
Friday 28 May 2021

Your Next Challenge

Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well, I know it's swear word day for some of you,  I must admit that there is something really satisfying about having the house all neat and tidy with fresh bedding etc ready for the weekend, so we can think about something other than hoovering, dusting and laundry over the weekend,  mind you I always get up on a Monday and go through the house ready for the week ahead.  

It was lovely to see the sun again yesterday and we had another day without rain 😯, I really hope that it stays dry and warm over the weekend, I had actually forgotten that it was a Bank Holiday so that feels like an extra bonus to me!  Then that's another month over, I can hardly believe that we will be in June!  This year barely seems like its started and we are half way through almost!! 

Your Next Challenge 

Chosen by Karen...

I asked for some suggestions for this next Challenge and Karen kindly suggested......

Things with Wings 

So I look forward to seeing your Butterflies 🦋 Dragonflies, Birds 🐦 Bees 🐝  Fairies 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️, Dragons 🐉, Airplanes ✈ or anything else that you can think of. 

Thank you Karen for choosing this weeks Challenge, If anyone else would like to choose a Challenge just let me know xxx

I hope that you all have an amazing weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Finally managed to comment.
    Karen-great challenge for us next week. Looking forward to seeing who’s next choosing a challenge. Mind you I still haven’t started this weeks card although it’s all planned in my head!

    Like Sandra I’m hoping for nice weather over the Bank Holiday weekend because it’s nice to have days off and be able to choose what to do. We need to do some work in the garden plus it’ll be nice to sit outside.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Yes it's that day again.The one that I get to 'swear' washer is already churning away and we have a dull but DRY start to the day.

    I cannot believe we're at the end of another month and still the warm weather hasn't appeared.Perhaps this next month will be warmer.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual though the seating outside still needs sorting.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Have a good week-end whatever you have planned.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Yay! Sunshine! Bank Holiday!
    We are visiting my sister in law on the Sunday and we pick up our new specs on the Monday
    I hope you like the challenge ladies I know we’ve done it before
    Your card is lovely SANDRA That stencil is stunning and I love that paste you have used
    I hope your OH is OK MARIA Big hugs to you LYNDA and MARGARET
    Take care all

  4. Morning everyone.
    It's look like another beautiful day here so hoping for a walk , perhaps to Dobbies which only take about half an hour to walk over to. May has really gone quickly and suddenly Son's girlfriend will be here tomorrow. 16 Months is a long time not being able to be together.
    I have this weeks cc to do still,hoping to finish it this afternoon. I like the challenge for next week,thanks Karen for setting it for us.
    Thank you again for my wonderful cards ladies,I love them all x
    Brought around some little pansies for the tables outside Janet, hoping it will bring some more people in for a cuppa and chat.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs Maria xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week, thanks for suggesting it Karen - you all know how I love my butterflies 😉 Love your card Sandra, it’s beautiful.
    Been cloudy here all morning and has now started raining! Fingers crossed it doesn’t come to much.
    Hoping to finish my second challenge card this afternoon as I’m working over the weekend. Off on Monday though 😊
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi All, cloudy here with the occasional sprinkle of rain.

    Great challenge for next week, still doing my tag for this week, started with several ideas but most in the bin. Going to have another try later.

    Hope you all have a great day, Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Great choice for next weeks challenge., thank you Karen for suggesting this. xx
    Beautiful card to inspire us.

    Had a swearword day today, by mid afternoon I was exhausted so spent the rest the day being very quiet. My energy level is not what it used to be!

    Looking forward to tomorrow I am going to the wedding of daughters god child, well on live streaming! Which is great as only 30 can attend, it was supposed to be a very big wedding on New Yeas Eve, but of course due to lockdown it didn’t happen.

    Goodnight everyone, sleep well, love Brenda xxx
