
Wednesday 10 March 2021

An Embossed Vellum Background challenge card


Good Morning My lovelies,

Did you all get some more sunshine yesterday?  we had another beautiful day,  I had to get out outside for an hour or so, I was trying to get a little exercise too, but I won't go into how much of a fail that was, yesterday I did some chair exercises, I found a lady that did exercises for people with injuries or low/mobility.  She did 8 different exercises that you did sat on a chair, you were supposed to do each 1 for 1 minute, then repeat, so it was supposed to be for 16 minutes, needless to say that I didn't make it past 10 minutes.  I kind of get frustrated and upset at one point, I just want to be able to do things so bad, there is just no way I can move that right leg, to do the exercises that involved my right leg I had to 'improvise' or just grab hold of my leg using my trousers and move it that way.  I have already gone through the 'coming to terms with being 'disabled' thing, this just seems to be bringing some of those feelings back.  It's like wanting to ride a bike, I loved my bike and Paul and I cycled for miles before I had 'that' surgery, my bike has just disintegrated over the years, Paul suggested that we bought a electric assisted Tandem, but I would still need to pedal I think, maybe we should see if you can rent one before you buy?!  It's my weight loss journey that has got me wanting to exercise, a lot of these Nutritionists suggest walking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day, there is no way on earth that is ever going to happen, other forms of exercise will work though, so I will have to improvise.  Hopefully it will get easier the more I do it. Do you all Exercise?  what do you do?

Now on to today's card.... I thought I would try running a piece of parchment through a 3D Embossing folder, I wasn't sure whether it would work or if it would crack, now I started by die cutting the rectangle with a stitched die first and then putting it through the Country Floral Embossing folder but that was too much and where the stitched edge of the original emboss ran around the parchment it cracked during the second embossing process, so I started again and trimmed it down with my trimmer. 

I used my two new favourite colours for this card, Misty Moonlight & Seaside Spray, they work beautifully together, I made a card base with the Misty Moonlight and Die cut one of the 'Ornate Layer' dies for a fancy mat, I then added my embossed parchment and added some blue brads to hold it in place. I wanted a fancy label to continue the pretty theme of the card so I went for one of my new 'Detailed Bands' dies, I cut it in Misty moonlight and Seaside Spray and then stamped my sentiment onto the Seaside Spray centrepiece in Misty Moonlight ink, I then pieced it into the darker label, how beautiful is that shape?!! 

I have to say that I put this card up on my shelf to photograph and when I looked at it I thought 'I really like how this card turned out !!!  I hope you agree and it gives you another idea for a background.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Your card is beautiful SANDRA I love these colours and that embossed parchment is very soft and delicate It’s a great technique Now which works best parchment or vellum? I feel an experiment coming along 🤣
    Sadly I do not do a lot of exercise apart from waking and I certainly don’t do it every day It must be so upsetting for you not being able to do things you want to Me? It’s just laziness although sometimes my diabetes prevents me from going if blood sugars are running low I miss dancing which again I didn’t do much of but it kept me active
    It is pouring with rain today and very dull So I doubt I’ll go for a walk today 🤣
    Is anyone watching “Drawers Off”” on channel 4 It’s a sweet little 30 mins worth of art Some aren’t great but I love to see people’s interpretation of the subject they need to paint/draw
    Take care all xx

  2. Morning ladies,

    Sandra love the Wow factor of your card. I have some thicker parchment/vellum that was given to me so I'll have go at embossing them.

    Well what a gusty wind we had late evening yesterday, this morning driving rain that looks like it's getting into every single crack in the garden walls and paths. Such a contrast to the beautiful sunshine for the last 4 days. March is certainly coming in with a roar. Last year March was mild, sunny & warm.

    I sent Sandra the photos of my first attempts of cards using my new dies. And I did make a mistake straight away by choosing the wrong size die which after looking at a couple of YouTube videos I will be able to salvage to remake.

    I think I'll be driving to our Post Office today so cheerio for now,

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Morning all.
    Beautiful card Sandra and love everything about it, especially the die used for the sentiment.
    You do very well with your weight loss but understand it is frustrating when you can't do everything. As you know, we are walking every day weather permitting or my body but not even we get the 10.000 steps in, for that you need nearly 5 miles.Some days I am screaming inside or feel so disappointed and I can't tell you how many days in a week I feel like this. There is when your blog, friendship and everyone who are here, makes my day's so much lighter. As the weather is horrid today I'm hoping to make some crafting, didn't get much sleep and waiting for the pain meds. to lull so watching tv while being on the lappi, pretty good at multi-tasking hihi
    Shower time so I leave you all with my daily hugs send to you and special ones for our Lynda and Margaret. xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Love the colours used in your card Sandra. I’ve used vellum in embossing folders before, not parchment though.
    I walk most days but not 10,000 steps. I can do a mile in two bits though. Plus a few exercises. I’m not to sure that's working though. Probably don’t do enough of them. What happened to the weights you said you’d ordered to do side bends. I do those but with either tins of something or drinks bottles filled with water. Which was recommended rather than spending any money.
    Pouring with rain here as well and very windy.
    Take care and stay safe.

  5. Hi, very wet here, just been watching some tree surgeons at work, now that is dangerous job. Huge ash trees that suffered ash die back. They are in a neighbouring garden, which means we shall get so much more light.

    Sandra love your vellum card, mine always cracks, although I did read if you put a sheet of copy paper through at the same time, it helps.

    Cheryl looking forward to seeing your new dies in action.

    Re exercise Sandra, I have been walking around our property, started once gradually working up to ten, although didn’t do any yesterday as my knees were too bad. Am very slow, because of my difficulty breathing, still better than nothing.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  6. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card today, love the embossed parchment 😊
    I’ve embossed vellum, but ended up with some cracks in it - good tip Lilian about putting copy paper through at same time, will give that a go 😊
    Have started going on more walks since getting Barney, but other than that the only exercise I get is all the walking around at work!
    Try not to be so hard on yourself Sandra, you’re doing great 😊 xx
    A cold, wet and windy day here so I’m snuggling up on the sofa and watching the television.
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Sending hugs to you all xxx
