
Friday 11 June 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

How are you all? It sounds like you all had similar weather as us yesterday, it was very warm today too! I pottered about in the morning while Paul was getting ready for work, as he left I had to lie on the bed with the fan on as my heart is not enjoying this heat!  I had a play with my Kaleido this afternoon, I'm getting mixed results, I am hoping its just teething problems! 

I thought we would have a TicTacToe Challenge this coming week as we haven't had one for a couple of months, this one has something for everyone, plus you only have to include three things on your project the rest of it can be whatever you like! 

I hope you enjoy this challenge 😍

Paul has had his vaccination bought forward to today, so he is off late this afternoon, it's such a relief to be fully vaccinated.  

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,  

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                              xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great Tic Tac Toefor the next challenge, so many great options.
    I hope you’re feeling better today, we also had a very warm day but it was cloudy then it got very windy.

    Thank goodness it’s Friday-it’s been a difficult week at work!


  2. Morning Everyone
    A good Challenge for this week.
    My latest LaBlanche papers arrived yesterday so just in time for the Challenge.

    We had an extremely warm day yesterday and though it's dull at the moment the temp is climbing. Of course it's that 'swear' word day for me along with a Mr Tesco delivery and for the first time since Jan 2020 the Piano Tuner is also coming this morning - busy day ahead; how long will I last? we'll

    The CAFE is OPEN -shades already up and waiting for you to sit outside. Ices etc in the freezer.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKECARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Great challenge SANDRA Maybe I’ll use it to do a Father’s Day card …
    Yesterday was very hot I am enjoying being able to sit outside with a cuppa listening to the birdsong though We are so lucky to live in a town with easy access to London (20mins) but have lots of greenery too We watched a local lawn bowls team in the early evening Just a shame the bar wasn’t open it it rounded the day off nicely
    Have a great day everyone Enjoy the ices JANET has put in the freezer
    Take care x

    1. We used to love watching the Lawn Bowls matches when we were on holiday as Children, we took our children many years ago and Matt was obsessed with the thing they had to collect all the bowls at the end of a game.

  4. Hi ladies
    We also had a lovely day yesterday. Dull & windy here at the moment. Lovely to be able to sit and watch the bowls Karen. Would have been lovely to have had a drink though.
    Had a lovely meal at the Harvester Swindon yesterday. Called into Cotton Traders in Lechlade Garden Centre to see if they have any hats. I find a normal hat size is much too big for me. The girlie hats which I can wear are to girlie for me to wear out in the sun. Mind you hats don’t suit me at all. However, I ended up during two dresses. I’m not a dress person either but I bought them for holidays when we get to have them again.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi everyone
    Great challenge with lots of options for next weeks cards 😊
    Still need to finish this weeks card, decided I wasn’t keen on what I was going to do, so had to rethink it.
    Cloudy but warm again here today. The weekend is forecast to be very hot. I’m working so will be feeling it 🥵
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Afternoon ladies.
    Thank you Sandra for setting up a new challenge for next week. I still have this weeks to much for starting it early for once hihi
    Michele- try to have a good rest this weekend and hopefully today will go quickly.
    Janet- do you play the piano ? Love to have an ice pop too, have done some swearword so need to sit down for a minute.
    Sonia-hopefully it wont be too hot. Have you got a little fan you could bring with you in your pocket if it gets to much ?
    Karen- such a shame the bar wasn't open, that could have been nice on a hot day. Will you and Alan take up Bowls ?
    Lynda- it was lovely to see you in last night but so sad to hear all that pain you are in. Take care x
    OH have bought me a new phone eeeks hihi so many buttons and not easy with my little fat fingers so thinking of getting one of does pens to make it easier.
    It looks like rain but it doesn't say so I'm going to water the pots now and wait for our take out. Son is now on 2 week holiday, so happy to be able to spend some proper time with girlfriend.
    Have a nice evening everyone and many,many hugs to you all xx

  7. Hello All, very hot and humid here today. R is putting up new hanging basket brackets today, I was helping, but it wasn’t going too well so sent indoors!!!

    Sandra great challenge for next week, lots of good choices. Hope you are feeling better today, remember to use cool drinks to help with your heart.

    Watching the tennis, this afternoon, waiting for the lawn tennis in this country, love watching grass court tennis. Have a nice evening. Lilian
