
Monday 15 March 2021

My Mother's Day card from Lucy


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all had as good a Mother's Day as restrictions would allow.  Becca stopped by and dropped off some home made Brownies & Scones for me to have a lovely Afternoon Tea, it was lovely to see her even if it was just a fleeting visit.   I had a nice relaxing day, Sophie made some delicious pancakes for breakfast, we then had a lovely afternoon tea which was a real treat, I'm not sure I dare get on those scales today, I decided not to bother tracking calories on Mother's day!  Did you all get to hear from your families? 

On Saturday I was banned from my craft room, Lucy spent a good 3 hours in there, I only had to advise twice,  mostly for 'Mum, do you have, or Mum where do you keep".  When I saw her card on Sunday Morning I was absolutely blown away!!  It is absolutely stunning,  she even went to the trouble of stamping her own backgrounds for the letters and butterflies,  there is no way I could have created anything this amazing in my first 5 years of Crafting!!  I have used those letters many times and have never added those 3 little Diamante's that totally elevate the look of them! She also had no idea that Petal Pink was one of my favourite colours.  I think I will be encouraging her to craft a bit more, she let's her lack of self confidence hold her back, no idea where she gets that from 🤪😪!

I hope that you all have a good day today,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card from Lucy is gorgeous really lovely. Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday.

    I started to make the card a colleague asked for (Ruby wedding anniversary) but got distracted by YouTube so I’ll have to complete it tonight.

    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my few days off, can’t wait for Easter!


  2. Oh SANDRA Your card from LUCY is absolutely gorgeous What a talent
    I had a lovely Mother’s Day Very relaxing and We had a takeaway in the evening So I didn’t even have to cook
    The weather looks very bright and calm today but I expect it’s mighty cold but I need to get out as I need to get some fresh air The fabric has arrived for the ottomans and has been washed ready for cutting and sewing OH found the site and chose the design I am impressed with the quality It’s from a site called Iwantfabric You can buy it by the metre but also buy ends of rolls I think this was £2.50 a metre I will make cushions too I even threatened OH that I will make myself a dress with it (joke!)
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Wow! Lucy what a beautiful card for Mum, well done. So many techniques and tips for all of us to follow.

    Very quiet day yesterday, Caught up with lots of message on FB then turned computer off and after lunch I spent most of the afternoon in my lounge punching out flowers from my scrap box whilst catching up on recorded programmes from last August and Mockingjay Pt 1. Two lovely phone chats with my Mum and sister Beverly earlier in the evening and then onto bed. The rest of my scrap box is card too thick to go through the punches, the plans for them is to get out my layering dies and cut some out this afternoon in preparation for future use instead of leaving the card in the box and filling it even more.

    I hope you all had as a wonderful a day as possible.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Wow, your card from Lucy is beautiful, I love the colour combo. That’s definitely one to treasure. Sounds like you had a really lovely day.
    Had a nice day too, popped over to see my mum and dad, and then managed to sit and do some crafting in the afternoon. We also had a takeaway last night after James finished work, so I didn’t have to cook ☺️
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a beautiful card Lucy made for you, love the colours and what a lovely idea to decorate the letters, I would never have thought to do that, it just proves we can all learn from one another. She should use her creative skills more often.

    It sounds as though you had a great Mother’s Day, how lovely that Becca managed to pop over to give her best wishes.

    Another cold wet day, well the showers are intermittent but when it wet outside it seems to feel colder (or is it my bones getting thinner?)

    Whatever you are doing today - hope it’s enjoyable.
    Keep warm and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Beautiful card you got from Lucy, she should defiantly try her hands on card making for love to see more.
    Had a normal but nice mothers day and got a card from Son had made on his cricut. He's looking for an upgrade so if anyone is interested in putting in a offer ?
    Had to stay in today waiting for a phone call that could be between 8.30-11.30am, didn't get it until 12.20pm so was a bit annoyed for missed out on our walk. It's raining and sunshine, weather doesn't seem to know it want to do today but it felt a bit warmer then the last few days.
    Have a nice day everyone,hugs Maria xx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card from Lucy Sandra.
    I’m glad to hear that everyone seemed to have a lovely day despite lockdown.
    Amy brought me a cake she’d made in and a bunch of flowers. We stood chatting on the doorstep. Her and Karen were taking the dogs for a walk and going to have a picnic at the horse field. Karen dropped me some flowers off. Craig also brought me some goodies over. Chocolates, some special drinking chocolate, marshmallows and some squirty cream to go on top, plus a plant.
    It’s not been a bad day here today and I’ve been out for 2 walks.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  8. Hello All, just a dull cold day again, missing those few lovely spring days we had.

    Sandra love your Mother’s Day card, the little stones on the letters is inspirational.

    Glad to hear you all had a lovely day yesterday, ours was much as usual, had calls from son and daughter.

    See you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian
