
Thursday 3 June 2021

A Foiled Dragonfly card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Is it really Thursday already?! This week is flying by. I finally got Mum's Ashes Interment date finalised yesterday after a phone call, it was all sorted, the Town Clerk seems such a lovely lady,  she couldn't have been more helpful,  on the form it said I needed the Certificate of Cremation but the Funeral Directors won't issue that until we collect Mum's ashes, so I was trying to arrange for the Certificate to be faxed over,  the lovely lady just said not to worry about it and said I could take it in or post it after the Interment.  So thankfully thats all sorted for Mum's birthday on 28th.  I am going to organise a small plaque to pop on her place as we need to wait for the ground to settle  for a couple of months before her stone is laid. It's such a relief to have it all sorted.  

Today's card was my first play with the Kaleido Foiling machine, you can see in the picture that I didn’t get 'perfect' coverage,  I tried twice but got the same result, I'm not sure if it’s the paper I used, the above card is on Watercolour card, there is no pattern from the Watercolour card as the Kaleido appears to iron it flat, so it turns into 'Hot Pressed Watercolour ' card.  I seem to remember John saying something about Mixed Media card being best.  

I stamped the 'Dancing Dragonflies ' Woodware stamp using the Kaleido Ink, allowed it to dry and they added the foil and ran it through the machine, it covered most of it to be fair, to finish the card I blended Peacock Feathers,  Stormy Sky & Blueprint Sketch across the card,  I wiped over the silver areas with a cloth to remove excess ink and buff up the silver foiling.  I matted and layered onto silver card and then onto a white card base.  I haven't decided on a sentiment yet.

Now I am thinking of maybe having a 'Fun Fold ' Challenge this week for anyone that wants to have a go a Michele's Tutorial card, let me know in the comments bellow, you can chose other fun fold if you would like to. 

I hope you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    OH love love your card for today SANDRA.
    Such a beautiful finish.

    We have had the most glorious two days but a very dull grey start this morning.Fingers crossed the sun will pay a visit later.

    I have to photograph my CC this morning and hopefully get it sent and I'm in the middle of making another shopping bag.

    The CAFE is OPEN for anyone who wishes to pop in for a cuppa and a look.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for all Dear Friends not feeling too well.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Your card is lovely SANDRA I love the sort of distressed look I’m glad you have sorted your mum’s interment and such a lovely idea to add a plaque/stone with your dad’s name too
    We still have beautiful sunshine It did rain overnight
    I finished a couple of cc’s which I’ll photograph today
    I like the idea of doing MICHELE’s fun fold next week as the challenge
    Take care all xx

  3. Hello, a bit cloudy and certainly cooler today.

    Sandra love the foiling on your card, must admit I haven’t tried it yet, have the ink and the foil now. Think I read somewhere that you can use laser print outs. R has a laser printer so I might try that.

    I think I’d like to go with Michele’s card for next weeks challenge, but I’m not really fussy.

    Don’t have much planned for today, would like to plant up a couple of my hanging baskets, but will have to see how my back behaves.

    Hope you all have a good day, Lilian

  4. Hi ladies.
    Lovely card Sandra and beautifully shiny. Glad everything is done reg your mum and that you also got something for your dad.
    Lilian- hope your back will feel better soon. Awful struggle when neck,back,hips and knees not behaving.
    Hope the day goes quickly for our working ladies so you can enjoy some of the sunshine today. It saying rain tonight.
    Had my second vaccine this morning and as we already were in town we did a little shopping. Have some colouring in to do,not sure if it be for the cc yet. Have cut a couple of cards up according to Michele's fun fold, looking for some papers to use. Probably do some more tonight when its cooler. Going to sit outside and read for a bit.
    Have a nice day and many hugs for everyone xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card the foiling looks lovely, I love how the colours blended together for your background, they just sort of blend into one another it’s beautiful. Fun fold card would make a good choice for next week, I hope I’ll be up to completing a card, but really I have no excuses because you give us so much inspiration. XX
    Glad you managed to sort out mums headstone and include dad‘s name on the inscription.

    Lillian I hope your back isn’t playing up and you’re able to get on and plant up your baskets.

    Maria I hope you don’t have any side-effects from your Vaccination and you’re able to carry on crafting later on.

    I’m off out into the garden now, not sure what I’ll be doing because whatever I plan I always get distracted by yet another job. Ha ha
    Take care everyone and stay safe love Brenda XXX

  6. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card again today, I love the effect of the foiling 😊
    Glad to hear you have sorted the details for your mums ashes interment, a big relief for you.
    The sun finally came through after a dull start here, but starting to cloud over again now. Fingers crossed the weather is nice for the weekend as I’m off work.
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Sending hugs to you all xxx
