
Tuesday 25 May 2021

An old Tag card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I have used an old tag card today for a couple of reasons really, I ended up having a bit of a delayed start to my day as I had a second night with no sleep at all, I'm not sure if its a reaction to the Vaccination or not to be honest but my heart has played up at night for last couple of nights Sunday night was worse, my body also itched terribly from head to toe, it was so frustrating! As a result I just couldn't summon the enthusiasm to make a card, I sat at my desk for a couple of hours but I felt like a zombie!  

After lunch I had a play with the Kaleido machine, so far so good, it does look like you can only use Crafts Too foils though,  I tried a couple of others but they foil stuck to the whole piece rather than just the stamped area. It worked great with Kaleido foil though.  I have used some of the 'Magic Medium' with a stencil and set it to dry overnight so I will update you on that tomorrow.

Today's card details....

The card is made from another Graceful Glass panel that I coloured with Gorgeous Grape and a mix of Lemon Lime Twist and Granny Apple Green, both lovely shades of green, I used watercolour pencils blended with SU Blender pens to colour the Iris and its foliage, I backed the panel with whisper white card and then used Lemon Lime Twist card as my base card and added a matt of white and then Gorgeous Grape, I used Lemon Lime Twist ribbon and used the same colours to make the tag, which I stamped with a sentiment from 'Vertical Greetings'. I finished the card with some Glittered Gems

I have to say that I love this card as much today as I did back in 2018, I think it's the colours and the simplicity.

I had an early night last night, so fingers crossed today I will be ready for a day of creativity! 🤞

I hope that you all have a good day, it would be lovely to see some 🌞 sunshine!

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    What a lovely card as inspiration for us today. I hope your early night has helped & you feel like crafting today.

    Yesterday was busy & I was glad to finish work. Today will be strange as it’s the interviews for my Bosses job & the candidates (4 in total) are to be given an”tour” of the unit after their interview.
    I’m planning on doing a quick bit if shopping tonight after work then hopefully a session in my craft room.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA. Just gorgeous colour.

    Nothing planned for today so it's going to be a 'wait and see'day here.

    The weather is still more like winter being cold/windy/rainy so where has Spring gone?

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a cuppa and a look.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.
    MARGARET- I hope you are progressing.

  3. Beautiful card SANDRA I love the colour combination and the simple classic style
    I hope you were able to sleep better last night
    OH is working today So I hope to start a cc at least I have something in mind but you know ...
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Love the card Sandra. Hoping you had a better night and will have some fun crafting time today.
    Me ,have to wait until tomorrow for sister-in-law and her husband be here by lunchtime and we are going to Frost,yay :) I do like that place and not just the flowers. Sadly the weather is not looking too good so don't think we be able to sit outdoors anything :( Wettest May in 160 years, is that what they said ?
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to all and extras for our Margaret and Lynda. Maria xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card today. Love the colour combo 😊
    I hope you had a better night last night and are feeling better today.
    I spent most of yesterday (on and off between distractions) trying to do this weeks challenge card, but didn’t like anything I was doing! So frustrating when that happens. Had an idea in my head, but kept changing my mind......🙄
    Cloudy here, but so far no rain. Fingers crossed for the better weather coming our way.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello, guess what? Torrential rain again, my poor poppies are getting really battered, they are so delecate.

    Sandra love your tag card, still not sure what I’m going to do. Cleared my table ready for when my kaleido comes, not arriving until ,

    Hope it’s drier where you are and that you have a lovely day. Hugs Lilian

  7. Dry but windy here today. I’ve got my washing dry. I’ve been out for a walk, done some white work on my parchment craft. Then I’ve sat reading. Just waiting for my dinner to finish cooking then I’ll pop out for another quick walk. Hope it’s nice again tomorrow as it’s supposed to get warmer as the week goes on.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful Tag card Sandra, love the colours you have used, they work so well together. I hope your feeling a bit better today and you actually managed to get some sleep last night, it’s so hard to carry on when you are suffering from sleep deprivation. Sending caring hugs. xx

    Spent most of the afternoon, there is always another job to do, I have lots of geranium plugs to pot on and a few other plants. It’s good to be out in the garden even though it’s not very warm outside.
    Hope you all have a good nights sleep ladies, love Brenda xxx
