
Friday 12 March 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all stayed safe and damage free after the ridiculously high winds of the last couple of days, we have lots of tree branches dotted around the garden, we haven't fully inspected the greenhouses yet though, I didn't want Paul going up there with the winds being so fierce as there is a huge tree that hangs over the greenhouse.  
Paul had a bonus day working from home, he drove into work at 6am only to be stopped on the airfield because they had closed it because the roof was blowing off his office building,  which is a huge aircraft hangar, there were sheets of metal and insulation blowing around the airfield.   This happened last year too but they clearly didn't fix it properly.  Which is ridiculous given the value of the aircraft inside it. I didn't mind though, I got to spend an extra day with him.

Your Next Challenge 

With it being Mother's Day this weekend I thought it would be nice for our Challenge to be 'Favourites'. 
So I would like to see you make projects that showcase your favourite Colour, your favourite technique or it could be a 3D project, something featuring your favourite embellishments, ribbon etc.  Just use whatever makes you happy!  
I can't wait to see what you create.

I hope that you enjoy this weeks challenge Ladies. 

Let's hope that we have nicer weather for the weekend, so that we can atleast be outside as we can't be with all of our children.

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Two great cards as inspiration for the next challenge Sandra.

    I had fun in my craft room yesterday afternoon- I used my distress inks & watercolour crayons to make some backgrounds-they weren’t all a great success but it was fun playing.
    The weather was horrendous yesterday here, we have strong winds today but it’s fine at the moment. I’m planning to go back in my craft room later to create more backgrounds then I’d better think about making them into cards.


  2. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Two good examples for next weeks challenge Sandra. We had torrential rain on and off yesterday. We still have high winds. It’s my day to visit Doreen so I shall be sitting on my phone talking to Doreen in the car again. No news yet of when I can go in.
    Well you wouldn’t believe that a policeman sat in his car alongside the grass verge alongside the tree that came down yesterday. He sat for just over 4hrs until the council came along and started to chop it into bits. What a complete wast of police time. People could walk round it, and it wasn’t as if someone was going to pinch it.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  3. Two lovely cards for this week’s inspiration
    Funnily enough I have been asked to make a New Baby card So I will be using a favourite Sue W die set and my favourite colour- blue!
    I don’t know what I’ll be doing later - maybe some baking or crafting It’s still quite windy here but need to go for a walk
    Take care x

  4. Morning everyone
    Lovely cards to get our minds tumble over once again,thank you. I have still this week one to finish so hoping to do that later but first a walk, have been indoors for two days and need to get out while the wind is down and rain is letting it be clear for an hour or so would be good.
    Have a good day everyone and stay safe xx

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love both pretty cards today. Isn’t the stamp on the green one stunning. It really doesn’t need anything else does it. How ridiculous that Pauls office hanger is losing its roof again this year. Questions should be asked to whoever fixed the same problem last year! Nice that you had an unexpected day with him at home though. Fingers crossed for the greenhouses that would be in a bad way if that big tree losses any of its branches xx
      It is still very windy here but at least we have a brighter sky today. I hope you are all safe and sound. Today’s plan is to try and get my craft mojo going later on! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hello, from a very windy and wet Cornwall, large hail showers which really sting went you are caught in them

    Two lovely cards today, for this week challenge, not sure what I’ll be using, apart from the fact that it won’t be green.

    Just finished making veg soup and also large bowl of fruit salad., it’s about all I can do at one time with joints and back. They tell me it’s a flare up, time it went down I think.

    Have a good day all, be careful if you are out in the wind, loads of trees and branches down, glad we had our big oak cut back last year. Lilian

  6. Hi everyone
    Two beautiful cards and a great challenge for next week 😊
    Weekend off, so hopefully lots of time for crafting.
    Still quite windy here too and showers on and off, but fortunately no damage.
    Enjoy your evening and have a good weekend. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I hope my comment will publish as for the last couple of days when I press publish my comment just disappears🤞
    Your cards on Wednesday and Thursday are absolutely stunning, you always seem to come up with really eye catching designs.
    Great choice for next weeks challenge, love both of you cards. I have that beautiful stamp you have used on the first card, when I first saw it I just knew that “I needed it” !!
    Going to be brave now and try to publish!!!
    Love Brenda xxx
