
Monday 19 April 2021

Michele's Pretty Pop-Up card


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

It sounds like you all had the lovely sunshine that we were treated to yesterday, both Becca and the Girls said how busy they had been at work, the Wildlife Park was super busy both days despite numbers being restricted to keep everyone Covid safe.  Becca and I were laughing because there had been no point in my life that I have felt desperate enough to have a drink that I would sit in my coat with a blanket around me shivering so that I could have a glass of wine, they have put up a big marquee in the pub garden to fit in as many people as possible to make opening up a viable option, with the evenings being so cold Becca and I both thought that the pub would be quiet but we couldn't have been more wrong, it was that busy that there were no seats left and Becca had to virtually throw them out at closing time, she is struggling with being so cold bless her, she suffers with Reynaud's and her poor hands and feet really suffer.  My Sophie suffers too but she gets really nasty chilblains, I bought her some battery operated heated socks at Christmas which really help when she wears them, both my Mum and her Dad got really bad chilblains too so it must be a hereditary thing. 
Paul and I had a lovely weekend getting jobs done in the garden, Matt popped over for an hour or two yesterday too which was lovely. We have cleared so many weeds that the composters are all full, so I think that we are going to have a little bonfire to burn some of the dry stuff, thats the only problem when you are dealing with areas that haven't been touched for years. It was lovely to read that some of you got to enjoy the sunshine too.

Michele mentioned yesterday that she got carried away making a card for her friend, well lucky for us she was kind enough to share it with us.  It's an amazing 'Pop-Up' Box card that showcases some of nature's cutest creations, I love to see birds featured on cards, especially at this time of year, the delicate floral backing paper that come with the kit make the perfect back drop too. Such a lovely little kit that includes absolutely everything you need to create the 'pop-up' even down to the acetate.

Michele's Description:

"Just made this for a friend’s birthday-she’s always rescuing wild animals!.  I used a magazine freebie from ages ago. I’ve hardly used anything out of the kit so I can make loads more. "

I have included a picture of the kit that Michele used above.
Thank you so much Michele for sharing your amazing card with us, your friend will love it !! XXX

Ladies I hope that sun shines for you again today and that you get outside to enjoy it.

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you for sharing the photos of my card & the kit I used. I used the patterned card to decorate the Pop up card I’d made rather than to create the box itself as the kit suggested.

    We have sunshine again today and I have a day off work. I’ve book in to give blood this afternoon(we’re not allowed to go in work time as it’s not classed as an essential appointment). Today will be my 80th donation-I’m O negative do there’s always a huge demand. I thought I’d venture into town and look at The works & The range plus get some fresh air.


  2. MOrning everyone
    MICHELE-What a fantastic card.I love everything about it and so appropriate for a nature lover.

    We too had a glorious day of sun yesterday so windows/doors etc were all open until mid afternoon.
    I want to make a start on my cc today but I have a pair of trousers which need shortening too so it all depends on which my hands touch first lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in.HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Lovely card/gift MICHELE My sister in law would love this one as she loves her garden and had bird feeders everywhere
    We went for a lovely walk yesterday afternoon to a local park I was surprised to see how quiet it was
    I did a cc yesterday morning using my new Sue W dies I am going to try and make another using her older designs
    Looking after grandson this afternoon He has an inset day
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely pop up card Michele for your friend, it was lovely yesterday and again today. I’ve been for a quick walk. Hung my washing as well. I’ll go after lunch and put some more compost in my pots. I can’t lift the compost bags as there to heavy. So I’m doing it with a trowel. Can’t do a lot at one go as I get awful backache bending over. Had a lovely meet up with my friend but in her garden not the garden centre. She couldn’t get her car to start yesterday. She might need to get a mechanic to have a look at it as she’s only just had a new battery fitted.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Michele, your friend will love it.
    Had a lovely walk with Barney in the woods this morning, still warm even in the shade. When I got back James had cleaned our garden furniture and set it up, so we’ve been sitting out in the sunshine. The garden is still a mess, but hopefully Marks friend is coming back at the end of the month to finish off the lawn area, but the decking will have to wait. I’m looking forward to being able to get some planting done and adding some colour.
    Made a start on a challenge card, so will carry on with that later.
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Lovely pop up card Michele, she will love it too

    Had to pop into town this morning ,the jelly made nose bits on my glasses had gone flat some time ago so it has driving me crazy and made the side of my nose very sore. Hoping these new ones will do the trick. I was worried but needed not to be for it was empty and in the centre you could only walk one side. Did a bit of window shopping after but nothing else. Many shops gone. Has the Works shut down too ?
    Beautiful day so washing is on the Line, did a bit of tiding up and then sat and read for some hours.
    Hope you all have a nice day and aches and pains will feel better soon. Hugs xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely pop up card Michele, your friend will love it. Hope you are enjoying your day off and the sunshine of course.

    It lovely that people are supporting the local again and I’m sure the landlords are pleased to be serving again. But I’m with you and Becca, there is on way I could go and sit in a pub garden with a cold drink. I’m shivering thinking about it!

    Had some time out in the sunshine today, in fact it was warmer outside than indoors, I was checking my strawberry plants they are mostly in tubs to keep the off the soil, I usually get a reasonable crop we eat some and any excess I make strawberry jam.

    Enjoy your evening everyone, love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    So many beautiful cards over the last couple of days. Mums hand bag card that I made for her is still on show on her dressing table in what was their bedroom but Chris and I sleep in it now when we are there.
    Sandra I bet you and Paul have both got a bit of colour from the sun over the weekend my lovelyxx
    We spent time in the garden soaking up the sun.
    A lovely pop up card Michele. Congratulations on your 80th blood donation. I wish I could but can’t but also think it should be compulsory for everyone over 16 to donate unless medically unable to xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hi everyone, been cloudy and chilly here today.

    Michele, love your pop up card, never made any like that. Congratulations on your 80th blood donation.

    Haven’t done much today, must try and do my card tomorrow.

    Hope you are all ok hugs to all Lilian
