
Monday 1 February 2021

My First TicTacToe Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies, 

A wet start to the week here, I snowed here for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon,  we went for a walk to look at the flooded River Thames, it's shocking to see how far the water has spread, there is no land mass visible, reaching to neighbouring villages and beyond  we usually see it across one field and ditches but this is just unbelievable, I hope that nobody is having their home flooded, the other issue is where the ditches are over flowing across roads and with heavy frosts and plummeting temperatures the icy roads are treacherous.   Luckily nobody has to be anywhere in a hurry!

What did you all do this weekend?  Did you manage any crafting?  I wanted to do more than I actually managed but we ended up spending family time together,  we went for a lovely walk together as it snowed and to warm us up when we got home we made some proper Hot Chocolate,  I warmed some milk and put a large block of chocolate in to melt, it made the silkiest hot chocolate,  I was a bit naughty and added a little Baileys to both mine and Paul's glass cups, (the girls weren't keen), I finished with some squirty cream and a few marshmallows, I can report that my fingers and toes felt much warmer after that treat 😋 

Today's card was made using the magazine freebies that I shared on Saturdays magazine review.  I used Crackling Campfire, Spiced Marmalade and Squeezed Lemonade to blend an 'Ombre' effect down my card, I then ran it through with the Embossing Folder and then took a sanding block and lightly sanded the surface to reveal the white card underneath which highlights the Embossing.  I cut a circular frame to place in the centre and Create a 'faux' aperture   I placed my die cut sentiment in the centre and added a few stars (the sentiment and hearts were all die cut from the waste part of the inked background).  To adx some embellishment I used thd Tulip dies that also came with the magazine,  but instead of die cutting the layers of the tulips I used the dies to create a stencil to ink through to add detail to the tulips.

To finish the card I added my tulips and foliage and then added a few Sparkles.  I hope you like it, it made me excited to see the spring flowers, they are all coming through!! 

I hope that you all have an enjoyable 1st February,  

Sending Love and hugs to you all, 

Sandra                                                                              xxxxxx                                                                      


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  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-love what you have done with the embossing folder. It’s a lovely card.

    Early start for me today as we have additional testing all this week.

    I won’t be popping in tomorrow as it’s my Uncle’s funeral & we have a very early start.


    1. I hope it goes as smoothly as it can tomorrow MICHELE Take care

    2. Will be thinking of you tomorrow xx

    3. Sending hugs for tomorrow, take care x

    4. Will be thinking of you tomorrow x

    5. Have a safe journey, will be thinking of you x

  3. I love your card SANDRA and it’s so nice to see brighter more cheerful cards
    I did a 3000 step workout yesterday morning Sounds great but I didn’t go mad I spent yesterday afternoon pondering about fabric for two ottomans which I am hoping to make into bench seats which will store cushions etc I’d like to chalk paint them first / so it at least looks like they match!
    I’ll be asking lots of questions about sewing!
    I have some training later this morning So I’d better get a move on
    Take care all x

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A very different card from you today. You are definitely into some very different styles.
    It’s very dull here today.
    Once again not much on the cards today. My washing dried very nicely on the line yesterday. We did have a few drops of rain yesterday afternoon though. Like Karen I’ve done some walking videos because of the weather. But only a thousand steps at a time. 2500 is a mile. I might go and start the Groovi lessons I have from Maria and Hazel this afternoon.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi everyone
    Lovely Spring card today, and great use of your freebies 😊
    Ended up raining here late in the day yesterday, but no snow. Dull looking this morning, but dry for now!
    I managed some crafting, but like you, not as much as I’d hoped. So I’m hoping to carry on today. I didn’t end up buying anything either, I’m going to make use of what I have at the moment 😉
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello All, very wet again.

    Sandra love your card, very bright and sunny, just what we need in these dark dreary days.

    Not sure what’s on the list to do today, might have a practice with my copic markers.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  7. Hi ladies.
    A lovely card Sandra, sweet little tulips and nice EF.

    Brenda- sorry to hear that Annie had to wait so long for any help. She's probably in the best place for now tho so not a good idea to go back home yet. Sending you all some extra hugs.
    Lilian- very glad to hear you alright but sad your hands are so bad. Plates and odd sets of glass in the cupboards everywhere here after dropping the others :/

    Very cold here today but the car needed a run so we drove to our usual place but today went a little bit different for our walk. I'm wearing a counter for steps and it's fun to see how many you done and the distance. Looking forward to spring tho when you can walk a bit freer without the big coat.
    Hope the day been good for you all. Warm hugs for all and extra for anyone who need some. Maria xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Such a bright and cheery card to welcome in a new month (where did January go!) I have this magazine and will be using the die set and ef but wouldn’t have thought to use it as a stencil. I think the tulips look lovely. I particularly like the double coloured red/yellow ones. Just another thing we have in common my lovely 😃Your hot chocolate sounds great, a yummy way to warm up xx
    Chris bought some almond milk and made me one during the winter last year. As I stopped being able to drink good old cows milk years ago I had never had a proper hot chocolate with all of the trimmings and I must say that it was delicious (he said that it didn’t taste much different to a cows milk one if anyone wants to try it)
    Brenda, I hope you get some positive news from Anne today x
    Karen, well done you on doing 3000 steps. Keep it up. I have been very lazy re exercise since Christmas but must get back into it. I’m looking forward to seeing your ottoman storage. Are you going to make cushions to fit on top for the seat or will you be adding a framework back so you can lean back too? Hope that makes sense. Have you thought about using a staple gun instead of sewing, depending on what you are planning of course I replaced the original padding and cover on a Lloyd Loom ottoman and bedroom chair that I got from a charity shop for £5 several years ago. New pieces of foam and some pretty floral material stapled on to the freshly painted lids were all that I needed to do to make them suitable for Gems bedroom at the time. Please ask if you are heading down that route xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card Sandra, love the colours.

    It looks like my sister may be going home in the next few days. Hospital are going to arrange for oxygen to delivered to the convent for her, she just wants to go home to her own space, she has nurses and careers at home so will be well cared for (so she is more fortunate than most) I just wish we could visit her.

    Have a peaceful evening, sleep well.
    Love Brenda xxx
