
Friday 26 February 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

So how can this be the last Friday of February?!  It barely feels a week that I was preparing for the Girls birthday and here we are at the end of the month!   We had a glorious day yesterday, I had all windows open, turned up the music had a good old sing to myself, it's surprising how much it lifts your spirits.  

While listening to some early 90's music yesterday it got me thinking, in my mind the 70's is still only 20 years ago, when in fact its 50 years ago, how scary is that!!!!  It made the girls laugh, they do enjoy the older music though which is a good thing, we all love music so it's helpful that we can all live with each other's choices.  

Your Next Challenge

For our next challenge I thought we would go for a 'Fun Fold' Challenge, I am not quite sure why it's called 'Fun' fold, I don't mind whether the fold you choose is fun or not 😂😂!

You can choose any fold you like other than the everyday side folding cards that we all make, I am going to have a play with Gatefolds, centre gatefold and side gatefold, it's not something I think of doing normally but thats mainly because I have a box of ready cut card fronts in front of me and I just dip into those and make regular cards.  So this one is as much of a challenge for me as it is for you!

I hope you enjoy the challenge, I am as always looking forward to seeing what you create.

If there are any particular challenges that you would like to see just let me know below.

I am not sure what the weather forecast is for the weekend but hopefully we can manage an hour or two outside, I really enjoyed being out of the house last Sunday.

Have a lovely weekend whatever you have planned,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the next challenge sounds great. It will definitely be a challenge to mee too as I only ever use bought card blanks. I’m already thinking of ideas.

    We had sunshine all day yesterday, cool breeze but it was a lovely day. Same forecast for today so it look like I can get in the garden. The garden we back on to planted a conifer hedge and have just left it so now it’s growing up and over our fence plus it’s pushing through in one area so I’m
    going to tackle that area.


    1. Hi Michelle,
      The height restriction of a conifer hedge is 2m. any thing over that the owners have to cut it back. Hope this helps I learned it on my Horticultural Diploma Course.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A good Challenge set for this coming week SANDRA.It will be good to make a different fold as it's so easy to just pick of a piece of card and fold in the traditional way.

    Again it's that 'SWEAR' word day. Where has this week gone.
    I'm waiting for Mr Tesco to ring and tell me which hour he is going to deliver this week.Once that is done I can then organise myself for the day.
    We too had lovely sunshine yesterday and today has started the same.

    MICHELE-take care with those pesky conifers we don't want any accidents.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can.HUGS FOR YOU ALL.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Beautiful cards Sandra to inspire us for the next challenge.
    Michele very kindly cut me some that would fit this cc perfectly so just have to remember where I put them,sorted 😊
    Frosty morning and sun is trying to come out so look like a nice day. No walk tho as we have to go to Stamford, fingers crossed please that the flat is sold this time. It taken a long time and all the work my hubby have to do to get here has taken a lot out of him. Hopefully this is the last time we have to see the flat again but we still be visiting Stamford in the future for it is a beautiful town.
    I hope the achy bodies will be nice to us today and let us do what we need/want to do, CRAFTING 😄 💕
    Many hugs to all, Maria xx

  4. Great idea for a challenge and it really will be for me as Like MICHELE I buy pre-cut card blanks
    I managed to paint the ottomans I will see whether they need a third coat Hopefully OH will help me stick the foam onto the lids in readiness for covering with fabric later
    A bit of a frost this morning but already bright sunshine
    Take care all xx

  5. Morning from a very sunny Somerset.

    Yesterday turned out so be so hot Jamie and I ended up in t-shirts and I turned the heating down 10 degrees which is now at a comfortable 21.
    Our foray into the loft was very therapeutic, I had previously bought 4 x 80 litres boxes, which although quite narrow at the bottom (why can't manufacturers make straight forward square boxes?) we managed to empty 12 extra large store forever bags of craft items and toys into them right up to the tops. These items were intended for my Lucky Dip bags for last year's cancelled fetes. I can slow down this year with making items so able to concentrate on learning quilting tips and techniques. I have some beautiful patterns waiting for me to try out the first block before going full pelt. Practice makes perfect so every quilt video tells me...I'll pace myself on that til a bit more experienced though.

    However you plan to spend your weekend I hope you enjoy it.
    Using my 'house map' I'll be carefully considering which room to travel to take a day off in.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Hi, great idea for this weeks challenge as I always do “normal” fold cards. Haven’t finished this weeks yet, these days I always seem to mess up the first one.

    Been spilling in the garden this afternoon, quite warm, lovely to outside after being inside all winter. My spring pots are looking a treat. Snow drops, crocus, miniature daffy and hyacinths are just poking through.

    Gammon tonight, with sliced potatoes with onions and cheese, with a jar of sauce, nice and easy, just the mixed veg to cook extra.

    Have a good evening all Lilian

  7. Hi everyone
    Great challenge using different folds for next week, and love your inspiring cards. I may cheat, as I think I have some ‘fun folded’ card blanks 😉 Made an effort to start this weeks, but really not happy with what I had planned! May have to think again.
    A beautiful sunny day here again after a frosty start, fingers crossed it continues into the weekend.
    Have a lovely evening. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Interesting challenge for next week, particularly as I don’t do fancy folds. Will have to put my thinking cap on ...... this could be interesting!!!

    Our weather has been very spring like today, tortoise even came out of her house for the first time this year, definitely a sign spring is on the way.

    Had an INR appointment this morning, unusual the clinician was running late. The patient before me had to go to be sent to A and E so by the time I got seen he was running 45 minutes late. I felt so sorry for him. OH wanted to do some shopping on the way home. Arrived home in time for a late lunch. The day seems to have flown by. Hope your day has been interesting.

    Take care and sleep well, Love Brenda xxx
