
Saturday 10 April 2021

Mixed up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Now I thought that I would do something different for todays post, I thought that we would see a 'Die Only' Throwback card from some of you,  so without further delay lets see what you were all making back in 2016. Chery's card was a little later, but  otherwise the cards are from 5 years ago,  we were all using different things and also had slightly different styles, one thing is for sure, you are all so talented !!!


But first I would like to share Janet's latest Sewing project...
Two beautiful zipped Make Up Bags, Janet they are so lovely,  that fabric you have used is so pretty, I love the colours. 

Janet's Description:

" I also have just finished my latest sewing project.These two bags 'Zippered Cosmetic Bags' are from JUNE TAILOR QUILT AS YOU GO. The quilting pattern is stamped onto the wadding and so making it so easy for a 'starter in quilting' to follow. Everything other than the patterned fabric is included in these kits. The instructions re the sizes for the patterned material are also easy to follow."

I love the concept,  having the pattern on the wadding,  what a genius idea for Beginners,  Quilting is something that Sue and I have always said we are going to start, this might be a great starting point.   Thank you so for much for sharing your project, you have really inspired me XXX 













I do hope that you all enjoyed a bit of a walk down 'Memory Lane' I personally love looking back at our old cards.

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-your make up bags are beautiful, really lovely.

    Sandra-very interesting to see our “original “ cards for the same challenge. Looking forward to seeing the new version tomorrow.

    I need to do a bit of food shopping first thing this morning then I’m meeting a friend for a coffee-outside of course.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for showing my latest sewing project SANDRA.They are really fantastic for 'first timers' in crafting. I have a tote bag to start next using the same idea.

    It is a lovely trip down memory lane seeing what we were all doing then.Some beautiful cards.

    We're off to M&S food hall again this morning and then it will be a quiet and restful afternoon to refresh and

    The CAFE is of course OPEN and there will be cream scones later. HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Morning everyone
    How lovely to go down the memory lane and to see some of our cards from 5 years back.They are all wonderful cards,just can't believe it is so long since I went for the workshops with Julia :)
    Oh I love the wash and make up bags you have made Janet, very pretty fabric.
    Couldn't sleep so was up around 4am, started watching Poldark,sure you all seen it already.It's quite good and I'm on the last season already Lol
    Have to do some swearword and tidy up my craft station in the kitchen, once again it look like a bomb gone off. Not sure why that happening every time I make a card :)
    It looks like a nice morning so hopefully we can get a walk in too before the rain .
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs for you all! Maria xx

  4. I love your cosmetic bags JANET Like SANDRA and SUE I want to have a go at quilting So I think I will definitely keep this idea in mind Mind you some of the fat quarters I’d bought have been used for face masks!
    It’s been lovely looking back at our older cards Some great inspiration for cards we make today eg layout wise etc
    Today is our 45th wedding anniversary I received a lovely poem from OH and tickets for Pub in the Park later in the year (hopefully)! Maybe a takeaway tonight
    Take care all xx

    1. Ooh and some beautiful flowers

    2. Happy Anniversary, enjoy your day xx

    3. Happy Anniversary Karen. I hope you have a lovely day.

    4. Happy Anniversary to you both. Have a lovely day xx

    5. Happy Anniversary to you and hubby Karen. I bet it doesn’t feel anywhere near 45 years. How lovely to get one of your special poems and flowers and fingers crossed you will get to the “Pub in the park”. Have a lovely day together xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful make up bags Janet 😊
    Great to see the cards we were making 5 years ago, they’re lovely 😊
    A grey start here, but no rain yet! Fingers crossed it stays dry.
    Managed to craft yesterday, and made two cards - mainly using bits from my bit box.
    Not sure what’s on today, apart from a bit of housework and popping to the shops.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Janet your make up bags are gorgeous. Love the idea of the design being printed on to the wedding. Sounds a brilliant way to start quilting, I must look into this it’s something I would love to do.

    Great trip down memory lane Sandra and some amazing cards. They’re always good to look back on just to get the Mojo going again.

    Happy anniversary Karen and Alan enjoy the special day.

    Thinking of you Linda and Margaret. XX

    Have a lovely weekend ladies, take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda XXX

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Love your make up bags Janet.
    Happy Anniversary Karen & Alan. I hope you have a lovely day despite the weather.
    It’s lovely to look back at the cards we used to make. They all still look lovely. A very wet day her today and very cold, just because I put my washing out. I didn’t actually see that it had started raining. So it was pointless bringing it in when it was sopping wet. No walk today I don’t think. I’m sat reading a book at the moment.
    Take care and stay safe.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Janet, I love your bags and the fabrics are beautiful. Will have to have a look at the printed quilting. That sounds perfect for Sandra and I to have a go day. We will get there in the end 😏 x
    Sandra, it’s lovely looking back at our cards from 5 years ago. Very little stamping was done then. As always the cards haven’t dated much have they. I hope you have a nice day with Paul my lovely xx
    We are at Mum and Pops at the moment and Mum sends her love to you all. I’m not sure yet what we will be doing later but think it will be indoors as it feels quite chilly outside at the moment. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
