
Tuesday 22 June 2021

Technique Tuesday Tutorial


Good Tuesday Morning Ladies, 

We had a very wet day yesterday, the garden really appreciated it though I'm sure, in fact I'm pretty sure that the grass grew about 6 inches over night🙄😘😅

Michele has prepared another Fun Fold Tutorial for us, these cards also tie in with this weeks Challenge!

Michele's Fun Fold Tutorial 

Hi Ladies,

Here another easy fancy fold technique.

You need to start off with a piece of A4 card and score it in the centre vertically and horizontally to create 4 portions.
You then need to cut across the card as shown with the dotted line.

This should give your two equal pieces as shown.

When folded they will look like this.
The pink card is for  the toppers-see instructions with next photo.

We now need to create two triangle shaped toppers. I cut mine to 145x 100mm the cut them diagonally-see the pink card below. This may be too large, if you want to leave a border then you’ll need to trim a couple of millimetres from the two straight edges of the topper card of use a piece of card measuring 140x95mm instead.

You can then add a topper. I’ve not decorated mine yet it added a sentiment.

You will need to decide which part of the front you are adding the topper to, remembering to only glue half of it down.

You will need to add a panel inside to stamp your sentiment on & decorate .

This will now fit in a standard envelope unless you added a lot of 3D elements to the front.


Thank you so much Michele for another fantastic Fun Fold, I love tbe versatility oc these cards,  youvan decorate them as much or as little as you like,they can be made for any occasion too, as you can see from Michele's inspiration cards. 

Michele I really appreciate the time you took to write the tutorial for todays post, thanks again my lovely XXX

I hope you all manage to have a go at today's tutorial,  I can't wait to see your cards.

Have s lovely day Ladies, 

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I’m so jealous that you have had rain! We still haven’t had any rain for weeks now and the garden looks awful.

    Yesterday was busy & today looks like it’ll be just the same. I’m looking forward to having a couple of days off at the end of the week.


  2. Thank you MICHELE for another easy looking tutorial I will try it out later
    And sorry MICHELE we had rain all day long yesterday!
    Yesterday was what I call a fidgety day I couldn’t settle to do anything Hopefully I will feel a lot calmer today
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Great tutorial Michele, love your cards. Thanks for sharing 😊
    Another grey start, but dry at the moment, and it’s really cold - had to put on a thicker jumper! Might just be me as Mark went off to work in a t shirt.
    Did some crafting yesterday and hoping to do more today.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A great fun fold Michele. This is on my “to do” list!
    Sandra, I know what you mean about the grass growing so fast. We have another day of rain and grey skies. I have had a hoodie on all morning as it is so much cooler too.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hello, cloudy and chilly, with fairly stiff breeze .

    Michele great tutorial for another different card, will definitely have a try st this one. Certainly different from the normal cards.

    Been in the garden most of the day, planting pots( well I just give instructions) for the patio, mostly petunias and lobelias, also four lots of sweet peas. Late this year as I’m not able to do any bending, so have to wait until R has the time to help.

    I see the number of Covid-19 cases have rocketed down here , way above England’s rate now, all down to the G7 I’m sure. So staying home for the time being.

    Hope you all had a good day, Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I’ve been sitting down for an hour or so, the idea was to leave a message on the blog but I just happened to be distracted and have a little peep at the online Stampinup catalogue then time has just flown by. So this will be a short message as it’s almost dinner time.

    Michele thank yo for the instructions for making this card, all very clear AND not complicated…. Just what I need!

    Enjoy your evening everyone, take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

  7. A quick hello as it is late.
    Will remember that fold for the future, thanks Michele for the instructions.
    If anyone wants to blow their cobwebs away then you only need to come to Norfolk and the promenade down Hunstanton beach ,it was no rain today and it looks good for tomorrow when I go to "Norfolk Lavender" to meet a friend for lunch who lives down here. Hoping you all had a good day and if in pain it will be better tomorrow. Have a good night. Many hugs 🤗 Maria xx
