
Monday 8 March 2021

Blended Distress Oxide Background


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and enjoyed the weekend, Janet did you get to curl up with your book?  Sonia did you get some crafting done, I do hope so as it's a lovely way to relax? Paul did some jobs in the garden but it was too cold for me out there, my body hasn't fully recovered from the Covid Vaccination reaction yet, I feel ok, as long as I don't go crazy. 
I also think that I was feeling a little worse yesterday as we were up for ages making sure that Milo was ok, I was so relieved that we took him to the vets, they gave him antibiotic and anti-inflammatory injections, he was still very subdued and you could see he was still in pain but he was up and pacing around at tea time and wanted a fuss so hopefully that is a good sign, we have seen foxes in the garden regularly so thats what we think attacked him, he usually has a bit of a shouting match with 'Mr Ruffles' at the end of the garden but they have never fought, he also had some foul smelling muck on him that definitely did not come from a cat.  So he won't be going out for a few days that's for sure, Paul said that he was setting a night time curfew, as the foxes are bold around here but only rarely venture out in the daytime.  Pet's cause us just as much concern as our children.  Ironically it it Milo and Bella's 7th Birthday today, so I have ordered them a few little treats.!!

Today's card was totally inspired by the die, it arrived out of the blue on Saturday, I had totally forgotten that I had ordered it from Ebay  last month and it wasn't scheduled to arrive until after 21st April.  When I first looked at it I thought 'this will never die cut, it is way too intricate'' but to my surprise it cut perfectly, my first thought was to cut it in Black card and create a Silouhette card.           I will say that at the moment when things arrive that I have ordered I tend to have a mental block about what particular project inspired me to order each item, but when I opened this my mind was buzzing with ideas. 
I took 'Blueprint Sketch, Wilted Violet, Picked Raspberry and Squeezed Lemonade' Distress oxide inks and blended them across a 7 x 5 inch piece of White card, I was trying to create a sunset style effect, I started by using the 'make up' style brushes but I didn't get a smooth enough finish so I went back to using the ink blending tools to finish off the blending, I think it's because I am wary of putting too much pressure on the make up brushes as the handles seem very flimsy, I kind of hold the brush part in my hand. Anyway after about 10 mins I had a fairly smooth blend, not perfect I know but it was ok.  
I placed my blended background to one side and adhered to of the delicate die cuts together, which was easier than I thought it would be, I wanted the die cuts to stand out from the background so two gave more definition than just one. I used Phill Martin's Double Debossed Rectangles to create a frame and a base card the same shape as the frame.  The frame finished off the edges of the card and made the whole thing look neater.  The die cut piece fitted perfectly on the 5 x 7 inked background, I layered this onto the shaped card base, stamped the 'Thank you' then added foam pads to the back of the frame, added some wet glue for positioning and long term adhesion and placed the frame over the card front. I added a few of the butterfly die cuts that are included with the die and that was it finished, I did contemplate adding gems or pearls to the flowers and butterflies but I really wanted the matt black look so decided not to.
I hope that you like it, this is my first Background Challenge card.

I hope that you have as good a day as possible, I am hoping to be crafting,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-stunning card. The Diecut looks perfect against your background. Glad to hear Milo is getting better.

    We had sunshine again yesterday but it was quite cold -housework completed in the morning. We went for a walk after lunch then I sat reading my book.

    Off to work early to try to get ahead before everyone comes in.


  2. It’s a beautiful card SANDRA and if the die is fitting across 5x7 card it’s a fair old size
    Pleased to hear Milo is on the mend What a scare for you all Paul is right you’ll have to set a curfew
    Had a lovely afternoon
    Off to work in a mo I have training later this morning So I must finish breakfast and get cracking Take care xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card today, love the die cut in black against the background.
    Pleased to hear Milo is on the end, and Happy Birthday to him and Bella 🐈
    I managed to do some more crafting last night, a Birthday card for next week, and hopefully will be doing some today - really want to play with my new goodies before I’m back at work tomorrow.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Gorgeous card, I love it and it's background colours are perfect together.
    Wishing Milo and Bella a very nice birthday and so glad Milo is getting better after her ordeal.
    Had a real bad night so it wont be too much done today. We had a smaller walk, it is still very cold but need to get them in as the weather going to change by middle of the week.
    Have a good day everyone and many hugs are sent to you all and extras for anyone who need some xxx

  5. Hello All, it’s been another lovely day again, shame it’s going to change.

    Sandra love your card, your blending looks perfect to me, love the die cut used as a silhouette, must try that with some of my dies.

    Only managed to get a pile of ironing done today, so hopefully will get some crafting done tomorrow.

    Hugs to everyone, Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. I love your card. I know I forgot to say how lovely the die is, and what a great price and a great surprise turning up much earlier than expected. I love the beautifully blended colour combo you used behind the black silhouette. Doubling the due cut does make it stand out even more doesn’t it. I do struggle sticking two together sometimes as I usually forget to put double sided adhesive onto the backs of the die cuts before cutting them out. Do you do that or do you use wet glue? It’s good to hear Milo is on the up. Happy birthday to him and Bella. Do you realise you had only just got them when we first met up? Doesn’t feel like it is only 7 years ago does it on one hand but on the other it’s like we have known each other all of our lives my lovely xx 😊
    Maria, sorry you had a bad night I hope you get a better one tonight xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all and the usual extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I love this background it’s just perfect and a lovely background for your beautiful silhouette die cut.

    Pleased Milo seems to be getting better. He will be very cautious when he is allowed out again. Mind you we had a ginger Tom and was always getting into scraps and situation he got into.

    Enjoy your evening ladies, Love Brenda xxx
