
Sunday 20 June 2021

Your Challenge cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

An early start today as girls are off to work and I want to make sure Paul gets his breakfast in bed before they go, they can manage themselves but I know they will be rushing so I will give them some support, plus they just don't make tea like Paul and I do, they can make the most amazing coffee, any kind you like but tea takes patience I think.  So today I will be doing my best to ensure Paul had a relaxing day, he will want to treat it as though it's any other day I expect,  I have some bits to do a little afternoon tea,  the girls are working,  Becca is away and Matt is helping a friend today.  We had Harley for the day yesterday while Matt & Alex had a rare day off together, it was lovely spending some time with him, we took him for a long walk which really tired him out, I look forward to babysitting my Grandchildren rather than Grand-dogs, but you have to take what you're given I guess!!

Let's have a look at your TicTacToe Challenge cards....


Brenda's Description:

Here is my challenge card,  the Category are masculine, circles and stripes, Paper used is StampinUp from a few years ago. I stamped within the circles a few times with a Versamark pad and added gold embossing powder. 

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks TicTacToe Challenge Brenda,  your card is perfect, I love the extra embossed lines and adding the extra stamped circles and embossing in gold was an absolute Genius idea!!! I also love the addition of the gold mirror card it really gives an extra special touch.   Thank again my lovely XXX 


Cheryl has designed a lovely 'Man' card for this weeks challenge using  Categories:  Masculine/Metallic/circles.

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks TicTacToe Challenge Cheryl, I absolutely love your card, such a perfect colour combination, the stamped detail really ties your card together,  it works so well with your dotty border strip and the colour matches that fantastic topper brilliantly, a perfect 'Man' card XXX


Karen's Description:

Here’s a sort of Two-fer 
I inked the Tracy Evans stamp with Squeezed Lemonade Carved Pumpkin and Crackling Campfire and stamped on a piece of Pink Frog card which I spritzed with water I spritzed the stamp and stamped onto a second piece I then used other stamps etc to finish off So 1st one is Feminine Die cut (card base and mats) and  Metallic/metal (gold ink flicks)
Feminine/Die Cuts/Metallic 

Second card has an embossed base in cream card
Feminine - Die cut - Dry embossing

Thank you so much Karen for two amazing Challenge cards,  I love the effect you have achieved,  managing two cards for price of one is a huge bonus, I really need to get me Tracy Evans stamps out and play, thank you for inspiring me Karen XXX 


Janet's Description:

My first CC for this week was made using STAMPERIA 'ROMANCE' papers etc.

I used FEMALE/CIRCLES/DIE CUTS from the grid.

My second CC for this week was made also using STAMPERIA papers etc but this time I used their 'AROUND THE  WORLD'.
I used MALE/CIRCLES/DIE CUTS from the grid.

Thank you so much Janet for two lovely, timeless Challenge cards, both cards would work well for many different occasions so perfect to have in your card collection,  as always with these papers there is so much detail going on, you find something new each time you look.  Thanks again Janet XXX 


Lilian's Description:

I used, stripes, feminine, die cuts.
Background is made using oxides, with a piece of foam packaging.
Paper is Stamperia, house of roses.
Message is an old sue wilson die,

Thank you Lilian,  your Challenge card is just so pretty,  I love the combination of the pretty floral paper and the soft striped background, the doilly gives thay extra special Feminine touch. 
Such a beautiful card XXX 


Michele's Description:

My challenge card. I used a Little Claire topper, DoCrafts wood collection papers & Nailhead stickers as shown. Masculine/wood/metal.

Card 2:
Another challenge card -made for a colleagues 50th birthday next week. Embossing/circles/bling.

Thank you so much Michele for two amazing Challenge cards, I love the combination of the Ella's Design image with the wood effect background, it really works.
Your second card is just so beautiful, I absolutely love that die set that you bought,  the design is so beautiful, I also love that you have dies for the layers too so that everything looks perfectly finished off. XXX


Sonia's Description:

Here are my challenge cards
First one is masculine/circles/embossing. I’ve used a LOTV simply print digital image and the circular sentiment is from Craftwork Cards.
My second card is masculine/stripes/die cuts (and embossing). I die cut the ‘You’ sentiment by Sugar Pea Designs. I embossed with Speckled Egg embossing glaze, as well as the die cut stars. The striped backing paper is from Blissful Teal by Anna Marie. This card also fits our next challenge, so I hope it inspires.

Thank you so much Sonia for taking part in this weeks TicTacToe Challenge, I love both of your cards, your first card is super cute and I love the embossing folder that you have used.  Your second card is amazing,  I love the background paper, just the perfect amount of distress, I haven't tried the Tim Holtz  Embossing Glazes but after seeing your card I really want to, I might just pop onto Amazon after finishing this post ! 😂🤣 Thanks again Sonia XXX 


Another incredible display of cards Ladies,  thank you all so very much for going to the trouble of taking part, I really do appreciate it XXX 

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday,

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning everyone Lovely cards today I love seeing everyone’s take on themes For instance I had this fixed idea that stripes had to be a patterned piece of paper Not inked or embossed- genius
    I couldn’t resist and bought the Die Cutting Essentials magazine yesterday (thanks MICHELE!🤣) It was great to just sit and flick through a magazine and can’t wait to have a play
    It’s dry at the moment Fingers crossed it stays that way I cannot wait to see the look on my sister in law’s face when she sees their aunt A few tears will be she’d and that’s just me!
    Take care all x

  2. Morning ladies,

    Love the gallery this morning, so many different combos.

    Late last night we had finally had our share of the life-giving water. It started off quire gentle then became steady downpour and was still going when I went to bed. this morning's offering is what we in Somerset call mizzle, a very fine misty rain...the sort that drenches everything.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today-all amazing.

    Not much planned fir today-got all the housework to do as usual. Might do some weeding while hubby watches the Grand Prix this afternoon.


  4. Morning Everyone
    What a wonderful selection of CCs on the boards today. All inspirational too.

    Another grey/dull/cool start here but it's dry.We haven't had any of the thunderstorms forecast.
    Not a lot happening today so fingers crossed it stays that way.

    The CAFE doors are OPEN for all who wish to pop in and have a look.
    Lunch today is Roast Lamb with mixed salads.Place your orders if you wish.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  5. Hi everyone
    A beautiful selection of cards today. I love seeing what everyone creates 😍
    Cloudy and drizzley here, but not got much planned anyway. Boys are both working later and I’ll pop to see my Dad while Mark watches the Grand Prix.
    Have a lovely day whatever you are doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi Ladies
    A lovely selection of cards on display. It rained quite hard about 8.00pm last night. No kids have been born as yet. Still have 4 days of the 10 day window to be born in. Then the other 3”s kids at the end of June beg of July.
    Very dull here this morning and just about spitting I think. So not much on the cards. We were going to the Cotswold Wildlife Park next week as that was the last place we all went with Pete But that won’t happen now until the end of July.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  7. Morning everyone.
    Wonderful cards ladies 🙂 love them all.
    My time ran out,had too many ideas and nothing got done, sorry.
    A bit grey and drizzle in the air.Had a father's day breakfast out and a nice stroll in the castle grounds, so many beautiful roses in the park. Just lovely to be here and seeing "the kids".
    Have a nice day everyone, hugs to all and extras for Margaret,Lynda,Lilian and anyone who need some! Maria xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, the family were all arriving at lunchtime so I had to get a wiggle on. We had a lovely day even if we didn’t get any sunshine, the gazebo was (and still is) up, with the garden furniture under it, everyone stayed outside most of the day, I did get out the small blankets we use for outside so if anyone was chilly they could snuggle up. It was a lovely day.

    So many fantastic challenge cards today, I know I’ve said it before but all of your beautiful cards are so inspiring.

    The weather has stayed dry today, this afternoon I was able to get outside and do a little weeding, had I stayed indoors I know I would have fallen asleep, so it was great to get outside and have some fresh air and exercise.

    I hope you have had a lovely weekend.
    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello all, another lovely warm day, a little rain last night, which is good for the garden.
    Lovely selection of challenge cards again, so many different ideas to store for ideas.

    Hope you all had a lovely day, hugs to all, Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. A beautiful selection of great challenge cards to enjoy. And a great magazine review yesterday, thanks Michele.
    Both Chris and I have had a bug over the last few days so have not done much. Both of us feel a lot better today thankfully. Will not be seeing Mum and Pop for the next few days obviously.
    I hope you are all as well as possible. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
