
Monday 10 May 2021

My Second 'New' Technique challenge card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all had a relaxing weekend,  we had a mixed weekend of weather, yesterday turned out to be ok, it kept looking like the heavens were going to open but it just blew over, we kept gathering the tools together to make a 'dash' for it, because it looked like it was going to be torrential,  thankfully we escaped without a drop!                                         We went out to tidy the front of  the house (the area just outside the driveway, one side is a grass verge the other has a Budlea bush and an weeds around it, Paul weeded the border and I started pulling weeds along the stone wall and edges of driveway.  After it was weeded and tidy I had bought a box of Seeds that you just rake in, it's all flowers that attract wild life, which is a bonus.  It looked much tidier when we had finished, which was the point, we didn't want to be the ones letting the village down when they do the judging for the Best Kept Village !!😛

Today's card was quite fun to create, something you can all achieve very easily,  its called the 'Faux Tile ' technique.  I thought that it looked really simple, which after only 2 hours sleep was exactly what I needed.

I took a 3 1/2 inch square and placed it onto my Scoreboard,  with one corner at the top of the board,  I scored lines every 1/2 inch and then rotated the piece and did the same in the opposite direction. Voila.. your 'faux tiling' is done!  When it comes to the stamping,  you must stamp on the side that you scored into, stamp whatever pattern you fancy and I edged mine with Old Olive, to match the stamping and mounted my embossed piece onto a plain white square 1/4 inch bigger.  To finish the card I mounted my finished piece onto a Old Olive card base, I die cut two of the Maidenhair ferns to embellish the card and a sentiment stamped onto a banner.                                                                               Top Tip:  If you want a 'Glazed' Tile, just cover your stamped piece in Versamark ink and add clear embossing powder, repeat at least 2 times to get a good glazed effect. 

I hope that has given you a little inspiration. 

Sending love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    What a lovely card Sandra, that’s a great technique and it doesn’t sound too difficult.

    We didn’t manage to do any gardening yesterday so that’s the plan for today. Although I had forgotten Hubby had booked a session at the Driving range at his golf club.


  2. This such a clever technique and so easy too I’ll definitely be having a try Mind you saying that I’ll probably mess up scoring the lines I am such a clux at things like that
    After eventually finding my hot glue gun I’d lost the will to craft So I spent most of the afternoon trawling the Internet for free crochet patterns and of course got distracted!
    OH seems fine after his jab So fingers crossed it stays like that
    The weather looks beautiful and finally it looks like the wind has dropped We’ll be outside sorting bits out in the garden
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today Sandra.
    We didn’t have any rain yesterday until after tea. Craig came over and jet washes the patio, while I pottered around tidying up. We were going down to Thrupp this morning but the forecast was rain all day today. But at the moment we have cloud & sun wind but no rain.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  4. Hi everyone
    Lovely card and great technique. Will have to try this one as I love the effect.
    Sounds like you had a productive day yesterday, pleased the rain held off.
    Supposed to have a friend coming round this morning, but it’s still very windy here and looks like rain. I’ll give it another half hour before I message her to see if she still wants to come. Fingers crossed it brightens up.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Fun technique Sandra and a lovely card. Might give it a go but like Karen I'm not really good at making lines, I mean how difficult could it be 😏😁
    No gardening or walk here as it's raining hard and look so dull, will be doing some swearwords instead first before having some time playing this afternoon.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs Maria xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Great technique Sandra I must give this a go, your card is beautiful, what a beautiful stamp, I love Maidenhair fern. Feel a shopping trip coming on!

    We have been to a funeral today via live streaming, it was John’s cousin, she lived in Stoke on Trent. It was lovely even though it was virtual to be able to attend. John was really impressed with how technology has made it possible. He doesn’t know how to switch on a computer (and doesn’t want to know) I have shown him how to use the iPad - so there’s hope for him yet.

    The sun is shining here although this morning it rained on and off never really making the pavement totally wet. Let’s hope the sun is with us for the rest of the day.

    Take care and stay safe, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hello, very breezy and heavy showers.

    Sandra, love your card, not seen that technique before, love that stamp, I have a maidenhair fern, but poor thing doesn’t look too happy.

    Started my cards for this weeks challenge, hope they turn out ok, leaving them to dry at the moment.

    Lovely news today, means my daughter will be able to come down in a couple of weeks, not seen her for more than a year, can’t wait.

    Hope your all ok . Lilian
