pink!


  3. Hi everyone
    Love your card and the little hedgehogs are so cute 😊
    Already taken Barney for his walk before it gets too hot. I was up early anyway to take Luke to work, he did offer to cycle but I didn’t want him having to cycle home in the heat.
    Hoping to start a card today, but deciding what to do might take a while - didn’t realise I had as many animal related crafting bits as I have got!
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Still love this card as much as I did at its first showing. A great one for the men or non flowery ladies. I’m not surprised you just relaxed yesterday afternoon after what must have been a very hot morning. Hope today is ok for you crafting but it’s another hot one so I won’t be surprised if we see another second showing animal card as it is impossible to craft with sweaty fingerprints being left on everything isn’t it xx
    Lilian, so sorry to hear you have been stuck in bed but I hope you feel better each day now xx
    Didn’t do much yesterday except ironing with a fan directly behind me very late evening. I was surprised just how well the fan worked at keeping me quite cool.
    Off for a haircut today. Luckily the shop is really open and airy but shaded, and the chair I sit in is nearest the door so it shouldn’t be too hot. Send g love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi ladies
    I’ve just come back from a sweltering hot Isle of Man trip with Johnson’s. I’ve had a wonderful time. Ann & I met 3 lovely couples who we sat & eat with and had drinks in the bar afterwards. Tracey the driver & John the courier were so much fun as well. Roger one of the couples was a roadie for the Applejacks for those that remember them. He was regaling us with all the tales of the pop groups he met along the way. We had lovely day trips out as well. Leaving at 10am in the morning so time to have a leisurely breakfast first. Well worth a visit to the Isle of Man.
    Great card today Sandra. I hope Matts got rid of his old truck & car now from the back garden of the house.
    Enjoy your week off Michele.
    I’m glad you enjoyed your bowls Karen despite the heat.
    Take care & stay safe still everyone.

  6. Hi everyone
    Very sweet card.
    Not seeing any hedgehogs at all were I live and the bunnies down the lake seems to be gone too.
    Not doing much today,not even card making for as you say Sandra, it be sweaty little finger marks on the cards.
    Good to see you back Pat and to hear you had a nice time.
    Had plans to meet with a neighbour today but we postponed to next Monday when she's off work again. Have a nice week off Michele.
    Hopefully anyone with pain will feel it a bit better.
    Time to get the dinner on. Only burgers and salad so not much cooking in this heat 😄. Love and hugs, Maria xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    So warm again the carers seem to be ln and out before I now it they are due again now this is the bed time one.
    SANDRA I love your card today I have that hedgehog die set its so cute.
    They are here so take care and keep 😎 cool HUGS Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love your card Sandra I have that stamp set so cute
    The carers are dew soon its the last one bed time.
    Sue hope your feeling better and not sweating as much must be horrible for you.
    Michele hope you have a good week off.
    He we go again carers are here
    Have nice evening
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love your card today Sandra, the hedgehogs are so cute. Years ago we used to have a hedgehog who used to come up to the patio door for snacks.. nowadays we only have squirrels they are real pests, digging holes in the lawn damaging some of the shrubs. So we are at war with them, I’ve got pots of mint and lots of geraniums planted,, apparently they don’t like them. But they are still around..

    It’s been very hot again today, I haven’t had the energy to do very much at all.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
